
Wednesday 1 April 2009

We have a Winner!

Time to announce the winner of my Springtime Giveaway. I sure wish that I could give a little something to each one of you, but short of winning the lottery, that just ain't going to happen! I went on to and generated a number to pick the winner of my giveaway. It came up with Number 9!

Cindy, you are my 9th comment, and so you are my lucky winner!! Send me your mailing address so that I can pop your goodies into the post for you!

The rest of you don't lose heart. This was so much fun, I am sure I shall be doing it again real soon!


  1. Oh! Congratulations to Cindy. What a wonderful book!

    I hope you are having a super day Marie!


  2. Congrats to Cindy. As a previous winner of one of Marie's Giveaways I can tell you that you will be pleased to open your mail from her. Linda in Washington

  3. Congratulations to Cindy on being the winner Marie.So kind of you to give these lovely gifts away.Not to worry better luck next time maybe He-He.Hope you and Todd are well.It's good to be back online again.Take Care God Bless Kath xx

  4. Congrats to Cindy! It was so sweet of you to have a giveaway! The flying pig is currently residing on the side table in the living room and plotting how to steal the Babies' kibble, as it looks much more tasty than his own treats...

  5. My heart is broken!! But I congrats Cindy, really!!!xxxxGloria

  6. Yes I know always I will be a little girl!!! Is too late to change Marie, xoxoxoxo to Todd !!!and you of course my dear. xxxGloria

  7. Congratulations to Cindy!
    Marie thank You for your beautiful posts and your sweet comments.
    I feel like I leave your posts....drooling for what ever morsel I can find. Soon I hope to try some of your fabulous recipes.

  8. Congrats to Cindy....but as my friend Kris wrote...boohoo

    just kidding
    XOXOX Lura

    ps I love your last little girl. So cute.... Jean sends her best do I

  9. Congratulations Cindy ,Marie you do give us all something ,your entrys are delightful and a joy to read Jan xx

  10. Cindy is a lucky duck !!! Thanks Marie for your wonderful blog...looking forward to many more tasty recipes and fun chat.

  11. I feel like a winner every time I 'tune in' to your entries. You're a star!

    love, Angie, xx


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!