
Tuesday 4 August 2009

Thoughts on happiness . . .

How would you define happiness???

There are lots of posters out there that you can buy that say Happiness is this, or happiness is that . . . I used to have one that said, "Happiness is an unexpected hug", with a small picture of two cartoon figures hugging each other at the bottom of it.

Happiness is much more than that, however . . . and as elusive as it may seem to some, there are three simple ways I can think of that will help to achieve that desirable state of mind.

1. Make a habit of doing something for somebody else every day. When you reach outside of your comfort zone and decide to live a giving life instead of a taking life, something magical occurs. You end up receiving much more in return. I am not talking about tangible things here, I mean the truly important stuff in life, the stuff that money can't buy.

"You can't pursue happiness and catch it. Happiness comes upon you unaware while you are helping others. The philosophy of happiness is pointedly expressed in the old Hindu proverb, which reads: "Help thy brother's boat across, and lo! thine own has reached the shore."
~author unknown

2. Look for something cheerful every day. We are all surrounded by cheerful things if we only would take the time to stop and look around us. It could be something as simple as a flower, or a bright thought, or a good word given from a friend, even a smile. The other day I noticed some teasel growing in the front of our house. I have no idea of how it got there, but the sight of it cheered me, for I know that the birds will just love it once it goes to seed.

"Much happiness is overlooked because it doesn't cost anything."
~author unknown

3. Add something to remember. I love quotes, poetry and short phrases. I collect them like some people collect coins and stamps. I often memorize them. I cannot tell you the number of times when one of my memorized thoughts has returned to me, at just the right moment, like whispers of peace from God.

"Happiness does not depend upon what happens outside of you but on what does happen inside of you; it is measured by the spirit in which you meet the problems of life."
~author unknown

Just my two cents worth on this early Tuesday morning. May you be able to find much happiness in the day that lays ahead. ☺

I made us a tasty curry the other night. You can find the recipe for the curry on The English Kitchen. It was the result of some trial and error on my part, but what a tasty mistake!! Here is the lovely rice dish I cooked to go with it. We both really enjoyed it all very much. After supper I took the leftover chicken and stripped it off the bones. I mixed it in with the leftover rice and we had it all yesterday heated up like a stir fry for our tea. Delicious!

*Saffron Basamati Rice*
Serves 4 to 6
Printable Recipe

This rice goes well with entrees with spicy Indian or Asian flavours. Don't let the sugar put you off. It makes the rice taste wonderful and it really doesn't end up being that sweet. We both really enjoy this.

1 TBS oil
1 cinnamon stick
4 whole green cardamom pods
5 whole cloves
1 cup white basamati rice, rinsed well in cold running water
1 1/3 cups water
3 TBS sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 pinch saffron (1/8 tsp)
1/4 cup shelled pistachio nuts (optional)

Heat the oil in a medium saucepan over medium high heat. Add the cinnamon stick, cardamom and cloves. Saute until the spices are aromatic. Add the rice to the pan and cook, stirring until the rice is evenly coated with oil and beginning to toaste, some 1 to 2 minutes. Add the water, sugar, salt and saffron to the dish and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat, partially cover the pan and simmer for 10 minutes. Fully cover the pan and simmer for about 10 minutes longer, until all the water has been absorbed. Take the pan off the heat and let stand for 5 minutes before removing the lid. Fluff with a fork and remove the whole spices. Stir in the pistachio nuts just before serving if using them. (I did not use them on this occasion as there were nuts in my curry) Delicious!


  1. My grandmother collected those "happiness is. . ." cartoons. They covered her fridge door & you'd find them tucked into books. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. I do hope your day is full of happy things for sure! That rice dish is different but the sounds of cinnamon stick and pistashios together makes me want to try it.

  3. I love your thoughts today. It is amazing how when we take the time to find words of wisdom in quotes or scripture, that they are brought to mind during the day, and we can also often share with others the whisperings of the spirit we have received. What a blessing your words are today.

  4. Thank you for your sweet words about my family. I do so love spending time with them. the light of my life.

  5. One of my favorite quotes is, "We spend a lot of time searching for happiness when all a long it is a matter of choice."

    Looking for something cheerful is also very important to me. I call it paying attention...we just must or we miss so much!

    And service, as members of the church we all know about that, right?

  6. Hope you are having a happy day, my friend! Your ideas and thoughts on happiness mirror my very so often happens. We are twin souls, 'eh? :o) The looking at or looking for something cheerful is really essential in the busyness of daily life--it lifts us. Was looking out for you on MSN Messenger here early this evening but haven't seen you... Will try again later. Oh, LOVE, love this rice recipe today...just up my street. I love rice...mmm... Happy evening to you, Todd and lovely Jess--LOVE YOU ((BIG HUGS))

  7. You are so right about happiness. When I was grieving after the loss of our baby boy years ago I thought I would never feel happy again. Even watching the cute activities of my 2 yr. and 4 yr. old girls didn't bring a smile to my face. My saddness weighted me down like a heavy weight.

    Then I became aware of a young mother in our ward that was sick and really needed help with her home choirs, cooking and caring for her children. We were asked at church if we would volunteer and take time to help her. I signed up mainly because I saw lots of time slots on the sign up that were not filled by anyone. I didn't really want to help but felt like I should.

    That turned out to be a blessing to me. As I worked to help her and I got involved with her life, I became less sad....and I found my smile again.

    Have a great week. Love, Lura

  8. upps, I meant to say chores...not choirs!!! lol what am I like!

  9. Happiness is also an attitude that we choose to have or not.

    Catching up on my blogging. I'm enjoying going back and reading all your posts.
    Have a great day.

  10. Great thoughts today my friend. The world would be so much better if people would try to be happy!


  11. Thanks for the good words on happiness. It's amazing how easy it is to get discontented!


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