
Monday 20 July 2009

The Simple Woman's Day Book . . .

FOR TODAY, July 20th, 2009 ...

Outside My Window...

All is well. It looks to be a fine day today. The wind was just blowing and blowing last night, but that has all calmed down now. It rained quite hard several times yesterday. I expect that there are a lot of branches laying on the ground that will need clearing up. I am so thankful that I had good weather throughout most of my holidays. That was an added blessing!

I am thinking...
Its back to work today after two weeks off. Why is it always so hard to go back to work when you've been on holidays? I don't know, but I guess that if it wasn't for having to work, my holidays wouldn't mean as much as they do! So . . . that too is an added blessing! (and in more ways than one!)

I am thankful for...
having a job and a home and a family. In these uncertain economic times, there are so many that are losing their jobs. Thankfully I still have mine. My heart goes out to all those who don't. Thankfully it is a job that provides us with a fairly comfortable living and a pretty nice roof over our heads. Even more blessings to count!

From the kitchen...
I baked cookies for Todd yesterday, as well as a batch of bran muffins. I hadn't had a bran muffin in a long time and fancied one. I used a new recipe. They were quite good, however I think I will go back to my old recipe as I like it just a tad better!

I am wearing...
Pink pajamas and my sandles. Checkered seersucker ones . . . the pajamas, not the sandles! They're quite comfy, although they feel a tad large now. That's a good sign!

I am creating...

I did several sketches whilst I was away on holidays. I can't wait to get started on them. I did get one done last week, on the day we had inbetween Austria and Broadstairs. Here's a little peek. You can find her in her entirety over on Blossom Time Creations!

As you can probably guess, I am in Christmas mode! I want to have some new designs up and ready for when people want to order their Christmas cards!

I am going...
I have young women's mutual activity this week, and a lesson to prepare for them to teach next Sunday morning. It's going to be a very busy week. What's that you say? No rest for the wicked??? I must be really bad!!

I am reading...

Shanghai Girls, by Lisa See. This is the story of two sisters, Pearl and May. Beautiful, young and carefree, they are living a life of luxury until their father gambles away his fortune and they are sold to pay off his debts . . . sent to America to be married to two strangers. I have only just started it, but it is very good thus far!!

I am hoping...
I hope that I can get everything done at work today that I need to get done before my boss returns from their holidays tomorrow!! It will be a very busy day indeed!

I am hearing...
It's very quiet in here this morning. Jess is still at her holiday home. Todd will be picking her up today sometime. All I can hear is the refrigerator humming, and the odd bird in the garden. Two birds managed to get into our house yesterday. They come down the chimney and end up here in the kitchen where the wood stove is. They are so frightened and it's hard to steer them out of the house before they make a mess. I am so thankful that none got inside whilst we were away. It's happened before and it's always sad to come home to a dead bird in the house . . . thankfully yesterday we were able to get them out quickly.

Around the house...
All is tidy and waiting for me to mess it up again, lol. We've decided we are going to paint the guest bathroom upstairs. We have some paint leftover from doing the kitchen, so, it's going to be a pale yellow with lavender accents. I ordered a new shower curtain in lavender and we have a new bath mat in there in aubergine. I think I may order a set of guest towels in that same colour as well.

One of my favorite things...
Is blogging. I missed it so very much whilst I was away! I was still up quite early in the mornings and was left with a few hours to fill before Todd got up. I do confess, that I did go back to bed a few times and have a real snuggle in. No sleep, just relaxation . . . it's a good thing and I did enjoy it, but I would rather be here talking to you all! It would nice to have a laptop that I could connect up with when we are away.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
Of course there is work, and then um . . . more work and young women's. I also want to work on some commissions I have lined up and I'm sure I'll find a lot of other things to keep me busy with as well. No rest for the wicked and all that!

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

When we were in Boulogne last Thursday we came across the most delightful garden within the walls of the Fortified town in the centre of the city. They had taken old cars and other motor vehicles and turned them into flower pots. The park benches were car seats and scattered amongst the various vehicles filled with flowers were these big flower pots, complete with old exhaust pipes sticking out like little sentries! It was most unusual, and pretty in an odd sort of way!

And that's my day book for today! Why not hop on over to Grandmother Wren's to see some of the other daybooks that have been posted. I am sure there will be some really good ones to read and some new friends to make!

*Potato and Green Bean Salad with Dill Pesto*
Serves 4
Printable Recipe

I love to make unusual potato salads. This one has a lovely combination of flavours. You get the crunch and colour of green beans, and a lovely dressing made of a fresh homemade dill pesto. Simply wonderful!

1 1/2 pounds small red-skinned potatoes
1/2 pound French green beans (haricots verts),
trimmed and cut into halves or thirds

For the Pesto:
1 clove of garlic, peeled and crushed
1/4 cup lightly packed fresh dill
2 TBS chopped fresh parsley
1 1/2 TBS apple cider vinegar
2 tsp Dijon mustard
1/3 cup olive oil
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

Fill a large saucepan with cold lightly salted water. Add the potatoes and bring to the boil. Cook until they can be easily pierced with a fork, some 15 minutes. Drain well and let cool. Cut into quarters if need be, or if really small, cut in halves. Place in a large bowl.

