
Tuesday 11 August 2009

Count it all joy . . .

"We choose our joys and sorrows, long before experiencing them."
~Kahlil Gibran

I had really been looking forward to a long walk through the orchard . . . but, when I opened the door to go out, I saw large drops of rain beginning to fall on the pavement and the car was becoming all spotted with wet.

The next moment, the skies opened and it began to pour and the air was filled with the smell of wet pavement, with large puddles beginning to form on the ground.

Disappointed I went back inside and stood there, staring through the window as my plans all flew away with the sun . . .

And then, I saw the little fella next door appear at the end of our drive, next to the gate. He was wearing a bright red pair of Wellies and a huge grin. It was obvious to me, that he was seeing all the rain as being a wonderful treat.

I watched him for several minutes, his feet splashing here and there, as he jumped in and out of the puddles . . . his little face filled completely and utterly with joy.

It occured to me then, that it had been a very long time since I had regarded walking in the rain as anything other than a nuisance. I quickly put on my coat and grabbed my umbrella and, before too long, I was out at the end of the drive splashing in the puddles with him, and then off I went on that walk anyways . . .

I really enjoyed that walk. What a difference a change of attitude can make. There are some things we just cannot change . . . being able to look at things with fresh eyes and a cheerful heart can make all the difference in the world and turn what seems to be a disappointment, into joy. It's all in how we choose to look at things really, and then in how we act upon them . . .

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance."
~James 1:2

We planted a bunch of potatoes in buckets this year, and they have done remarkably well. I don't know which kind is which . . . each time we dig one up, we are surprised. We didn't go out and buy potato sets to plant. When we went to get them, there were none left. I did have a few odds and sodds in my potato bin though that had started to sprout, and so we planted them and have been rewarded with several bucket's full of tasty tubers. I just love potatoes. I think they are my favourite vegetable, and I find that a day without having eaten some of them in one form or another, is a day that something is missing! That's why low carb dieting has never worked for me. I just cannot stay away from a potato for very long at all.

Yesterday I baked up this delicious gratin using some of the new potatoes from our pots, and some sweet onions that I happened upon at the local shops. It was really, really good. Potatoes and onions go so very well together and when you add cheese, well it's just heaven on earth!!

*New Potato and Sweet Onion Gratin*
Serves 6
Printable Recipe

Make sure you use a well flavoured seasoning salt with this. Lawrey's or Nature's Season salt are both good, or make up your own mixture of herbs by mixing together equal amounts of garlic powder, paprika, onion powder, salt, pepper and mixed herbs.

1 pound red new potatoes, peeled and sliced (about 3 cups)
1 pound sweet onions, peeled and thinly sliced (about 3 cups)
4 TBS butter, cut into small bits
Season salt to taste
1 cup shredded Emmenthal cheese

Pre-heat the oven to 180*C.350*F. Slice the potatoes and onions. Butter a 1,5 litre shallow baking dish. Layer in half of the potatoes and onions. Sprinkle with some of the seasoning salt to taste. Dot with butter. Repeat. Top with the Cheese. Cover and bake for about 30 minutes. Uncover and bake for 30 to 40 minutes longer, until the potatoes are tender in the centre and nicely browned and the cheese is bubbly.

Are the Courgettes (Zucchini) taking over your garden??? Hop on over to The English Kitchen and discover a really tasty way to use some of them up!


  1. Rain is such a blessing. I am glad that the little man blessed your day. I was supposed to make a very similar gratin for dinner tonight and I may just do so despite the nay sayers in the house. Thanks, once again, for brightening my evening.

  2. I love walking in the rain. And my two eldest love splashing in puddles. When we still lived in NJ, they were more likely to play outside when there was a downpour than when it was sunny :)

    We threw some random potatoes into buckets & harvested a couple yesterday. Isn't it wonderful that something that could go in the garbage can be the basis of several wonderful meals just 6 months later?

  3. This sounds delicious Marie!!

    It's been raining here since yesterday evening....

  4. I love the fact that you went walking anyway. A nice rain with the proper shoes and an umbrella would be nice. Have a great Tuesday!

