
Tuesday 8 September 2009

Chocolate Souffle, of a most delicious persuasion . . .

Hello all. This is Tuesday and as we all know, when I can get my act together most weeks I participate in a lovely baking group known throughout the Web as Tuesdays With Dorie. Yes, we are a wonderful group of ladies that set out, a year or so ago now, to bake every single recipe from that delicious baking cookbook, *Baking, from my home to yours*, by the grande dame of baking herself, Ms Dorie Greenspan. What a delicious time we have had so far!! It's been a most wonderful experience. I've gotten to eat some really good food, stretch my baking skills, and I've made some lovely friends through the group along the way.

If you are like me, obsessed with cookery books, you probably have tons of books that are lovely to look at, but you rarely use. Belonging to this group means that I use this book, a lot. It's a good thing, not to coin a phrase from Martha or anything . . . and I know . . . I just did.

This week Susan from She's Becoming Domestic selected Chocolate Souffle, on page 406. I was really tempted to pass this one by, as my Todd is not a real chocolate lover and I adore it, but really . . . did I want to eat this one all on my own . . . .

Let's pause while I think about that . . . .

hmmm . . . .

DOH! I decided a bit of sacrifice on my part was due for this one, and so I jumped in and made it. What the heck, in for a pound, in for a penny is my motto! Not only did I end up making it once . . . but the photos the first time around were so crap, I made it twice . . .

Sometimes you just have to do what you just have to do.

This was fabulous and so easy. Don't let Souffle's scare you. They're not all that hard to do, really. They do fall right away though so eat them up as soon as you can.

Not a problem.

If you want the tasty recipe you can find it on Susan's lovely page. Her pictures are fabulous, simpley fabulous! Thanks so much Susan for picking a fantastically delicious recipe! (I haven't eaten a Dorie recipe yet that I didn't adore and obsess over really like!!!

Next week Julie of Someone’s in the Kitchen picked Flaky Apple Turnovers, pages 316 and 317. My sweet Todd is gonna love that one. He adores apples and apple pies. What's not to adore about a turnover . . . it's a baby pie that you can hold in your hand, just for you! In the meantime, why not hop on over to the blog roll to check out what all the other ladies have done!

If you are in the mood for a delicious and easy soup, pop on over to The English Kitchen to see what's cooking over there!

Come back tomorrow. I have a huge confession to make. Yes . . . I'm coming clean. *wink*


  1. BEAUTIFUL! Love the clear, glass cups - so elegant. They look perfect - truly, nicely risen and not at all dry. And yes, they DO fall quickly! Well done!

  2. Soooo yummy! I'll take anything chocolate--LOL! Would you believe I've not made a souffle of any kind before...*gasp*... ;o) Happy Day, sweet Marie... Chance of getting to chat with you today? LOVE YOU HEAPS ((BIG HUGS))

  3. I've only done souffles of the twice baked kind so it doesn't count really. Did you really eat all these choc souffles yourself, or did you force feed Todd with them? Imagine going through a whole lifetime not liking chocolate. Poor man!

    love, Angie, xx

  4. Love your souffle cups!

    Souffle looks absolutely yummy and I'm not even a chocolate fan!

  5. As always, your sweets look so very lovely. And so adorable in their elegant little one-to-a-person cups. I'm delighted to decided to make the souffle and even happier that you enjoyed it so much.

  6. They look delicious- Marie! Great job!


  8. Hmmm...chocolate goodness....I need it (rather than this banana I am eating but I'm trying to be healthy...groan...) xxx

  9. This looks so good. I am going to make this soon!

  10. Good of you to sacrifice like that! I think I would have done the same thing!

  11. Very pretty! I'm glad you decided to participate. They were so tasty!

  12. Beautiful!:) These were worth making for sure!

  13. Wow, your Chocolate Souffle looks really chocolatey (dark)! I love the picture of the spoon digging in - it looks absolutely delicious!

  14. I think that since you made two batches of this souffle...and Todd doesn't like chocolate... I need to hop on a plane and come right over to Oak Cottage. You and I could eat chocolate souffle to our hearts content.

    I missed talking to you today. I had to leave home by 9:30a.m. so I tried to call you around 8:00ish. Sorry that I missed you. I do so look forward to our chats. It was too late to call you after I got home...but I can hear your sweet voice in my heart.

    What confession are you going to make??? You mean that I don't know all of your secrets?? I can't wait to find out!

    You are asleep now so sweet dreams. If I can stay up late enough I will catch you first thing when you post in the morning. Hugs, Lura

  15. These look great! Nice to make something chocolate just for yourself :)

  16. they look delicious-- certainly i'd have no problem eating these twice! :)

  17. Those came out beautifully.

    Isn't it wonderful when things turn out to be easy AND delicious.

  18. Those are gorgeous!! So pretty, and I love the glass souffle cups. Wonderful job!

  19. It looks delicious! I love that you can see it through the clear souffle dish too!

  20. Those chocolate souffles look so good!


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