
Wednesday 18 March 2009

Wednesday morning thoughts . . .

"Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more."
~Anthony Robbins

I get a little quote in my e-mail every morning. This was my quote yesterday morning, and I just loved it. It very much mirrors how I feel about life in general. It really makes me sad when I see people with great potential wasting it away. Some people really allow themselves to be distracted by the world, and by worldly things. Satan's big lie is that you can have it all here, that you will never be anything without all the trappings that come with great wealth and beauty and power. They are called "trappings" for a reason . . . because they enslave you and prevent you from reaching the full measure of your creation. We are not here by accident. We were sent here with a purpose . . . to grow and to develop, to love and to learn, and to become more like our Heavenly Father, so that, when we return home to Him at the end of this very short existence, He can say to us, well and truly, "Well done my child, well done." We do not get that from grabbing all the toys in the toy box and hugging them close to ourselves. We get that by reaching out beyond our boundaries and sharing with others, helping others, having compassion for others . . . I truly believe that we can't even begin to really live our lives to the fullest, until we learn to give them away . . .

I painted a new picture yesterday. I call it "A Postcard From Heaven." I had all my sketches out, looking at them this past weekend, and I have done ever so many. I wish I could just sit and paint all day, every day, but alas . . . I can't. Then again, if I could do it all the time, it probably wouldn't mean as much to me. I don't know. What do you think? You can hop on over HERE to have a peek at the full picture. I even wrote a cheesy little poem to go along with it.

Oh, we got a new toy yesterday. It was a gift. Now, as Latter Day Saints, we don't drink tea and coffee, but we do like hot chocolate, and this little baby makes the best hot chocolate ever! Just as good as any in a cafe, but the best part is . . . you make it at home! Todd was out to meetings last night and left me home all alone. I sat on the sofa with Jess by my feet, all curled up with my quilt and a nice mug of hot chocolate watching all my favourite shows . . . it was so cosy and blissful.

And then . . . I just had to have one of these . . .
Sheesh . . . I'm never going to lose any weight this way . . .

*Hermit Logs*
makes about 36

These are fragrantly lovely. Crisp on the outside, and chewy on the inside, and chock full of raisins, ginger, nuts and spice. The lovely lemon glaze on the outside is the perfect finishing touch. These are really, really moreish!

3 cups flour
1 1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp grated nutmeg
1/4 tsp ground cloves
6 ounces butter, softened
1 1/2 cups soft light brown sugar, packed
2 large eggs
1/3 cup mild molasses
1 cup raisins, chopped coarsely
3/4 cup walnuts, chopped
3 TBS minced candied ginger
For the Icing:
2 cups icing sugar, sifted
3 TBS milk
1/2 tsp lemon extract

Pre-heat the oven to 180*C/375*F. Lightly grease a couple of baking sheets and set aside.

Whisk together the flour, cinnamon, baking soda, baking powder, ginger, nutmeg, and cloves in a bowl. Stir to mix well. Set aside.

Place the butter into a large bowl and beat it with an electric mixer on medium speed, until light and fluffy. Gradually beat in the brown sugar. Beat in the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Beat in the molasses. Beat in the dry ingredients, one half at a time, making sure they are well blended in. Stir in the raisins, walnuts and candied ginger. Cover and chill for 30 minutes.

Divide the dough into six equal pieces. Shape each, on a lightly floured surface, into a 12 inch log. Place 2 logs, about 3 inches apart, on one of the prepared baking sheets. Bake in the heated oven for 12 to 14 minutes, until browned and set, but still slightly soft. Remove from the oven and let cool for 10 minutes on the baking sheet. Using a wide spatula, or two spatulas, slide them onto a wire rack. Repeat with the remaining dough, two more times.

Stir the sifted icing sugar, milk and lemon extract together to make a thin glaze. Spread over the cookie logs while they are still warm. Let stand until cool and the glaze is set. Cut logs crosswise into 2 inch wide pieces. Store in an airtight container.


