
Sunday 2 August 2009

Character . . .

Phrenologists claim that they can tell what type of person you are, or will be, by the bumps on your skull. Graphologists claim they can read your character through your handwriting. Physiognomists claim that they can read your character by the shape of your nose, the set of your jaw, the texture of your skin.

These are somewhat complicated ways of judging a person’s character. I have a quicker method and it requires no special skill or knowledge.

Find out the consuming passion of a person’s life. Their greatest love. Is it love of money and possessions? If so, then no matter what the subject of conversation, it will come back to money and what they have, time and time again. Or is it love of gossip? Then it will show on the face and their eyes will light up and sparkle at every juicy tidbit and spicy comment made about an other and they will delight in sharing the same with you. I could go on and on, but I can guess that you have the picture of what I am getting at by now. Everyone takes on the countenance of what they love most and it shows in their faces, their actions, the way they live their lives, their character.

That’s why my Faith is so important to me. If you get to know and love the great creator of all things, the love and joy we feel from doing so cannot help but shine through and show in the way we carry ourselves and how we live our lives. I cannot think of a better character to have than that of my Heavenly Father, and I’m not afraid to let it show.

My Todd is a meat and potatoes man, through and through. He would rather have meat and potatoes than anything else for his tea. If I was to give him the choice between a lovely main meal salad, or a tin of stewed beef and some mash, he'd go for the stewed beef every time. It wouldn't matter to him if it came from a tin or not . . . it would only matter that it was plain, and unadulterated, meat and potatoes . . . "Man Food." In fact, before we got married, almost everything he ate came from a tin or a packet. Thank goodness I rescued him!

*Crispy Pork Chops and Applesauce*
Serves 4
Printable Recipe

Crisp and golden on the outside, moist and juicy on the inside. Porkchops done this way are one of Todd's favourite things. I like to serve them with applesauce, either homemade or storebought. Together, they are the perfect marriage.

1 1/2 to 1 3/4 pounds of pork chops (I like the ones with the bone in if I can get them. They do say that the meat next to the bone tastes sweeter)
3/4 cup flour
salt and black pepper to taste
garlic powder to taste
2 large eggs
1 cup fine dry bread crumbs
oil for frying
1 cup of applesauce, to serve (homemade or purchased)

Place the flour into a shallow dish. Beat the eggs together in another shallow dish, and put the bread crumbs into a third dish.

Dust the pork chops well with some salt and pepper on each side and a bit of garlic powder. Working with one at a time, dredge them each in the flour, shaking off the excess. Then dip them into the beaten eggs and then roll them in the bread crumbs, pressing them a bit to help them adhere. Set them aside on a plate until you are done coating each one. Allow to sit for 15 minutes or so.

Pre-heat the oven to 180*C/350*F.

Heat a 12 inch, heavy skillet over moderate heat and add some cooking oil, about 1/4 of an inch thick. Heat that until it just shimmers. Add the pork chops and pan fry them for about six to eight minutes, turning them once, until they are golden brown on each side. Remove to a shallow baking tray. Place them into the heated oven and roast them for about 7 minutes or so, until they are completely cooked through. Do not over cook. They should still be moist.

Serve hot with some applesauce on the side. Delicious!

For what came afters . . . check out The English Kitchen.


  1. Such a lovely post, perfect for a Sunday, Marie...words of faith and love, beautiful images to help contemplate all the goodness of people and the world... And then a lovely dinner to follow! :o) My hubby would love this meal too. Happy Sunday, my dear friend. LOVE YOU HEAPS ((BIG HUGS))

  2. Keith used to be a bit 'meat and potatoes' when we first married because that was all his mum did. For a few years he kept on being a meat and potatoes man but he came to realise what a hungry old life he might be in for if he didn't try other things as well! There's very little he won't eat these days.

    love, Angie, xx

  3. Ah, character, one of my hubby's favorite subjects. He teaches in a facility where juvenile offenders are other words a jail for felons under 18. He is always talking about character and how to help the boys build a better one through learning, pondering, and having hope in their future. You have chosen to e perfect example to pattern your life after!

  4. I'll get a photo to you soon to see if the art project is possible.

  5. What a lovely post. I am glad to be back in cyberworld so I can visit you again.

    I must hurry away though. We have a house full of family and we have to get ready for church.

    The pork chops look so good. John loves pork. Hop over to my house and we will make some and use the canned apples from our trees to make the applesauce. We will have a great tea together.

    I am sending love to thee from across the sea..... See I memorized your poetry. Hugs, Lura

  6. Thank you for your post Marie. Such beautiful flowers too! I love the combination of pork chops and apples. They complement each other so well!



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