
Thursday 27 August 2009

God's Eldest Daughter . . .

One of the things that Todd and I really love to do is to go and visit great buildings and gardens . . . cathredrals, mansions, castles . . .

We pay for a National Trust membership each year so that we can do just that. There is something very peaceful about walking about a great garden, amidst the flora and sound of bees buzzing . . . and we have visited these places all over England, each one magnificent and breathtakingly beautiful.

The homes filled with fine furnishings and magnificent artifacts . . . the architecture of each of them, grand and unusual in many cases . . . the rooms filled with stunning artwork, tapsestries and treasures . . .

But you know what impresses us the most about these fine homes, buildings and castles???

It's not all the finery that we might be priveledged to witness . . . or even the beauty of the gardens . . .

It's something so simple that many people might completely overlook it, but stunning in all of it's own glory. It's the way the sun shines through the windows, throwing it's great golden rays across the floors and walls and setting of the treasures inside in just the most wonderful way . . .

The great American poet Robert Frost described light as "God's eldest daughter" and praised it as one of the principle beauties of any great building . . . or even lesser buildings.

When I see the light shining through my humble kitchen window across my kitchen table . . . it is impossible not to think about and feel the presence of God . . .

All any man has to do, is to provide the windows for the light to shine through . . . then, He does the rest. It's simple, it's pure, it's beautiful . . .

I made us some delicious tuna patties for our dinner the other day. Simple and satisfying, they went together really quickly and they were a real treat with a tossed salad and some simple potato salad on the side. It was one of those nights when the air was too still and stifling to want to cook much of anything and these were just perfect. I made some of my homemade tartar sauce to serve on the side, but I've seen my kids eat these with just some catsup and be very happy indeed.

*Tuna Patties*
Makes 6
Printable Recipe

We just love these. They make a nice and quick supper. You can serve them with salad, or with potatoes, or (my favourite) macaroni and cheese. I like to serve my own homemade tartar sauce with them, but they also taste good with ketchup or chutney. They really are a very versatile main dish and very easy and quick to put together. I've never met anyone that didn't like them.

1 225g-jar of albacore tuna, in brine or oil, drained well and then flaked with a fork
1 1/2 cups soft bread crumbs, white or brown (your choice)
1 large egg, beaten
4 spring onions, finely chopped
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1/2 tsp dill weed
salt and ground black pepper to taste
dash of tabasco sauce
Oil for frying

Combine the flaked tuna, bread crumbs, spring onions, mayonnaise, dill weed, beaten egg, salt, pepper and tabasco sauce in a bowl. Mash all together well with a fork, mixing together thoroughly.

Heat a larger skillet over medium high heat. Add enough oil just to cover the bottom of the pan. Once oil is hot, shape the tuna mixture into patties with your hands, flattening them. Cook in the hot oil, until golden brown on each side. Serve hot.

If you're looking for a light supper of a different kettle of fish, then why not make yourself some of my scrummy blueberry and granola buttermilk pancakes? Hop on over to The English Kitchen to find out how!


  1. They sound so easy to make those tuna patties - I must try them out! Hmmm...

    As for thoughts on light - yeah I know what you mean, I love writing about it in my creative writing and I still remember to this day being in the Vatican as light poured through a window up high and fell in a long slender beam to the stone floor. You could see the dust particles within the beam and it just looked so heavenly and beautiful. It made the Vatican seem particularly sublime and awe-some. xxx

  2. I really appreciate the sun. Especially on dark dreary morning like this one. I sure could use some! I'll have to try your tuna cakes. I love tuna and it is so good for you. Have a great Thursday!

  3. Mmm...those sound tasty!

    I'd love to know what goes into your tartar sauce. My mother used to make it when I was little, but I doubt she remebers now what went into it!

  4. What a beautiful post, Marie. I had not known about God's Eldest Daughter as described by Robert Frost and was expecting a post on Eve! Thanks for the enlightenment!

    God's eldest daughter visits our cottage often as we have many large windows and I do so love it when the sun is shining through except when I am trying to take photos!

    The last of our new double paned window were just installed the other day and we had to buy a new camera this week as our old one somehow landed up in the kiddies pool last month when Chloe was maybe I will take some photos of The Eldest Daughter of God with our new camera through our new windows. Thanks for the lesson on light and the inspiration!

    I hope you are feeling better.

  5. Lovely photos, Marie...and the simplicity of home is the best! :o) Though I love touring a castle grounds mind... ;o) Terrific recipe today...these tuna cakes are much like my own recipe!! Happy Day, dear friend--LOVE YA ((BIG HUGS))

  6. hey Marie
    hope u and todd are good.. just brousing thorugh ur posts and i thought why not make a request
    can u please tell me how to make tarter sauce :$
    love and hugs

  7. The beauty and warmth of the sunlight is definitely a testimony to me of God and His love. Beautiful post Marie.

  8. I've made patties out of ham, but never tuna. Yours look so yummy I *will* have to try them!

    I love the patterns made by sun shining through a colorful stained glass window, but also any window. Lovely post!

  9. Marie your pictures are just beautiful. I wake up early, usually around 6:00 a.m. and on cool mornings there's a mist on the lake outside my window. The light as the sun begins to rise takes my breath away. I think of God's hand on the lake when I see it. blessings, marlene

  10. What a wonderful thing for you and your husband to do together. Your pictures reminded me of Pride and Prejudice (the newest one) One of my favorite movies.

    I'm catching up, and enjoying all your posts.

  11. just tried this recipe out on some neighbors I'd invited over for dinner. I followed it exactly--except that I had no tuna in the house so I substituted canned salmon. It came out so delicious everyone pigged out (myself included), which made me very glad that at the last minute I had decided to double the recipe.


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