
Monday 6 July 2009

The Simple Woman's Day Book . . .

FOR TODAY, July 6th, 2009 ...

Outside My Window...

It looks like the weather is changing . . . I think rain is in the forecast for today. It's not as muggy as it has been this past week at any rate. I know we need the rain too, as well as the sun, so I'll not complain. It seems to be feast and famine over here sometimes. You are either getting bucketloads of rain, or no rain at all! We checked out the 10 day forecast for Austria one day last week and it looked to be rain, or showers, the whole time we are there! Fingers crossed that we'll get at least a few days of sunshine! We are bent on having a good time no matter what though . . .

"Live in each season as it passes: breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit."
– Henry David Thoreau

I am thinking...
About my sister. It is her birthday today. She will be 51. It seems like just yesterday we were mere girls and had all the promise of our tommorrows sitting before us. Now here we are, each of us in the prime of our middle age, ready to slip into old age. Where has the time gone . . . where has it gone . . . so much water under the bridge has passed . . . I hope that she has a lovely day and that she knows how much she is loved. That is the best gift of all I think . . . knowing you are loved. If you have that, then everything else is just the icing on the cake. Sis, I love you!

I am thankful for...
A good husband who loves me, family, friends, my faith . . . being able to live in such a beautiful place and all my many other blessings, such as good health etc. I think one needs to be ever mindful of even the simplest things and not take any of them for granted. I always think to myself when I hear of another's troubles . . . there, but for the Grace of God, go I . . . and then I give a silent thanks to my Heavenly Father, and a silent prayer for those who suffer . . .

From the kitchen...
Because we are going away today, there is absolutely nothing sitting there waiting to be eaten. It seems strange!

I am wearing...
Pink pajamas and my sandles.

I am creating...

I must not forget to take my sketch book along with me and some pencils! I won't have a computer to pop on to in the mornings so I'll have to fill my hours with other things. I am always awake at the crack of dawn, no matter what!

I am going...
I'm am going to have a fantastic time, I am sure! Just imagine, being able to see the sights from The Sound of Music in person. Imagine being able to twirl around in a mountain field . . . will I hear the hills come alive? Oh, I am sure that in some way I will, even if it's only for my own ears!

I am reading...

The Commoner, by John Burnham Swartz. I am about halfway through it. A GREAT read!! I have a few other books I am bring on holidays with us, such as Shanghai Girls by Lisa See. I do love books about Oriental Cultures, but then . . . I already told you that!

I am hoping...
to get a few posts done up ahead of time for when I am away this morning. I am mostly packed, except for my toiletries so I don't have a lot to do while we are waiting to go to the place where the coach is picking us up. So be sure and check in once in a while over the next week to see what I have waiting for you!

I am hearing...
It's very quiet in here this morning. Jess is at her holiday home away from home. It always seems odd to be here without her. She is such a vital part of our lives. I know she loves to go to her holiday home though. All those children to play with and lots of activity. Not like us boring old fogies!

Around the house...
All is tidy and waiting for our departure. I always like to have everything in it's place and dusted before I go away anywhere. I hate the thoughts of coming home to a messy house. I expect I am not alone in this!

One of my favorite things...
Is watching documentaries on the telly, especially ones with a historical bent. I just love history and often read novels that are based on true history as well. That is something Todd and I have in common. You can keep your reality television and give us a good historical drama any day, or docu drama!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
Austria! Austria! Austria! I'll be yodeling and slapping my thighs, off in the Austrian Tyrol! Hopefully eating some lucious Austrian Pastries, and Schnitzel, and generally enjoying my time away!! Life is indeed very good!

We went to see Terri yesterday afternoon as I wanted to spend some time with her before we went away. Her operation went well, and lasted about 3 hours. She is doing very well for an older person! I am well impressed, and she thanks you all for your many kind thoughts and prayers. Her daughter is going back to Holland tomorrow, and she (Terri) will be having some home care coming in twice a day for a while. I hope that she will be ok.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

What a beautiful thought!!! I'll miss you all! See you soon, and, hopefully, armed with lots of pictures!

Why not hop on over to Grandmother Wren's to see some of the other daybooks for today!

