
Monday 13 April 2009

The Simple Woman's Day Book . . .

FOR TODAY, April 13th, 2009 ...

Outside My Window...

The sun is up and the birds are singing. I am up late this morning because I had to work late last night. I always have a hard time falling asleep when I work late at night. I guess my mind is still too wired up to want to listen to my body!! It looks like it is going to be a very dull day today., but you never know . . . it could clear and the sun could still shine!

I am thinking...
About the wonderful time we had on Saturday night with our friends at Handel's Messiah. This was the first time I had ever listened to Messiah all the way through. I recognized bits and pieces ofit that I had heard many times. It was so very beautiful. The choir sang beautifully as did the soloists and the orchestra was fabulous. It was all very moving. I sat there with my eyes closed through most of it and I wasn't sleeping I promise!! I was letting the music touch my heart.

I am thankful for...
I am so thankful that holidays, like Easter and Christmas, have so much meaning for me. I am glad that they are not just days off work, or a day to get wasted on. I am so grateful that I had a seeking heart and a teachable heart, and that I have the Gospel in my life. It gives my life meaning and purpose and joy . . . pure unadulterated joy!

From the kitchen...
Not a lot went on in my own kitchen this weekend. I had to work most of the weekend and of course we were away most of Saturday. Some weeks are like that I guess. I plan on making up for it this week!

I am wearing...
I'm almost ashamed to tell you I have on pajamas, but the top and bottom doesn't match!! When Todd did the ironing this week (I know I AM a lucky woman!) he didn't managed to iron two matching pieces. I did not have the heart to tell him and so am just wearing a mismatched set! You know what they say . . . "Don't sweat the petty stuff and never pet the sweaty stuff!"

I am creating...
Yesterday I did this little painting in between church and work. It's called, "Always Walk In The Light." You can see the full piece over here. but for now, here is a little teaser just to whet your appetite!

I am going...
I am going to relax as much as I can in-between work hours this week. I am quite tired today, which is not like me. I may even go back to bed when I finish here. I don't have to work until later today so that's good. I recognize the value of having a job in these precarious times and I really do enjoy mine, so it's a double blessing. I need to learn how to relax more when I am not working instead of filling up all my hours with one activity or another!!

I am reading...

This is one of the books I picked up at the LDS bookstore in Godstone the other day. I just love President Eyring. I was so thrilled when he got chosen to become one of the counselors to our church President. I have always enjoyed his talks. He's long been one of my favourite speakers. When I saw this book I just had to have it. I also got his book, "Because He First Loved Us." I just know these two books will help greatly add to my spirituality and that I will learn a lot from reading them.

Don't you just love that face? What a kind and loving man he is.

I am hoping...
That possibly later today I will have the opportunity to call my oldest son. He called last night to wish me a Happy Easter when I was at work, and so I missed it. He did send me a lovely photo of my grandson, Gabriel, enjoying his Easter surprise! It was waiting in my e-mail this morning! The joy on his little face brought a real song into my heart. Oh how I miss my grandsons, and my children too of course! It can be very hard to live so far away at times. We are planning a trip back to Canada in the summer of 2010 though so that is something rich to look forward to!!

I am hearing...
The birds singing away, the clock ticking, Jess snoring . . . and my playlist softly playing underneath it all. This is the sound of home. It is comforting and brings me joy. I truly am blessed in unspeakable ways!

Around the house...
I have a couple of orders to get out for my cards and some prints as well. I was so pleased to get them! It makes me feel good to know that people want to own something that I have created and to think also that my cards will be used to bring joy into someone else's life. In the meantime I really need to sort out a better place for my work station. I think Todd is getting rather annoyed that I clutter up the kitchen table with the tools of my passion! (Oh my, but that did sound naughty, but you know what I meant!!)

One of my favorite things...
Is sitting down here to write my words to you each morning. I don't have an really close friends that live nearby and so I don't get to share much of my life with anyone other than Todd. Writing on this journal each morning is kind of like having a conversation with a close friend to me. This is the place I can unburden my heart and share my thoughts. I am so grateful to you all for listening to my words each day. It means the world to me!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
I have a week off from the Young Woman's Mutual Activity and Seminary again because of the Easter Holidays and so I have a free evening on Thursday night. We got the film, Twilight to watch! I am really looking forward to seeing it. I have read all of the Twilight books! Todd is not so sure about it . . . modern day Vampires, love stories . . . he's not quite sure it's his cup of tea, but he'll suffer through it anyways, just because he loves me!! (I am thinking he will not find the film so boring anyways, or at least I hope not!)