  5. First- I cannot WAIT to get into my new kitchen and start trying these tempting recipes!

    Second- I'm a big fan of rain. Whenever it's warm enough, I grab my son and spin around under the drops. HE is less than thrilled with the idea, but I'm still working on him!

  6. the American Girl11 August 2009 at 14:38

    You know, they say life is about learning to dance in the rain! Great post, I am glad you took that walk after all. :-)

  7. Oh, I know what you mean...we've been having so many rain showers lately that it can be frustrating at times--LOL! But it can also be magical at times too...when the rain is soft and the world is fragrant, and then a rainbow happens...*sigh*... So it is possible to be happy in the rain. :o) Such fun with your potatoes! We hope to try bucket potatoes next year ourselves--hope it works. Lovely gratin you've prepared--nice comfort food for autumn ahead. Hope you are having a good day, my friend... And chance of a chat this week? LOVE YOU HEAPS ((BIG HUGS))

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Don't you love Kahlil Gibran? I have had The Prophet sitting on my desk for weeks thinking I would do a post on some of his writings.

    I have a quote on my sidebar from someone that says, "We spend our entire lives looking for happiness when all along it is a choice!"

    Love it...and you! Your umbrella and rain pics are fantastic. ♥ them!


  10. Thank you for that darling rain story..I needed that today.

  11. Hello Dear and Respected,

    I hope you are fine and carrying on the great work you have been doing for the Internet surfers. I am Imran Haider from The Pakistani Spectator (TPS), We at TPS throw a candid look on everything happening in and for Pakistan in the world. We are trying to contribute our humble share in the web sphere. Our aim is to foster peace, progress and harmony with passion.

    We at TPS are carrying out a new series of interviews with the notable passionate bloggers, writers, and webmasters. In that regard, we would like to interview you, if you don't mind. Please send us your approval for your interview at email address " at Gmail dot com", so that I could send you the Interview questions. We would be extremely grateful.


    Imran Haider,
    The Pakistani Spectator
    pakspectator dot com

  12. What a lovely post. You are so right about attitude being a major factor of our happiness or unhappiness.

    I am glad that you and your little friend had a nice walk in the rain. I haven't done that in the longest time...I wonder why???....or now I remember...WE NEVER GET RAIN!!! Oh well, one day I will come to England and we can walk in the rain together.... then you can come to CA and I will show you what day after day of sunshine looks like.

    Have a good day dear and enjoy your last two days of being 53.

  13. Mmm, I love potatoes too Marie. Yours look so delicious. I made some of Pioneer Woman's smashed potatoes on Sunday and they were so good. They were straight from the garden too. I think things taste better when they are from your own garden, don't you?

    Loved your post about the rain today!


  14. I really like that gratin! It looks great!

    Sometimes, walking in the rain is so much fun. :)

  15. Sounds like you had fun, I do miss walking in the rain, but it won't rain for several months. The gratin looked scrumptious.

  16. Ali from Ireland12 August 2009 at 08:18

    A similar thing happened to me yesterday - it was bucketing rain and I was walking to the store cursing the fact that I couldn't find a parking space closer by. The wind was howling and I was cursing that my umbrella wouldn't stay up. I was absolutely soaked and feeling very disgruntled and sorry for myself. Two little boys and their mum walked past me - all three were soaked to the bone. The boys were having the time of their lives dancing around and jumping in the puddles and mum was laughing and taking such pleasure in watching their fun. Whilst I wasn't as brave as you and didn't start splashing in the puddles myself I walked the rest of the way with a spring in my step and a large smile on my face. Yes, a change of attitude really does make such a difference!

  17. I would go walking in the rain, of course I would but I haven't got any red wellies.


    love, Angie, x (how did I miss this post?)

  18. That potato bake is one of my very favourites and also Mary's. Funny we made it just the other day...Peter our dear neighbour tried the potato in the bucket for the first time this year and has had some lovely new potato's he brought Mary and I pot full to boil...delicious.
    Love Sybil x

  19. That looks so cheesy and good!


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