
Saturday 8 August 2009

A Birthday Giveaway!

I know it's really hard to believe, but this week coming up, I will be celebrating my 54th Birthday. I know!!! It can't be possible that I am going to be 54, but the sad truth of it slaps me in the face every morning when I look into the mirror!

Anyways, I am a person that just loves an excuse to celebrate and there is nothing I would like more than to have you all celebrate right along with me. So . . . in honor of my 54th Birthday I am hosting a Birthday Giveaway! Yes, on Thursday the 13th of August, one of you, my special friends, will become the lucky winner of the following:

A delicious cookery book, and one of my favourites. Sweet Food, Delicious Sweet Treats that will Cure any craving. A chunky little cookbook that is filled to the brim with an assortment of delicious recipes, perfect recipes for celebrating all that is good in life and more!

But that is not all . . .

A beautiful Swarovski Kristallwelten pencil that I picked up in Austria just for this purpose, to give to one of you. It's got a beautiful crytal tip on the end of it, instead of a rubber. I just know you'll like it.

And that again is not all . . .

It just wouldn't be a celebration without some chocolate being involved, and so I am also giving away an assortment of delicious Mozart Chocolates that I also picked up in Salzburg, specifically for this purpose! There are a lot of different things about Mozart, but nothing tastes better than the delicious Mozartkugel Chocolate Ball. I just know you will love them!

And then I will also throw in a little surprise. I am not sure yet what it will be, but I'll reveal all on August 13th! So, what are you waiting for? To be in on this lovely Birthday Giveaway just leave a comment on this post and don't forget to spread the news!! The more the merrier!

And now for my recipe for today. I had been oggling this sweet potato muffin for quite a few weeks now and finally got around to baking them yesterday. They are not much to look at, but boy oh boy, what they lack in looks, they more than make up for in flavour. These are really scrummy!!

*Sweet Potato Maple Muffins*
Makes 16
Printable Recipe

These mufffins might not be anything special to look at, but when you bit into one you will realize that they are fabulous! Moist, and spicy and full of all that's delicious about a New England morning. I just love them!

1 sweet potato, peeled and cut into chunks
1 1/2 cups flour
pinch salt
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground cloves
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1/4 tsp of ground cardamom
6 TBS butter, at room temperature
2/3 cup packed dark brown sugar
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1/2 cup whole milk
3/4 cup pure maple syrup

Pre-heat the oven to 180*C/350*F. Generously grease two 8 cup muffin tins, or line them with paper liners. Set aside.

Place the sweet potato in a pot with some lightly salted water and bring to the boil. Reduce to a simmer and cook until tender, about 20 minutes. Drain well, and then mash with a potato masher until quite smooth. You should have 1/2 cup of sweet potato.

Whisk the flour, salt, baking powder, baking soda, and spices together in a large bowl.

Cream the butter and brown sugar together in a another bowl. Beat in the eggs, then stir in the milk, maple syrup and reserved sweet potato. Mix all together thoroughly.

Make a well in the centre of the dry ingredients. Pour the potato mixture into it. Stir just until the ingredients are combined, don't over mix.

Spoon into the prepared muffin cups, filling them about 2/3 full. Bake for about 25 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the centre comes out clean and they spring back when lightly touched. Transfer to a wire rack to cool. Delicious!

I baked a few in my pudding tin so I could have muffin tops, and topped them with some streusel before baking. Scrummy Yummy!

Oh and if you are wondering what else I baked. I did some lucious Lemon Friands! (CLick on the link to get the recipe)


  1. Happy early birthday Marie!
    What a great way to celebrate: love all the stuff you're giving away, the cookbook looks like just the thing I would buy. Who wouldn't want to use a Swarowski pencil and those Mozart Kugels are delis!!

    The sweet potato/maple muffins sound interesting, I made some carrot cake cupcakes the other day but wasn't very keen on them: I prefered the frosting!!

  2. Ali from Ireland8 August 2009 at 09:54

    Oh, please let it be meeee! What a gorgeous gift you're giving away. Thanks as always for sharing so much of your life and for the delicious recipes - I just love your recipes and, unlike so many I try, each and every one of yours turns out well!

