
Saturday 26 September 2009

Feasting on the words . . .

"Seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom; seek learning, even by study and also by faith."

D & C 88:118

You can tell a lot about a person by the books they choose to read. When I was really young, I loved the classics . . . stories such as Little Women, and The Five Little Peppers. Those were two of my favourites along with Nancy Drew . . .

As I got a bit older I started to enjoy horror and suspence, especially the novels of Stephen King. He is the master of horror and there's been many a night that the very heart of me has been struck with fear by reading his words . . .

As a teen I also loved Romance novels, usually the Harlequin type and then as I got even older I fell in love with Historical Romance . . . usually involving Scottish Lairds, or Vikings . . . those were the ones I loved the most . . . until they started to get really smutty . . . then I lost my taste for them. It's so not necessary and I really don't enjoy that kind of stuff . . . but it is very hard to find books today that don't contain smutt . . . much like the telly and movies . . .

One type of reading material that has never changed is the scriptures. They have always been sacred to me, and I have always loved to read them. I got my very first Bible, a gift from my father, at Easter when I was 4 1/2 years old. Small in size, with a white leather cover, I carried them with me my whole lifetime, and indeed, when I got married the first time, in lieu of a bouquet, I carried them down the aisle with me. I couldn't think of anything that I wanted with me more on the most important day of my life . . . than the scriptures. Well . . . that marriage didn't last, but the scriptures did.

I find as I get older, I gain more and more comfort and understanding from reading and studying the scriptures. I wish I could say that I remember seeing my parents sit and read the scriptures, but I cannot . . . I think it was something that they did in private. I have always been really open about my scripture study and my love of their pages. It is a love that I have tried to share with my family through the years . . .

I try to read my scriptures every day. It's not always easy to find the time, but it's always worth it. I can tell when I have skipped a few days . . . because . . . then I start to feel overwhelmed with worldly problems and cares. When I read my scriptures regularly . . . this just doesn't happen. I fell empowered and capable of accomplishing and overcoming anything that might present itself to me. I feel inspired and nourished. I feel the power of the spirit leading me . . .

If you were to look at my Scriptures, you would see that their pages are covered with coloured scribbles and notations, and filled with little scraps of paper. These are the notes that I have made to myself through the years, reminding me of the things that I learn so that I won't forget them, and so that my Heavenly Father will know that I value what He tries to teach me through His word. Amongst their pages, I have slipped photos of people and places that mean the most to me . . . a tattered picture of all my children together, a snowy scene of my mother's back garden in Canada, my grandsons . . .

Also amongst their pages are little cards and notes that hold special meaning to me . . . an e-mail from one of my sons sent to me not too long after I moved over here . . . the obituary of a much beloved Aunt . . . little cards given out at special Relief Society gatherings . . . readings handed out during Sunday School Lessons, and an old grocery store receipt . . . a reminder of a special meeting I was at when I heard Sherri Dew speak in person and where I finally learned and accepted that my sins could be and were forgiven . . . toally. It has notes and scripture links scribbled all over it . . . it being the only piece of paper I could find at the time to write on.

Reading the scriptures and feasting on their words is a bit like seasoning your life with something that is nourishing and wholesome and good. Just like inserting a bit of spice into your favourite cookies or casserole to help to make them taste better, a little bit of scripture reading and study inserted into your day can help to make your whole day taste better and more pleasant. Our Heavenly Father knows that we are busy and that we don't have hours and hours to spend each day . . . it's not the amount that matters . . . it's only that we make an effort. I firmly believe that He will magnify our efforts and teach us and fill us with His power no matter how great or how little time we have to spend studying and pondering His words . . . if only we will spend some time each day with Him, every day.

I am a real sucker for a Tuna Melt. I think it's one of my favourite types of Sandwich, next to a grilled cheese, something else that I am totally fond of. Yesterday I decided to use the flavours of a Tuna Melt and create a tasty casserole. This was so quick easy and soooo tasty! During the week when I have to work long hours, quick and easy is a good thing, and when it's combined with tasty, well . . . what more could you want??

*Tuna Melt Bake*
Serves 4
Printable Recipe

This is so quick and easy! It combines all the flavours of a Tuna Melt, minus the bread. It uses things that most people have in their store cupboards and is a real family pleaser.

4 medium baking potatoes
3 TBS oil
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp mixed herbs
2 7-ounce tins of tuna in spring water, drained
(I use albacore)
4 TBS low fat mayonnaise
1 small red onion, peeled and thinly sliced
4 TBS chopped chives
1 tsp italian seasoning
2 ounces strong cheddar cheese, grated
2 ounces Red Leicester cheese, grated
salt and pepper to taste

Pre-heat the oven to 220*C/425*F. Cut the potatoes into wedges and toss with the oil, garlic powder, paprika, salt, black pepper and herbs. Spread onto a baking tray and bake for 30 minutes until golden brown. Remove from the oven and place in a shallow ovenproof dish.

Drain the tuna thorougly and place in a bowl. Mix together with the onion, mayonnaise, Italian Seasoning, 3 TBS of the chives, 1 1/2 ounces of the cheddar and 1 1/2 ounces of the Red Leicester. Season to taste with some salt and pepper. Spoon this mixture over the potatoes. Sprinkle with the remaining cheese evenly over top. Place back in the oven for a further 10 to 15 minutes, until the tuna has heated through and melted down into the potatoes and the cheese is golden. Remove from the oven and sprinkle with the remaining chives. Divide between four serving plates and serve hot with a green salad on the side.

Got a craving for something moreish and scrummy??? Look no further. The English Kitchen has exactly what you need to fill that gap!


  1. I received my first Bible from my grandmother and it was a treasure indeed. I do read the Bible every day but sometimes it is online reading. I should say that it is often online reading that I do. There are several sites I visit daily that also include a devotional reading.

    Your tuna is dish really sounds tasty and one that I'll be trying out. I want to incorporate more fish into my diet as it's supposed to be so good for you and have been looking for recipes like yours.

    I hope your Saturday is a great one!

  2. That wedding photo of you is beautiful. Wow!

    We had family scripture reading in the car this morning. I wonder how the day would have gone without it. . .

  3. Marie I could have written this post! My first Bible came from my church when I went into the third grade - and I still have it. The cover has separated from the back but it's all there. I too carried a small white New Testament when I married and I still have that too. Now I have many Bibles but the one I use daily is underlined, written in, taped in many places and the pages are dogeared. Like you if I miss a day or two I feel sort of undone. blessings, marlene

  4. That looks nice and creamy and cheesy and good!

  5. I have not read my scriptures all week. I have missed it. Your post today will get me back on track. I love the scriptures. Reading them makes the whole day go better. Thanks for the reminder.

    I love your beautiful bride picture.... and... I love you. Lura

  6. p.s. I think that I am up to getting out of bed and cooking a little today. John has been cooking for us and I think he would like a break. I think your tuna recipe sounds easy enough that I may have the energy to do it. Thanks for the suggestion.

  7. Love the photo at the top, and especially the darling pic of you as a girl with your first Bible (VERY sweet) and your wedding pic! What a beauty you are!! My Bible always looked about the same and carried the world in its pages (scraps and notes). Love you.

  8. p.s. That tune melt bake looks delish!!

  9. We like a lot of the same book, Marie! I just love to read things that are uplifting. Did you see the Women's Broadcast yesterday? Very good!


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