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

Bleeding Hearts from the garden. Aren't they just so breathtakingly beautiful??? And this is only one of the many flowers we have growing in our garden. How can anyone look at something like this and not see the hand of God??? So intricately beautiful and fantastically complex . . . as all things are on this earth. Everything fits together and builds the most beautiful song . . . the song of life. And to think . . . it's all free! We just have to be willing to look with our eyes and feel with our hearts. It's magic . . . pure magic.

And there you have it, my Simple Woman's Day Book for today. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! It's not that hard and I am betting you would enjoy it!)

We didn't really have an Easter Dinner as such this weekend. I had some leftover meat in the freezer that I wanted to use up. When I first took this out I thought it was a chunk of leftover roast pork. Frozen, that's what it looked like, but when it thawed out I realized it was a piece of the Turkey Breast that I had cooked at Christmas. I threw together this delicious casserole and we enjoyed it for our tea before I left for work yesterday. It really was good! I can't wait to eat the leftovers today!!

*Scalloped Turkey (or Chicken)*
serves 4 - 6

Delicious dressing on the bottom and topped with tender slices of leftover turkey. The whole thing is smothered in a tasty sauce and baked in the oven. I simply cooked some vegetables and baby new potatoes to go along and it truly was a meal fit for a king!

3 to 4 cups cooked turkey or chicken
4 ounces butter
1/2 cup flour
salt and black pepper to taste
2 1/4 cups chicken stock
1 cup milk
1 4-ounce tin of sliced mushrooms, drained well
(Or you can slice up some fresh mushrooms like I do, and brown them
off in a bit of butter)
For the dressing:
2 cups toasted bread cubes
2 small onions, peeled and chopped
1/2 cup coarsely chopped celery
1/2 tsp salt
black pepper to taste
1/2 tsp dried sage, crumbled
2 ounces butter

Pre-heat the oven to 180*C/350*F. Lightly butter a 2 quart casserole dish and set it aside.

Melt the 4 ounces of butter in a saucepan. Blend in the flour and cook, stirring for one minute. Slowly stir in the broth and the milk. Cook, stirring constantly until bubbly and thickened. Season to taste with some salt and pepper. Set aside.

Lightly toss the bread cubes, onion, celery, 1/2 tsp salt, crumbled sage and the 1/4 cup of melted butter together in a bowl. Add a grinding of black pepper to taste. Arrange in the prepared casserole dish.

Place the sliced turkey overtop of the dressing in the casserole dish. Top with the sliced mushrooms and then pour the sauce over top, covering it completely.

Place in the heated oven and cook for about 1 hour, until nicely bubbling and well heated through. Serve hot.


  1. Hope you have a moment to catch your breath after a busy weekend, Marie...I didn't realize you had to work ALL weekend--LOL! You are amazing, my friend...Love hearing how your week is starting. Here we are enjoying the last day of the holiday--all returns to normal tomorrow--LOL! So funny about the non-matching pajamas! I'd take the hubby that irons too over matching PJ's. ;o) Your new reading sounds good. And Handel's Messiah is amazing to hear and experience staright through. Your new art work is a joy--your paintings are so happy! Look forward to chatting with you tomorrow--I hope so! LOVE YOU HEAPS, dear friend ((HUGS))

  2. Hi Marie, guess what! I saw the angel on top of the temple yesterday! We pass the temple when we go to my eldest daughter Claire's house, she lives in Ashurst Wood, as we were driving towards it I remembered to look up and there it was, it all it's's beautiful!
    It sounds like you're having a 'chilling' sort of day, until you have to go to work later. Peter and I were hoping to do some much-needed work in the garden today so I'm hoping the rain holds off. Hope you and Todd are well and I'm still hoping we can get together again this summer...where did LAST year go?!

