
Friday 11 September 2009

Eight Years Ago Today . . .

May we never forget which day this is. I thought this video was pretty special and I hope that you do too. (You may want to turn the music off at the bottom of the page first)


  1. I can't believe that it has been 8 years since that terrible day. I recall it like it was yesterday. I was still in bed that morning when I got a call from a friends who was crying and telling me to turn on the tv. I did and could not believe what I was seeing. As I watched the towers come down, I just couldn't believe it.

    I had the tv on almost all day at school. Each class was too upset to do any school work we watched...some students grouped together and prayed...some cried...It was a terrible day...and nothing has been the same since then.

    I can't understand how anyone can kill in the name of God??? Will this ever be over??? I understand that they are getting new recruits all the time. I can hardly stand to think of our Justin or you son being sent over there and put in harms way...however, I am proud of both of them that they are willing to go and serve for the cause of freedom. May God bless them and keep them safe in the face of evil.

    It is a scary time...but at least we have the gospel to hold on to and keep us steady.

    Have a good day. LOve, Lura

  2. I can't believe that it has been 8 years since that terrible day. I recall it like it was yesterday. I was still in bed that morning when I got a call from a friends who was crying and telling me to turn on the tv. I did and could not believe what I was seeing. As I watched the towers come down, I just couldn't believe it.

    I had the tv on almost all day at school. Each class was too upset to do any school work we watched...some students grouped together and prayed...some cried...It was a terrible day...and nothing has been the same since then.

    I can't understand how anyone can kill in the name of God??? Will this ever be over??? I understand that they are getting new recruits all the time. I can hardly stand to think of our Justin or you son being sent over there and put in harms way...however, I am proud of both of them that they are willing to go and serve for the cause of freedom. May God bless them and keep them safe in the face of evil.

    It is a scary time...but at least we have the gospel to hold on to and keep us steady.

    Have a good day. LOve, Lura

  3. Over here in England too it was one of those terrible days - terrible times - when you will evermore remember where you were and what you were doing when the news broke.

    The day Princess Diana died, the day President Kennedy was assassinated - and the day the Twin Towers were attacked.

    In loving and proud memory of the brave men and women who have given their lives, and in love and respect for those who lay their lives on the line daily.

  4. Marie, I have been away from my computer for a few days but wanted to make sure you see the comment I left on Thursday Confessions.

    9/11 we must never forget. What a devastating day for everyone. Truly a benchmark in the events leading to the 2nd coming. In God we trust!

    Hugs, Bon

  5. The heart still breaks, and the mind still can't comprehend how such madness could have happened that day... We will never forget all those lost souls... I've been posting today too, but in a different way. :o) Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Marie. And hope we may get to chat at last--LOL! LOVE YOU, my friend (( BIG HUGS))

  6. Thanks Marie for your tips on celeriac. I do think it has a great taste. I'll try it in my next soup. Have a great day. I am off to Boise to see my daughter, Wendy today.


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