
Saturday 22 August 2009

Saturday morning ponderings . . .

"And let every man esteem his brother as himself, and practise virture and holiness before me."
Docrtine and Covenants 38:24

I believe it is the simple acts of respect, love and nurture that enable our children to rise high in life and to become the best that they can be. If you use courteous and respectful language when you are speaking to your children, even if they have done something terribly wrong, it will go a long way towards teaching your children the things you want them to learn . . .

Much further than a voice that yells and belittles. You don't teach a child not to yell by yelling, and what's more . . . we, as adults, cannot expect to be respected if we treat others, and especially our children, in demeaning ways.

"You can't teach children to be good. The best you can do for your child is to live a good life yourself. What a parent knows and believes, the child will lean on."
~Bruno Bettelheim

Not a lot to say this morning, but sometimes you don't need a lot of words to get your message across.

I did something to my right hand yesterday. I know it isn't broken as there is no swelling or bruising, but it sure does pain me. Right in between my thumb and forefinger. I can't seem to pick up anything heavy or to put any pressure on that hand at all. Repetitive stress injury possibly? I don't know, but if it doesn't go off soon I am going to be first in line at the Doctor's on Monday morning!

It's a good thing I made this cake on Thursday. It should keep Todd happy and content for a few days at least! Don't let the pictures put you off. They are not the greatest, however this cake is . . . one of the greatest that is. All spicy and moist and chock full of chunks of delicious tasting apple! It might not be much to look at, but boy oh boy . . . it sure is some good!!

*Old Time Apple Snacking Cake*
makes 9 servings
Printable Recipe

Growing up in the Annapolis Valley meant that there was never any shortage of apples. My first husband's family owned orchards and so apples were often a staple dessert the menu in one way, shape or form. This is one of my MIL's favourite cake recipes. It is mighty tasty, warm or cold with or without ice cream.

3 TBS butter, softened
1 cup sugar
1 large egg, beaten
1 cup flour
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
3 cups peeled and diced apples
1/4 cup chopped nuts
1 tsp vanilla extract
Whipped Cream or Ice cream, if desired

Pre-heat the oven to 180*C/350*F. Butter an 8 inch square or round baking dish and dust lightly with flour. Set aside.

Cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in the egg. Stir together the dry ingredients and fold iinto the creamed mixture. The batter will be very thick, don't worry. Stir in the chopped apple, nuts and the vanilla. Spread into the prepared pan. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes or until the cake tests done. A toothpick inserted in the centre should come out clean and the top should spring back when lightly touched. Serve warm or cold with or without whipped cream or ice cream.

To find out what we had as our main course, pop on over HERE to check that one out. Chicken and Rice, is definitely nice!

PS - yes, those are all my grandsons, and my sons!


  1. Sorry about your hand Marie, wonder what could be wrong..mayeb you have knocked it without realising ?..anyway hope that the pain eases and goes as quick as it came...I have happy memories of apple picking in the Annapolis Valley when we were visisting Canada. The children were all small then and we had such fun. I also so agree with your comments about parenting. It saddens me so much when I hear the language used and the shouting done by parents when out in the shopping areas.
    Much Love Sybilxx

  2. I've had a problem with pain at the base of my thumb for a long time Marie. It's a tendon issue. I'm wearing a brace part of the time and taking something like Advil or Aleve to help. blessings, marlene

  3. Family & cake... lovely combo today here, Marie! But I am so sorry to hear your hand isn't doing so good. I do hope the pain goes away, that it is nothing serious. Do see your GP if it continues to be a poroblem I have tendonitis in my hands and wrists sometimes. I do a lot with my hands, what with my jewelry/accessories business, photo editing and lots of time online promoting my business. It takes it's toll sometimes, and there a intense work periods that kill my hands and I have to slow down. Maybe a little slow down is what you need? Another holiday? hehehe ;o) Do hope you will be ok...Keep us posted... Hope to chat tomorrow. LOVE YOU HEAPS! ((BIG HUGS))

  4. I can relate to your hand hurting - I had the same thing last week. Turns out it was from so many washing dishes.

    I'll be saving that cake recipe! I have several, but I know if a recipe comes from you, it will be good for sure. :)

  5. The pictures of your family are wonderful. those smiles say it all! Hand injuries for a chef..not a good thing. I hope you can get it feeling better soon. Prayers for you!!

  6. Marie, I hope your hand feels better by now. Love the photo of your son an grandson. So precious! Be well and Happy Sabbath tomorrow!

  7. Awe I hope your hand feels better soon Marie. The apple cake is right up my alley, it looks wonderful!

  8. I have had some such troubles with my wrists and hands...and have found that crocheting several times a week for at least a half hour at a time has helped tremendously. I have had one horrific pain outbreak that I could not use one hand for days and got a brace to use. But since then have crocheted more and so far, so good. Just an idea...hope you feel better. I know it has to be scary especially considering your work!!

  9. ok, i read these posts out of order-your thumb and forefinger? hmmmmm. i wonder what happened? i sure hope it gets to feeling better soon-i hate to hear a dear friend is hurting!


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