  3. Happy Birthday to You!
    Happy Birthday to You!
    Happy Birthday, Dear Marie,
    Happy Birthday to You!

    (Don't pick me -- I'm not eligible to win anything else after the blessing you gave me recently. I just wanted to "sing" to you today.)

  4. Aww Happy Birthday, Marie. I hope you have a really good day and get a chance to enjoy it.

  5. Happy Birthday Marie. I hope that you have a stupendous time and have a day filled with love and laughter.

    You inspire every day and I thank you for your contribution to my life.

    I also must admit that those pencils intrigue me so. My fingers itch to pick one up and start to doodle and sketch away.

  6. Many Happy returns Marie. Yours is the very first blog I read every day, it is a lovely way to start the day.
    I would love to be entered into your blog. Happy Birthday.

  7. we're both august birthdays(which means we are extra cool! :) hope its a great one marie!! happy happy birthday!

    and that contest looks like it was created for a girl named holly. hope she wins:) its an AWESOME giveaway!

  8. Happy Birthday Marie!

    Ive made sweet potato muffins before and I didnt think that I would like them. But, I did. The recipe I used made them taste a lot like pumpkin muffins. I would def make them again.

  9. Happy 54th next week!!!! I recently turned 58 and can't believe how quickly the years flew by. (My mom warned me!)

    As "sweets" are my favorite food...your give-away sounds perfect! The chocolates from Austria sound especially good.

    Thanks Marie!

  10. Keith likes Muffins in his packed lunch. Even if they're past their best and not very fresh, he warms them up in the canteen microwave and begs a bit of custard from the servery. They never go to waste!

    Sorry not have been commenting but Google wouldn't let me in anywhere - not just your blogs, everyone's - so I'm wondering how far I'll get today!

    love, Angie, xx

  11. I am so there!! Sign me up for your fabulous gifting....Who else would give for her birthday, just sweet Marie! Happy Birthday! Is it on the 13th??
    those,um,um. I am home today by myself. After I go to the market, they shall be in my oven.
    You are a treasure!

  12. Celebrate Marie!!! Happy Birthday!!!Delicious as always Marie. I love your interesting finds.

  13. Happy Birthday Marie!!! Celebrate and always remember you are a daughter of the "KING"..happy birthday Princess!

  14. Happy Birthday Marie! Special people are August sweet 83 year old Mama, my wonderful sister and brother in law, my sweetie, and ME! I would love to win your goodies. I'll confess that I will be 51 on the 22nd. Thanks for a wonderful blog and I will pray for your friends Renee and Sheldon.

  15. Happy Birthday to you! Those sweet potato muffins look devine.

  16. I whish you my dear a very Happy early birthday!!! love yours giving away you know, you are soooo sweet, all look fantactic!

    I love your muffins recioe look so nice and yummy, have a lovely weekend with Todd, send you kisses and huggs!!! xoxoxo Gloria

  17. You are worry by age???? Marie this year I m 55 th and I dont believe!!! I feel so young!!! and crazy of course, xxxx GloriA

  18. What a wonderful birthday present!! Hope you have a happy birthday. We'll be singing Happy Birthday to you in Texas on August 13.

    Have a great day, Marie.

  19. Ooow how exciting Marie, you are too kind ... the presents should be coming your way instead on your birthday! The sweet potato muffins look delish - I ran a cake stand at a local farmers market last weekend and I'm sure these would have gone down a treat! 140 cupcakes pretty much sold out in a morning so putting my feet up this weekend lol - Kisses Kitty x

  20. Hi Marie: I usually don't enter these things because I don't win, but you made this so fabulous that I can't help myself. What a generous and exciting gift package you are offering on YOUR birthday. Well, it doesn't surprise me one bit.

    Happy 54th next week. I'll be 57 in a couple months. How does this happen to us?

  21. You are so generous and kind. How sweet of you to give gifts to others on your birthday.


    And....thank you for thinking of me on my birthday. You made my day.

    I just mailed your gift yesterday so I am afraid it may be late. They said 5 to 10 days. I am hoping for the 5 but it will probably be the 10....but I will be thinking of you on the 13th.

    Have nice weekend. Love, Lura

  22. p.s. You are still young at 54....wait until you turn 65 like me to complain.

