
Friday 17 April 2009

Dreams . . .

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start my friend, anyone can start from now and make a brand new end."

~Carl Bard

If you haven't seen the video by now of Susan Boyle, I would be very surprised. She is the almost 48 year old woman from Glasgow, Scotland, who auditioned for Britain's Got Talent. They showed the clip of her audition last weekend on the show, and you can watch it here on YouTube. If you haven't already seen it you have missed out on something that is truly wonderful. It has to be one of the most inspiring things I have seen in a very long time. A very ordinary looking woman, she walked out on that stage and surprised the socks off of everyone, and by the end of her song the whole audiance was standing and cheering. If anyone in this world deserves to win that competition, I would say that she does, and most certainly after that performance she is a winner in my books anyways. She really touched my heart.

Why do I think she is a winner??? Because . . . she has a dream, and she is not afraid to follow it. She's not afraid to stick her neck out, and to tell the world that she has this dream, and she's not afraid to risk her reputation and her heart by showing the world what that dream is. I so admire her, and not just because she happens to be darn good singer either. I admire her for her courage and for her example, and I have a very strong feeling that she is also a woman of faith and that faith is something that helped to propel her onto the stage so that she could wow the world. An ordinary woman who has never married, I read somewhere that she works in a Charity shop and does amateur dramatics in her spare time. She also sings in church.

A lot of us have dreams. A lot of us have talents. Not a lot of us have the courage to put them out there where they risk being ridiculed and mocked . . . and crushed. That takes moxy. That takes a strong belief in yourself and faith in a higher power.

I have a dream, just like many of you do, as well. I dream one day of being able to do my little drawings and paintings and actually be able to make a living by doing so. Wouldn't that be grand! I did another one yesterday afternoon that I call, "The Healer." I think she's rather sweet. Of course she's over in her entirety on my Blossom Times Page. I have a whole stack of penciled sketches just waiting to go and to bring to life with my pens and inks and paints. I come up with a new one just about every other day or so. There is always a picture of a wee character, and a story running around in my head. I'm rather odd that way I suppose! The only thing that keeps me from painting every day is a lack of time to do so. At any rate I have a dream and hopefully one day it will come true. Dreams are the stuff that hope is made from and, like Susan Boyle, I am not afraid to put mine out there. If you never have a dream? Why . . . you can never have a "Dream Come True."

I picked up a chunk of ham for a really cheap price at the Deli counter at the grocery store the other day. It was the leftover end of a larger ham, and only cost me £1.25. Yesterday I was able to make a delicious and filling soup with it for our supper. With a couple of slices of a rustic loaf that I put together in my bread maker it went down a real treat!

*Hearty Ham Broth*
Serves 4

What a delicious soup this is, just full of wonderful flavours and textures. It's easy, low in fat, high in folic acid and easily counts as two of your daily five a day!

1 TBS olive oil
2 onions, peeled and finely chopped
1 carrot, peeled and finely chopped
2 large potatoes, peeled and cut into small cubes
2 ounces cooked ham, shredded
2 pints hot vegetable stock
2 ounces small pasta shapes or broken spaghetti
1/2 of a cabbage, shredded (I used Savoy)
salt and black pepper

Heat the oil in a large pan. Add the onion, carrot and potato. Gently sweat for about five minutes without colouring. Add the pieces of ham and the vegetable stock. Bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and then allow it to simmer for about 10 minutes, or until the potato begins to soften.

Add the pasta and cook for a further 10 minutes, until the pasta is cooked and the potatoes begin to break down and thicken the soup. Stir in the cabbage and cook for several minutes longer, just until the cabbage is cooked. Taste and add some salt (if needed) and a healthy grind of black pepper. Serve up in heated bowls with some buttered crusty bread on the side.

On a side note, Todd and I finally got to watch Twilight, the movie last night and it was fabulous!! I can't wait for the sequel!