I got some lovely filet steak at the store the other day. It was marked down because it was on it's last day. Oh, I do love me some steak! I think it's one of my favourite foods, next to potatoes! This was delicious!

*Pepper Steak with a Creamy Horseradish Sauce*
Serves 4
Printable Recipe

I've tried to eat Vegetarian several times in my life, but I'm afraid I've not ever been able to stick to it for very long. One of my absolute favourite things to eat is a good steak . . . no chance of that on a vegetarian menu! This is lovely and peppery and has a delicious creamy sauce, with a bit of a bite from the horseradish!

4 X 7 ounce filet steaks
2 TBS oil
6 TBS black peppercorns crushed
40g (1 1/2 ounces) butter
For the sauce:
1 cup hot beef stock
1 cup heavy cream
3 TBS creamed horseradish
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

Rub the steaks on both side with the oil and then press the peppercorns into the meat so that they don't come off when you cook it. Melt the butter in a heavy large skillet. Cook for 2 to 4 minutes on each side, depending on how well you like your steaks done. Remove to a warm place and keep warm. Add the stock to the pan and cook, stirring for about a minute to deglaze the pan. Add the cream and stir for a couple minutes, until it begins to thicken somewhat. Stir in the horseradish and season to taste with some sea salt and black pepper. Place each steak on a heated place and spoon some of the sauce over each.

To see what we had with it, why not pop on over to The English Kitchen!


  1. have a great one and happy birthday to your sister

  2. Happy birthday to your sister. I also wish you a safe and happy break. I hope that some sunshine blesses your days.

  3. Hi, dear Marie! Hope your sister has a lovely birthday... And hope you & Todd have a lovely holiday! Wishing you safe and happy travels--enjoy every moment! I'll miss... But so look forward to news and photos when you get back. LOVE YOU HEAPS, sweet friend :o9 ((BIG HUGS))

  4. I just wanted to wish you and Todd a wonderful holiday. Hope you come back all relaxed and happy, and with lots and lots of great sketches and memories.

  5. Have a wonderful trip and enjoy those Austrian Pastries and Schnitzel and yodeling on the mountain top ;)

    I pray you will have a safe journey.

    ciao for now,
    Elena :)

  6. Thanks for the update on Terri! Im glad things are looking up for her and maybe she's not in so much pain.

    Just as I read that bit about rain and sun there cme an almighty crash of thunder and the heavens opened (not for the first time today!). Poor old Sally almost jumped out of her skin!

    Speaking of Sal, I must get her booked into HER holiday home or they'll be full. Unfortunately she has to go to the kennels but she has been going there all her life and seems not to mind.

    You probably won't see this now until you get back but do have a lovely rest and spare a thought for us at home now and then.

    love, Angie, xx

  7. Hee hee...I've been watching "How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria?" on BBC America and LOVE that picture of you! Hee hee!

  8. Have a wonderful trip (sing loudly!) and happy birthday to your sister.

  9. Happy birthday to your sister and have a wonderful tima Marie!

    I love your picture of MarĂ­a!!!blessings and kisses to you and Todd!! xxGloria

  10. Have a wonder filled, safe and blessed journey! Lucky, Lucky You!
    Be sure to bring back lots of pictures and tales of adventure.

  11. I really enjoyed reading your daybook. I hope you have a wonderful trip. Cute pic! Happy birthday to your sister. Great-looking steaks! Yum!


  12. I do hope you have a wonderful trip. It sounds so exciting! I'll be looking forward to hearing and seeing about it when you return.

  13. I've never been able to resist a pepper steak! And that one REALLY looks the biz...

    Have a great holiday!

  14. Have fun and I can't wait to see the pics!

  15. My great great grandmother was an Austrian dutchess! How fun! I'm so excited for ya'll! Have a great trip!

  16. Have a wonderful trip Marie! And happy birthday to your sister!


  17. I love the picture of you singing in the hills of Austria. That is exactly as I thought you would look.

    Have a wonderful trip dear friend. I will miss you and can't wait to read all about your adventures.

    Much love, Lura

  18. Happy Birthday wishes to your darling sister!

    Wishing you a wonderful time in Austria!

    I'm drooling over the pepper steak!


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