Steam the green beans for about 4 minutes, until crispy tender. Drain well and run under cold water to stop the cooking process. Drain well again, and then put them into the bowl with the potatoes.

Put the garlic into a food processor and process until fine. Add the other ingredients and process until the mixture is well combined. Add the finished pesto to the potatoes and green beans, and mix all together well. This is best served at room temperature.

And for dessert, there's a delicious Gooseberry Crumble. Hop on over to The English Kitchen to see more!


  1. Hello dear Marie!
    I am so glad you had a nice vacation. How wonderful! Your guest bathroom sounds like it is going to be so fresh and pretty when you are done. What a pretty color combination!

    Your book sounds very good! I may have to see if I can find a copy!


  2. Hey Marie,

    I hope you enjoyed your vacation!! I'm an idiot: I wanted to accept your comment on my enchiladas but accicdentally deleted it... What a way to start the day ;)

  3. Nice Post...Your book looks very good!

  4. glad to see you back and so happy you had such a smashing vacay!!

  5. Every Monday is very hard for me. I so enjoy the weekends I would just like them to go on and on. I suppose you are right though, we wouldn't appreciate them so much if we did not have to work. I hope your day is a good one and you get all done that you want too.

  6. Hi, Marie! A lovely start to your week, here... though sorry you have to go back to work again already! Holidays go by too quickly, don't they...*sigh*... But so glad to have your back here. :o) That book is on my reading list, it does sound good. Your new illustration is so lovely, so sweet! And LOVE today's recipe--this one I have to make, that dill pesto is calling out to me. Happy week, dear friend. Hope we get a chance to chat and catch up soon. LOVE YOU HEAPS ((BIG HUGS))

  7. That's a cute card design. It's never too early to start on Christmas designs - the months will pass too quickly and before we know it christmas has arrived.

    I've enjoyed your daybook, thank you.

    God Bless,
    Elena :)

  8. Hello dear....welcome back. I am glad that you had a nice holiday but we did miss you.

    You will have to tell us all about your wonderful adventures.

    I hope that you have had a good day and didn't work too hard getting ready for tomorrow.

    I hope that we can come over some day and get to use that pretty guest bathroom. It sounds like it will be so pretty.

    we got Austin again last night. They are taking Loni to Disneyland today. They wanted to take Austin too but if they did they would have to drive two cars and he is too small to go on a lot of the rides Loni will enjoy so one of them would have had to wait with him while the others went on the ride.... so.... it was decided that he and Yoda (the dog) would come to grammy's house today. I had planned to get a lot of errands done today but I can change my plans. That is the joy of being retired.

    Have a good week...even though vacation was more fun. XOXXO Lura

  9. Last evening I made your Banana Caramel Cake and it is one AMAZING cake! I didn't have any choc. so I used Giridelle's cocoa (sure I haven't spelled it correctly) nor did I have any cream, so milk it was! It is an addictive cake and one I shall make when I wish to impress friends. Thanks for this one!

    Right now you are probably up in the big house settled back to your routine. What's the news on your friend about her arm?

    I travel where you thanks for more pictures, etc. of your trip. Someday perhaps I will have a nice trip!


  10. Holidays certainly do go very quickly, but you are right, that makes us appreciate them more.

    I hope our library gets that book by Lisa See. Sounds very interesting.

  11. Such a wonderful Daybook - it's hard to pick what to comment on!

    Your sketches are fabulous - I'm starting to think thoughts of Christmas too - my Favorite Time of the year.

    I enjoyed your vacation photo, I hope you'll post more of them and that potato salad! Yum!

  12. Glad you had such a nice vacation! And, I am glad I found your regular blog again. Have been over at the cooking blog a lot since I first discovered it...

    I really must try that salad you posted today...thank you for all the lovely recipes you post both here and at your other blog...

  13. Hello Marie, glad you had a good holiday it is hard to go back I always found I could not get my brain to work again. Let me reasure you when you are retired holidays mean just as much and you look forward to getting away just as much. Have a nice day. Love Joan

  14. What a delightful post...I don't believe I've ever had a gooseberry, although I l♥ve the Gooseberry Patch cookbooks and calenders!

    Have a simply wonderful day!☺

  15. I am so pleased you got a way on a holiday. You work so hard....and NO you are not wicked or you wouldn't 'shine' through each post! Take time to enjoy the roses as you are on the run!
    I swear I gain wait jsut seeing your gorgeous pictures of food. It can be something I don't even like and I will devour it with my eyes and tummy! LOL.

    Your new creation of Christmas is darling...


  16. Welcome back enjoyed the reading today. You make the best dishes feels like we are tasting them just reading the ingredients and looking at the pictures. YUMMY for sure.

  17. I am so glad you are back! I missed you while you were gone! Not glad you have to go back to working so hard though!

    Welcome home hugs and I hope your reunion with Jess has been great!


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