  3. I'm glad you get a late start today and can rest up before working again. I know I count on my weekends to get refreshed and renewed for another work week. I don't know as I could do without it. The casserole sound heavenly and I'll save the recipe for the next time I have leftover turkey.
    Take care ! 'On Ya'-ma

  4. Ali from Ireland13 April 2009 at 12:31

    Hope you had a happy Easter Marie, and thank you so very much for sharing your thoughts each day. Like you, I too don't have an really close friends that live nearby and reading your journal every morning means so much to me. It's feels like catching up with an old friend!

  5. I have had such a turmoil of mind lately, it is so nice to come to your blog ,and find you so at one with yourself and your life ,even if I dont comment ,Im here somewhere hee hee ,thankyou dear Marie ,I am feeling better now Easter is a time to renew isnt it ? Jan xx

  6. Hope you had a wonderful Easter! I love your precious painting! So cherry and bright!!!! Have a wonderful week! I pray you start feeling better!

  7. HEEHEE! We must have been posting about the same time! I love what you wrote on the comment about God in these days. He is definitely at work bringing about His purposes across nations, denominations, etc. These are the last days and He is bringing us back into proper alignment with his Word, The whole word, especially in regard to the Holy feast days. It seems everyone is gearing up for them. How wonderful to be alive at this time! I'm praying for us all to live in accornce to His will and that we are open to His still voice!

  8. hi Marie, happy Easter... scalloped turkey recipe sounds delicious.. must try recipe..i was wondering which site offers the best of my friend introduced to a great site where i found a gamut of food ingredients from around the world.

  9. I, also, really enjoy Pres. Eyring and was so excited when he became an Apostle. He was the president of Rick's college when I was there (oh-so-long-ago) and I loved learning from him then. I have that book, too. Have a great day!

  10. Happy Easter !

    I really loved your gorgeous little painting; it exhibited such JOY !

    Thank you for brightening my day .....

  11. Marie,

    I always love to read your Simple Woman's Book~ You truly are a beautiful lady with a heart of gold.
    I can see why you are tired. You continually RUN! You are amazingly good and busy.
    We too love President Eyring's Growing Closer to God. A wonderful friend gave it to my husband when he was bishop.
    Thansk for sharing your life and thoughts. You are a true example to me:)


  12. I hope you had a great Easter! I can't believe you had to work all weekend! That woman is dreadful! The LFB sounds fine. I've got a few ideas I was going to e-mail you!

  13. Lovely to peek into your cottage and say hello! I hope you do have some sweet spaces of rest between work this week as you hoped! I too am a displaced Canadian, but thankfully much closer to 'home' than you - no 'ponds' to cross!

  14. I cant say I have ever heard of someone ironing

  15. My sister, Marie...I love you and just wanted you to know!

    Hugs, Bonnie

  16. Dear Marie Easter and Christmas are my favorite times of the year, really. I love your Mondays you know. Im so happy by Erin and Lura I show to Mama the little baby and she find so cute!!! Im happy with all these blessings to Lura and Erin.

    Huggs and kisses to you and Todd. xxxGloria

  17. Hello Dear,
    I am grabbing a minute to say Hello to you. I loved visiting your day book as always. It is like we are talking friend to friend. I couldn't get to the computer earlier because Calan told me he wanted my undivided attention...of course I agreed. I need to sosk up every minute I have with him and store it in my heart. Just like I did with my time with you.

    I left Erin's about 2 and came up to Lynell's to fetch John. We will return to Erin's tonight and probably leave for home tomorrow. How I hate to go. I am blessed that my children and grandchildren are not a sea away like yours are but 3 states is still too far in my opinion....It breaks my heart to leave them each time we return home.

    I am sending love. You and Todd are always in my prayers. XOXO Lura

  18. I could definetly eat this, it's comfort food to me!

  19. What a beautiful picture of your bleeding hearts flower. Breath-taking!!
    Lisa (lisita15)

  20. handel's messiah is beautiful! i had never heard more than 5 minutes of it until last year, when a friend of mine talked me into joining the stake choir for a messiah performance. i'm not a great singer, but as part of a choir, i'm decent enough. . .anyways, it was an amazing experience. i loved the music(it was difficult to learn!) and it was testimony builder. it changed the meaning of easter for me last year. it was awesome.


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!