  1. those look yummy! hope your week is going well. love u lots!


  3. I do drink it all - coffee, tea and an occassional hot chocolate. Some say the caffine bothers them but even at my age it still doesn't. Your new painting and the dessert are both lovely. I too love to paint. I don't do my own designs however, but use ones from books I purchase. I like to do plaques and decorative pieces for others to enjoy. I even once tried to sell things at craft bazaars and did well but it required more time than I could do while working too. Someday I may have more time and can get back into it. For now I paint for my family and that isn't too often.
    Hope your Wednesday is a great one.
    'On Ya'-ma

  4. Hmmm, now let me see. This is for your own good you understand..... that recipe, if you left out the flour, butter, sugar, eggs and molasses and didn't put any frosting on top you could eat them to your heart's content couldn't you?

    I like a nice mug of hot choc too...with a HUGE dollop of whipped cream on the top ....and some marshmallows ....mmmm-HMM!

    Painting looks lovely. I'll follow link later and have a good look. A question re Etsy: Prices are quoted in dollars. Is there any way I can make them appear in £p? How would I know how much money to send?

    love, Angie, xx

  5. Hi dear Marie! A hot chocolate machine! What a great gift! I've been sort of wanting one of those, as I LOVE hot chocolate...But have no more counter top space to keep one, or cupboard space either. A cup of hot chocolate and hermit log...oh, that's a great evening spent! ;o) So sorry to have missed getting to chat yesterday...It was our anniversary! So cozy time with hubby celebrating :o) Hope we can catch up the weekend, unless you have some time during the rest of the week? LOVE the new illustration--oh, so sweet! You come up with such wonders, my friend! LOVE YOU HEAPS ((BIG HUGS))

  6. Love your new toy, Marie!
    Have a great day. Thanks for the morning inspiration, sweety :)

  7. Cozy on the couch with a yummy hot chocolate~sounds delicious!!

  8. Marie!!!! I missed you!! Sorry cant go by some days, (you know some days....) but Im happy to be here with my friend in her Home..

    Nice Post, sometimes I forgot Satan, really because I dont like him, but is true that you say, is a lier.

    Nice Toy to you and Todd I love it!!! and this recipe is wonderful!!!! xxxx. Gloria I love your new draw I will se e someones now, xxxxGloria

    Please continue pray. thanks!!!

  9. Hi Marie
    Thanks for the encouraging words and reminder about temporal things. Your painting is precious. You capture such delight on the faces of the little girls you draw!
    Hope you're having a lovely day.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  10. I love your new little toy! I so miss brewed drinks! And your painting is so sweet! I agree totally with your quote. The trappings of "stuff" is such a waste!

  11. I finally got a chance to catch up on my blog reading and see that I've missed a TON on YOUR blog, Marie! You've surely been busy! The recipes all look divine! I can't decide which one to try first!

  12. I was just thinking about people having it all today, esp. when it came to my stories. I was telling Mom what a waste it was that you were so talented and no one picked up your cards! It's all about money, not skill.

  13. I too love hot chocolate Marie but I try to stay clear as I only have to look at it and I gain weight and I certainly would with your recipe today LOL!!Strange because I am not a chocolate bar lover.The new machine looks great.I commented on your new artwork yesterday it is beautiful.Take Care God Bless Kath xx

  14. Lovely post dear Marie,
    I totally agree all that you have said in this post. I think that you are right and have great insight.

    We just got home from subbing at the temple. I am really tired so I will make this a short comment.... I bet that you are sitting in your jammies typing your Thur post right now.... If you just felt a tingle on your cheek it was me sending you a cyber kiss. Did you get it?..oh good.... I knew you did. I just pulled one of your hugs out of my heart and wrapped it around me...ahh... so sweet... I am sure being wrapped in your love will help me sleep well and have sweet dreams tonight.

    Have a good day. Give Todd and Jess my best. John says hello to you too. Much love...XOXXO Lura


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!