  1. Good Morning dear,
    I LOVE SUSAN BOYLE!!! John found her on world net daily 2 days ago and we have played her over and over since then. It brings me to tears every time. She sings that song from Les Mis as well as any I have ever heard singing it...even those professionals on broadway. I love watching the judges reactions..especially Simon... it is priceless. I hope that she wins. I hear that she now has over a million fans on utube. She is a diamond in the rough that is for sure. I really love her. I wish that we could follow her every week. Keep us posted on how she does.

    The soup looks great. We always enjoy good soup and I will try it.

    We had a lovely time working in the temple today. We enjoyed the 2 weeks off but it was good to get back. It is such a spiritual place and it is an honor to work there.

    I surely miss my Utah kids and grandkids. I especially miss the night time dinner dates that Calan and I had at least twice each night. That was so special to me. I cherish those special feeding and cuddle times we shared. Calan won't remember them but I will always treasure that time we shared.I could hardly put him down after his last feeding early yesterday morning...but I am so thankful that we were there when he was born and I got to be there his first days at home...what a blessing.

    I am sending you love... and lots of it. Have a good Fri and a great weekend. XOXXO Lura

  2. Hi Marie,

    Wasn't Susan Boyle fantastic? I loved how she didn't pretend to be cool and be nonchalant - she loved every minute of being on that stage and it showed! There was a true case of judging a book by its covere - until she opened her mouth!
    Soup looks fab! Will def try!
    Have a lovely weekend!
    Helen x

  3. Good morning! I just saw Susan last night on youtube! it was wonderful to see her take that audience by storm! She is phenomenal! And she is a precious lady! Love this post, as always! The ham broth looks so wonderful, and healthy! I know my husband would love that one!!!!!

  4. My mom sent me a clip of Susan, what a voice! Hope all her dreams come true...And yours too, dear Marie. We all have big and little dreams. Some come true. Many we work on a long time. But even belated success is so very sweet. Your recipe today is terrific. I just baked a pan of brownies for the weekend...the house smells of chocolate! I know you have a busy weekend ahead, so hope to catch up with you more early next week. Happy weekend to you, Todd and Jess! :o) LOVE YOU HEAPS ((HUGS))

  5. I sat in awe as I watched Susan Boyle. What a dear. What a powerful message she left with us all. Your soup looks scrumptious! Love your thoughts on dreams and faith.

  6. Another great recipe Marie - your ham broth looks really good and I love savoy cabbage!

  7. Oh my goodness-I LOVE Susan's voice and her determination! I love that she silenced the snickers and giggles and stunned the world. Such an amazing story-very similar to Paul Potts.

    ...and the broth looks equally as amazing!

  8. I do so agree Marie, Susan Boyle is amazing. It also just goes to prove once again that we should never judge a person by appearances.
    I still paty each day that your dream will come true..and I am sure it will...I only wish I had loads of money as I would be spending an awful lot on your beautiful beautiful paintings. Each time I see your newest I decide that it is your best has been no exception !!
    Loved the soup as well..I could almost smell it.
    Love Sybil xxx

  9. Hi, Marie! I saw Susan Boyle's clip on YouTube and flipped! She's WONDERFUL! I totally fell in love with her. The Record just uncovered a clip of her singing "Cry Me a River" she did for a benefit 10 years ago. Just go to YouTube and type the name of the song and "Susan" and it will bring her up. I was nearly in tears. She is truly precious!

    Your little "Healer" is adorable! You are so talented! I wish I could draw!

    The Ham broth looks very good. I am saving that for someday soon!

  10. Hi Marie,
    I too watched Susan Boyle and she touched my heart.
    Today I would like to share a favorite recipe of mine to your readers. My mother used to take me to the Waldorf (Worcester Mass branch) when I was small....and this has become a regular for us :)

    The history of the recipe is at the end. Enjoy :)

    WALDORF SALAD (original)

    1 bag Macintosh Apples cubed to ½ inch cubes (as you are cutting them spray with lemon juice in a LARGE bowl or pot.

