
Thursday 13 August 2009

Another year older . . .

Well . . . here I am, another year older and, hopefully, another year wiser. I am 54 today. I can remember when 54 sounded to me like a very ancient age and it seemed a loooooong ways off in the future. Somehow it seems to have crept up on me overnight.

Birthdays are kind of like that. When you are a child, you can hardly wait to grow up . . . and when you are an adult, you look back on your childhood years with great fondness.

But, if you are really lucky . . . you are the type of person who just enjoys the trip along the way. That kind of reminds me of something I saw somewhere about an elderly person who had to finally give in and use a cane (Not that I am ready for that by any stretch!)

"I find," she said, "That with the passing years my pace gets a little bit slower. It's true that I don't go as fast, or as far, but I see a darn sight more along the road!"

Here's to another year of seeing more along the road, and stopping to smell the flowers along the way!

I kind of slept in a bit this morning, so I don't have a lot of time. I'll be back later today to pick a winner of my Birthday Giveaway! If you haven't yet entered, there's still a few more hours in which to do so. You can find it HERE.

It's not hard to tell that we are great chicken lovers in this house. Well, I am at any rate . . . Todd just eats what I put in front of him, and thanks his lucky stars that it's not from a can! He subsisted on tinned food in the 12 years he was on his own before we got married. He still gets a "beans on toast" supper once in a while, but more often than not, he gets a slap up meal, cooked by moi.

Before we got married his weekly grocery bill used to amount to not much more than £10 a week. (I can't imagine!!!) After we got married, it went up to about £50 a week, then when we moved down south it went up to £75. I hate to think of what it is now. I guess I'm somewhat of an expensive habit, but nevermind . . . I'm worth it! (said in an O'real kind of voice . . . )

*Baked Chicken Breasts with Garlic and Cheese*
Serves 4
Printable Recipe

Imagine moist and tender chicken, loaded with the flavours of garlic, parmesan, cheddar and butter. Mmmm . . . mmmm . . . good!

1/3 cup butter melted
2 fat cloves of garlic, peeled and minced
1 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp salt
3/4 cup fine dry bread crumbs
1/2 tsp coarsely ground black pepper
1 tsp Italian herbs
1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese
1/2 cup finely grated strong cheddar cheese
4 boneless skinless chicken breasts

Pre-heat the oven to 180*C/350*F. Butter a shallow pan that will fit all the chicken breasts leaving a bit of space between them. Set aside.

Melt the butter in a shallow dish. Stir in the minced garlic, garlic powder and the salt. Set aside.

In another shallow dish combine the bread crumbs, black pepper, Italian herbs, and the cheeses.

Dip the chicken pieces into the butter mixture and then roll them in the bread crumb mixture. Place in the prepared pan, drizzling any leftover butter over top.

Bake uncovered for 25 to 30 minutes, or until nicely browned and crisp and the chicken juices run clear. Don't overbake. If you keep it to the exact times stated here, your chicken will be perfectly cooked and deliciously moist.

You didn't think I'd have a Birthday Celebration without cake did you??? Hop on over to The English Kitchen to see this year's indulgence!

(Be back later today for the draw.)


  1. Have a wonderful birthday.

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Yes, you're "woith it".

    We have to like chicken in our house with Keith working at the chicken factory and so getting it cheap! But that means it's always in the freezer when I see beautiful recipes like this.

    Was your sleeping in by accident or design?

    love, Angie, xx

  3. Happy Birthday to a special person and a good friend :)

  4. Happy birthday Marie!!

    This chicken looks reaaly yummy!!

  5. A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! May you enjoy your special day and the journey along the way. You are still a bit younger than I so consider yourself a 'young' lady today. Age does make us more mindful of everything. It is so important to savor and enjoy the blessings of each day.

  6. i hope you have a lovely birthday . thinking of you! much love(((((hugs)))). cindy

  7. Ali from Ireland13 August 2009 at 11:18

    Best wishes for a very very happy birthday Marie - have a wonderful day today & may all your days be happy days!

  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! I'd call if you if my phone would work!

  9. Happy happy Birthday!!! I am 53, turning 54 in April and I know what you mean...not sure that I ever expected to get this young!!!

  10. Have a lovely birthday, Marie. I for one am celebrating the Day you were born! I am loving the Dick, Jane and Sally birthday picture! I learned how to read in those readers!
    Sweet! And 54 is the bloom of your youth! Enjoy!

    Sending you a big birthday hug! B

  11. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARIE!!!!!! Hope this year brings great things to you! Much love - Raquel XO

  12. HAPPY, HAPPY Birthday Marie!
    And just a few days away from Lura's birthday. No wonder you are such good friends. May your day be bright and filled with love.

  13. Happy, happy, happy birthday Marie! I thought I'd missed it - I'm doing a little celebratory dance here for you. And thanks for this recipe. I happen to have chicken breasts out for dinner tonight so I'll be trying this. blessings, marlene

  14. Happy Happy Birthday to you! I hope you have a super day and a great new year. You are one wonderful person! (and tell Todd he eats like a king!)

  15. My dear Marie, Have a beautiful Birthday, with Todd and Jesse and all we love you.
    My dear you are a girl, remember I have 55 now so Im older than you.
    Seriouly the age is not matter to me and to you. you always be a girl a lovely girl.
    Have blessings to you and all you love!!!!
    HappĂ˝,happy Birthday!!!
    Love ya Gloria

  16. All we love Marie!!!!!!yeah!!!!!!gloria

  17. Happy Birthday Marie!!!

    What a gift it has been to come across uour website and grow with your sharing. God has Blessed so many of us with your journey.

    With Friendship and HUGS,

  18. I wish you a very 'Happy Birthday', Marie. And many, many more for you and Todd.

  19. the American Girl13 August 2009 at 15:00

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MARIE!! Today is also my Father's birthday! :-) I pray you have many, many more.

  20. Wishing you the HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY, Marie! May your year be ever so lovely. Hope you will get a chance to celebrate a little today or the weekend. :o) Wish we could be there with you! Your & Todd's story sounds my like with me & my hubby--LOL! And our food bill is too high, I know... I try, I really do, but food is a great pleasure! Hubby would love your chicken recipe today. Oh, I made this week your blue cheese dressing from your English Kitchen--the best recipe! Miss you, and do hope we get to chat the weekend... Happy BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! LOVE YOU HEAPS ((BIG HUGS))

  21. Marie,
    This is Ruthanne and I just couldn't pass up your birthday. YOU mean so much to me and so many others - you are a wonderful blessing and I am so happy to have you in my life.
    blessings, hugs and love to you on your special day.

  22. My Dearest Marie, HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, may your special day be filled with love and sunshine.
    God Bless.
    I think of all foods chicken and garlic have to be my favs. There are so many things one can do with chicken it's no wonder our freezer always has a ready supply in it !!
    Much Love Sybil xx

  23. Happy Birthday, Marie!! My day was yesterday!!

    Thanks for wonderful recipes!!

  24. Hi, Marie! I hope your birthday was the best. What a nice entry. I love that cake looks yummy! The Chicken dish sounds wonderful too. My husband usually does all the cooking..especially recently while I've been laid up with a broken leg. I'm lucky too! My birthday was at the end of July! Summer birthdays are the best! Maria

  25. Marie,

    Your blog has got to be the most beautiful blog I have ever seen.

    It's simply lovely.

    Sunbonnet Cottage

  26. Happy Birthday! I am making your chicken tonight!

  27. i wasn't on the computer much yesterday and only managed to wish you a happy birthday on facebook-i'm sorry! i wish i had gone to your blog to have wished it here too. oh well, happy belated birthday on your blog! :)


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