  23. 54 - you're just a baby still! Thank you for allowing us to celebrate wity you. blessings, marlene

  24. Hi, there! Sweet Marie :)
    Happy, happy early birthday!! and just so you know, I did "54" last year and came through it OK, well, maybe?? LOL! I'm sure you will too!
    And oh, yes I do want to be included in your giveaway ~ all the goodies sound wonderful :)
    Thanks for the fun!
    CathyJean :)

  25. Goodness me 24 comments ! what a populat lady you if I didn;t know that !! sorry to have been missing a few days however each tme I wrote a comment it disspeared into thin air...computers are great when all is well but when they don't do as expected well thats something else !!
    Have a lovely weekend dear friend,
    Much Love Sybil xx

  26. Hello dear Marie!

    What a fun giveaway! Everything looks scrumptious -- especially that cookbook and chocolate. I hope you have a wonderful day! I have made something and will send it off on Monday. It might not make it in time for your big day (I'm not sure how long the post takes to get from here to England).

    I hope you have a wonderful day though - you deserve it.


  27. Happy Birthday! How nice of you to give such nice presents on your birthday!! Your giveaways are always so nice, please enter me.

  28. Happy birthday! Congrats....even though I'm not a huge fan of sweet potatoes...


    zekks at yahoo dot com

  29. A very happy birthday, Marie...

    I enjoy your blog and all your wonderful recipes...

    Thanks for being a part of my blog life...

  30. Have a wonderful birthday! One of my dear cousins is turning 70 on the 11th, my son, my son-in -law and one of Bob's daughters all have birthdays on the 12th. My baby boy will be 38 this year. I can remember the couple days before & that day so well it's hard to believe 38 years have passed since it all took place. I hope your week is very special! {{hugs}} from Linda in Washington state


    and many many more!


  32. Wishing you the happiest of birthdays, Marie. I'm a devoted reader and lover of your blog and your recipes (I've tried many!) but I'm sorry to say that I haven't commented before. Hope you will get the chance to do something really special on your birthday.


  33. happy birthday Marie
    i have recently found your blog and i am enjoying reading it. Then i found out you are living in Kent where i was born and raised, till 3 years ago when i moved to southern ireland.I felt a pang of homesickness. It is a beautiful place, how i miss all the 'free fruit' in the hedgerows. You are lucky. Enjoy your birthday
    Ephesians 3 v14-21

  34. A Very Happy Birthday To You, Marie!

  35. HAPPY, HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY, dear Marie! :o) And what a GORGEOUS and very generous are sooo sweet! So excited it's your birthday--a day to celebrate you! :o) LOVE YOU SO!! The muffins today are lovely...mmm...Hope you are having a good weekend...((BIG HUGS))

  36. Hi Marie,
    I have company this afternoon and came in here to hunt out a cake recipe to bake for them...seen the give away and thought...why not...I might just be lucky! lol

    I'm thiking of doing your sticky toffee pudding bars AGAIN and maybe your golden jubilee cake, unless I find something else that catches my eye! I'll let you know which I choose.

    Birthday card is all stamped and ready to post, shame we don't live closer I'd have baked you a cake! I might be up to visit my brother before Christmas so I'll pop in then.

  37. Oh, happy birthday inDEED! The gifts look GORG, and those muffins are making me hungry!!

    Happy birthday, luv. ;-)

  38. A delicious recipe as usual Marie! I really like sweet potatoes but I've never tried them in a sweet dish or cake. I shall have to file this one away to try.

    Have a lovely Birthday!!

  39. I hope you have a wonderful birthday!

  40. Happy 54th birthday Marie! I am an August baby special day is August 23, but I am older than you...shucks! No, not really. I am thankful for all my years and the experiences (good and bad) which have shaped me into the person I am now. Your giveaway goodies are fantastic!

    Scrolling down, I see we have company - Holly! Happpy Birthday, Holly! I'm taking a guess on your age and am going to say that you definitely are younger than I am and possibly even Marie. Am I correct?

    Too many posts for me to read all, but if there are more August babies, well, a huge "Happpy Birthday" to all of you!


  41. the American Girl9 August 2009 at 20:25

    Those muffins look good! I need to put them on my new recipe list this month! Happy Birthday (early!)!!

