
Friday 30 October 2009

Friday morning this and that . . .

Do little things to brighten up

The spot on which you're standing
By being more considerate
And a pickle less demanding.

Our dark old world would very soon
Eclipse the evening star,
If each of us would brighten up
The corner where we are.
~author unknown

What a delightful little poem and so very true too! I'm doing my bit, how about you??

It's really wierd this morning. I seem to have forgotten how to type. I keep pressing the wrong keys and getting the wrong letters, so it's taking me a bit longer than usual. I hope that this is not a portent of things to come and that I'm not becoming all doo lally!!!

Mayhap it's the result of a bit of a sugar rush yesterday afternoon. I received the most delightful package in the post yesterday, all the way from California. It was quite a surprise! I have a wonderful friend over there, Kim, that has a blog called Gerushia's New World. She's a very talented artist and does the most wonderful little pieces created out of old photographs, new bits and scraps and paint.

I think she calls it anthropomorphic art. Whatever it is called, it's delightful and I am so lucky to own a couple of her pieces that I purchased some time ago! I hope she doesn't mind me showing them to you. Anyways, I got this package from her and what do you suppose I found when I opened it up??? This will show you just how thoughtful she is.

Sometime ago I must have posted a comment on her blog about how much I loved Candy Pumpkins and how we couldn't get them over here. It is completely true, but just something I have had to learn to live with over here. I'd buy some when I go home to visit my mom . . . but it's always in July and there is not a lot of Candy Pumpkins or Candy Corn (another of my loves) around the shops in July. Well, lo and behold, I open this package yesterday and hidden in it's depths is a lovely big bag of Candy Pumpkins and two sweet little Halloween Pez dispensers!

I had so much fun yesterday afternoon, introducing Todd to Pez and Candy Pumpkins! He'd never tasted either one! Thanks so much to my dear friend Kim for her heartfelt thoughtfulness and this wonderfully kind gesture! (Thanks also to Todd for letting me take this silly picture of him. I did take another one where he has a Candy Pumpkin Mohawk, but he won't let me show you that one, lol)

I just had to use the pumpkins right away and because it was Seminary Night, I baked a sweet little cake to take along to treat my students with. Since it was not for home, I even got away with baking a chocolate one as well! It went down a real treat with them and, I confess to having a bit of a nibble as well! (Did you know that smarties taste like the colour that they are? It's true! Orange ones taste like orange, and green ones taste like green!)

This has to be one of the easiest chocolate cakes in the world to make and it always turns out moist and delicious! It makes two layers, so I used one for my Seminary Students and the other one I am taking in to work for a few children that will be visiting up there this weekend.

Isn't it wonderful how small kindnesses and bright spots work? Kim's kind gesture has not only brightened my day, and Todd's, but also my Seminary Student's and several other children's as well. Thank you Kim!!!

*One Bowl Chocolate Cake*
Makes 2 9-inch layers
Printable Recipe

This is a rich and moist chocolate cake which goes together in a jiffy, all in one bowl. Frost as desired with your favourite frosting.

2 cups sugar
1 3/4 cups all purpose flour
3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
2 2ggs
1 cup whole milk
1/2 cup sunflower oil
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup boiling water

Pre-heat the oven to 180*C/350*F. Grease and flour two nine-inch round cake tins. Set aside.

Place all the cake ingredients,except for the boiling water into a large bowl. Beat for 2 minutes on the medium speed of an electric mixer. Stir in the boiling water and divide the batter amongst the prepared cake tins. The batter will be thin. Don't worry, this is normal.

Bake for 30 to 35 minutes. The cake is done when a toothpick inserted in the centre comes out clean. Cool in the pans for 10 minutes before removing to wire racks to finish cooling.

Frost and decorate as desired.

There's another little treat posted for all your little Goblins over on The English Kitchen this morning. It's called Ballpark Pizza!

See you tomorrow! Happy Friday!


  1. Those Pez dispensers have been making a hit around my house for years. My children and now their children are enjoying them. It's funny the little things we enjoy that other people don't have. What a great friend you have there for sharing them. Have a great Friday!

  2. Her art is so cute! Happy Halloween!

  3. Sweets for the sweet...from the sweet. :)
    Happy Halloween, Marie.

  4. My dear friend Marie:

    I'm so glad that you received the Pumpkin Candy and Pez Dispensers in time for Halloween. Honestly, I was starting to get a bit worried that a Halloween package would end up on your front porch sometime in the first week of November!

    I am so happy that Todd has finally been introduced to all these fabulous American Halloween goodies. And how wonderful that you were able to share them with the kids as well.

    Marie, you are an inspiration to so many who read your blog. You may not know it, but your words really helped pull me through some rough times during my mom's illness. Thank you so much for always looking at the bright side, and helping others to do the same.

    All my love:
    Gerushia's New World

  5. sorry i've been mia lately, me and my two older girls got the flu this week:( no fun. they are doing better but i still have a fever. flu flu go away! anyways, just wanted to say hi and hope you have a wonderful weekend. enjoy your pez(i LOVE pez and candy corn too-glad to see someone sent you some to enjoy and introduce todd to! :)

  6. The things we can get here in the U.S. is astounding, isn't it?!

    I love the artwork you received! I'll be checking out her page!

  7. Hello Do lally !!!! glad that your Do lally..ness disappeared as your blog processed for us other Do lally..ers !! what a lovely thoughtful thing for your friend to do, thoughtful of you for always...sharing with us all.
    much Love Sybil xx

  8. Marie her work is wonderful and your cake looks delicious. xoxoxo

  9. That cake looks so delish! You are just full of good stuff! (I do live in Utah by the way) Checking out the other site too ..thanks! :D

  10. How nice are you??? You get sent one of the things you miss from home the most and you share it out. I'm sure that's you all I'd give the hubby a taster n hoard the rest away...but your way is so much better :)


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