    1 plastic squirt lemon OR real lemon juice (for spraying the cubed apples while preparing so they don’t get brown)

    1 box (1 ½ cups) Raisins

    1 large stalk fresh celery (peel strings on outside of each stem and slice into THIN slices)

    1 bag chopped walnuts

    1 cup mayo

    1 cup soured cream

    1 cup whipped cream

    2 Tablespoons sugar or sweet and low.

    1. Mix cubed apples, sliced celery, raisins and walnuts in a large bowl or pot.

    2. Mix mayo, soured cream, whipped cream and sugar/sweet and low together.

    3. Mix mayo mixture with apple mixture and refrigerate overnight.

    4. If you want to add more dressing, do so just before serving.


    Waldorf Salad {WAWL-dorf}: Created at New York’s Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in 1896 not by a chef, but by the maître d’hôtel Oscar Tschirky. The Waldorf salad was in instant success. The original version of this salad contained only applies, celery and mayonnaise. Chopped walnuts later became an integral part of the dish. Waldorf salad is usually served on top of a bed of lettuce. The secret was the Mayo Mix.

  11. I LOVED the story about Susan Boyle!! I think all of us who are ever been an underdog, or ignored, or worse even in life are especially cheering for her. So often the "beautiful" people forget that life sometimes has hidden treasures. Looks are so fleeting anyway, the ravages of time usually pretty well even that up. I hope she gets to sing and sing and sing now!! Laughed and laughed at her answers to those judges!!

    Thanks for continuing to share recipes!! A most facinating read!!

  12. Ahh Susan Boyle! We don't watch the show but have seen her song on YouTube and the news and my Mum cries every time she sees it - what Susan Boyle does is very admirable. Looks like a gorgeous soup: especially with that bargain :D

  13. She was on the Today show this morning when I was at the gym...she's just so cute! I just want to hug her and chat with her over a piece of pie! She's absolutely adorable.

    And your soup looks good...I wish I was in England to have a bowl of it with you!

  14. Grammy and Marie,. metoo!!! Id ont watch a lot of TV but the childsd call me to see her and I love ho she sing!! and for me is a winner!!Wonderful voice!!
    She is a type of normal person , with this lovely voice but maybe never have the chance to show as really she is.!!!!Im happy for her because she has now a lot of people that she love her!!
    Beautiful post, kisses, to you, Todd and my dear Lura and of course to Erin and the little, xxxxGloria Is nice to "se e" all of you!! huggs! Gloria

    I remember some words I dont know where comes! "The Lord send me to the poors, the sad people, not the "special " people, to all to that suffer, cry and feel alone, maybe are sick of the heart, the soul of the body.
    To tell them that God Love every person as a special person to Him."
    (Sorry about translate)

  15. I think everyone who saw that clip was spellbound I dont think we have seen the last of this wee Scots Lassie do you ? Jan xx

  16. Susan Boyle reminded me. in appearance, very much of the late Queen Mum, though I can't imagine the Queen Mum singing like that. Her voice was the most wonderful thing I've ever heard. To think that, just going on how she looked, we assumed we were in for an ear-bashing. Let that be a lesson to us all. And think of those lucky people in whose church she sings.

    love, Angie, xx

  17. wow, susan is just AMAZING! i can't help getting teary-eyed every time i watch her sing. we discovered her a couple of days ago as well. i really hope she wins-i love it when someone beats the odds and goes from underdog to star! those are the best stories.

  18. Hello again,
    You will be waking up soon and I will be going to bed. Claire and Austin are here with us. They learned we were back in town and had to come for a sleep over. Claire and I just made your yellow cake with chocolate sauce. The cake will be done in 6 minutes. We will have it as our bedtime snack and think of you. Tomorrow we are making the ham soup you put on this post for lunch.... so see... we are having you with us to share our good times together.

    Sweet dreams for now and when you wake up know that we are thinking of you with love. Lura


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