  42. Happy Birthday, I follow this blog and the English Kitchen, swear I have added a few more curves since reading. Well its the making and eating your recipes

    Thanks so much


  43. Happy birthday Marie!
    My daughter asked what was for dinner tonight and I said, "Just a minute. I think I saw something on Marie's blog the other day..."
    You are well known in our house!
    Best wishes for a great year for you.

  44. Dear Marie, I love both of your blogs. You have no idea how much comfort and enjoyment your words and thoughts have given me, not to mention how I just love collecting ad trying some of your dishes.
    Have a wonderful birthday and a year filled with much sunshine and happiness. Rita from Ottawa

  45. Happy Birthday Marie.I am on the side line looking all the time I love your recipes but I have an allergy to Eggs and most recipes have egg in them so I have to miss out but my mouth still waters at the thought of eating them. Keep up your good work I enjoy your Blog.
    Hugs Mary.

  46. for some reason your pics would not load for me and so i've missed out on my fave part of your blog :(
    muffins are one of my favorite "eat with your hands" food so i will def be trying these! i hope u get my surprise in time for your birthday...i'l be thinking of you on your special day. lots of love and 88's.

  47. Happy birthday! :)

    Oh gosh those baking goodies look delicious, I shall have to try out those recipes! :)


  48. Happy Birthday!!! Thanks for the awesome giveaway opportunity!

  49. Marie, how elated I am to celebrate you and your birthday! Sharing your life experiences, recipes, and book recommendations are a true inspiration. God has blessed you with many gifts, thank you for sharing them with us.

    Yes, I'm a fan and look forward to further sharing.

  50. Thank you for your wonderful blog! it is so inspiring and I found the For Today through you which I am enjoying. Again Thanks!

  51. Anna from Canada11 August 2009 at 10:28

    August 13th. What an awesome day. A year ago on August13th, my sister Shiela got a new lease on life with a brand new kidney donated by the generous family of someone who died on that day. No gift can top that. "Greater love hath no man than this==that he lay down his life for his brother".
    So we will be celebrating and thanking God along with you on that special day.
    Happy Birthday Marie.

  52. Happy birthday
    I love your recipes

  53. Happy Birthday for the 13th!! Hope you have a wonderful day.

    How kind of you to think about us all while you were on your travels! Even picking up some goodies for your giveaway!!

    Your recipe sounds great - another one to try!!

  54. Dear Marie,
    Usually people like to receive gifts on their birthdays. You, on the other hand, are giving gifts away! How wonderful is that?!? :o)
    Thank you for sharing your life and beautiful yummy recipes with us. I check them every day.
    Happy Birthday!!! May the love and light of Jesus continue to bless your generous heart and life. Have an awesome day.

  55. Just wanted to wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY Marie!!! Thanks for sharing your life with us and bringing us all such joy...and great rcipes too!!!

  56. Marie, how did I miss this post? I thought I read every single one of them everyday! Isn't it funny how everyone comes out of the woodwork for a giveaway? I see from the date that it was the day we were gone from home 15 hours working on the YSA conference in Oakland. No wonder! Anyway, love you tons and would be commenting regardless of the giveaway! Hugs from CA! Bonnie

  57. August 2009 at 13:51

    Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to Marieeee... Happy Birthday to you!

    May the good Lord bless you, may the good Lord bless you, may the good Lord bless Mariee..... May the good Lord bless you.

    Have a nice day Marie & Happy Birthday!!

    Angela KL

  58. I'm so glad you reminded us about this as I had forgotten to enter! Such a fantastic giveaway!! I hope you have the best birthday ever and eat a ton of yummy stuff....I just know you will!!! Hugs to you my blogging friend:)

  59. Happy Birthday, Marie!

    Just came across your blogs today in links from other food blogs.

    My next birthday in a few months will also be no. 54 and I also came to England from Canada.

    Chocolate is definitely a good choice for a birthday cake!

    I tried to leave a comment on your English Kitchen blog but couldn't get it to work.

    I've been meaning to try making the Sweet Potato Loaf from Rachel Allen's Bake, but now that I've seen your Sweet Potato/Maple muffin recipe I think I will try those instead.

  60. What a great giveaway! Happy Happy Birthday to you!!


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!