
Monday 16 March 2009

The Simple Woman's Day Book . . .

FOR TODAY, March 16th, 2009 ...

Outside My Window...

Although I could see a growing moon hanging in the sky as I came downstairs this morning, I could see that the sun was beginning to rise and I could hear the beginnings of the morning chorus. Birdsong is so very beautiful this time of year . . . when the birds are mating and nesting.

I am thinking...
The song "Angels" is playing on my play list and I am thinking about angels. I believe in angels, of course. I think they come in many shapes and sizes. They surround us all the time. We have guardian angels and angels that are just there to lend a helping hand if we need it. Sometimes angels come in the shape of a friend, or a loved one, someone who just happens to be where we need them at the right time. I don't believe they can interfere with God's will for us, by any means, but I do believe that they are here to help and guide us if we are willing to look out for them and to listen.

*When life dealt troubled times and had me down on my knees
There's always been someone there to come along and comfort me
A kind word from a stranger to lend a helping hand
A phone call from a friend just to say I understand
Ain't it kind of funny at the dark end of the road
Someone lights the way with just a single ray of hope*

I am thankful for...
All the many blessings in my life . . . love of family and goodly friends . . . a church that has shown me where I came from, why I'm here, where I need to go and how to get there . . . employment at a time when so many have none . . . a comfortable bed to sleep in, food in my belly and a roof over my head . . . my health . . . my various talents and strengths . . . my faith . . . my cup really does runneth over!

From the kitchen...
There's a delicious cake sitting on the counter beckoning to me this morning. (Cake for breakfast anyone?) I haven't actually done a lot of cooking this weekend. Saturday night I did some lovely chicken legs in an Asian flavoured sauce which I will be sharing a bit later on in the week, and then yesterday we just had a cold plate of sliced meats and different salads . . . oh, and sticky toffee pudding, mustn't forget that!! (Yes that is a link to my recipe)

I am wearing...
Pink jammies and my black slippers. I am soooo comfortable. I may never get dressed again . . . (How I wish!!!)

I am creating...
I didn't get any painting done this past weekend because we have had guests, but I was looking through all my sketches on Saturday morning (as my fingers itched to get out my paintbrushes) and I did several sketches while I was waiting for people to get up. I have loads of sketches waiting to go. I wish I had more hours in the day to get to them!!!

I am going...
It's going to be sad to have to say goodbye to Babs and June this morning. It's so nice to have some family around. Todd comes from a very small family and mine is so very far away. We have had a wonderful couple of days though and the sun has shone right through them, amazingly enough! We had a gorgeous day yesterday and drove over to Bateman's (The home of Rudyard Kipling.) All the trees are in bud and there were quite a few flowers blooming . . . anemones, daffodils, crocus and wild orchids to name but a few. It's back to work and reality for me today and then later in the week I have seminary and Young Women's of course!

I am reading...

Yesterday when we were at Bateman's we picked up this lovely book. Can you believe that neither Todd nor I have ever read the Jungle Book??? I know!!! What are we like!!! We have decided that we are going to read it together. The illustrations in this book are wonderful. We saw the originals in the house and they are so very beautiful . . . the book just comes to life with them. Of course I couldn't resist picking up this:

I can't wait to bake my way through it!!! Lucky me! Lucky Todd!!!

I am hoping...
That wherever you are, and whatever you are doing, you will take a few minutes to just stop and close your eyes and give thanks for your blessings today. We all have them . . . big and small. Just stop and think about them for a few moments, and then pause to give a few minutes of thanks. You'll feel wonderful, I guarantee.

I am hearing...
The birds are full awake now and chattering away. Such a beautiful noise. Jess is laying by my feet softly snoring and I can hear the tap, tap, tapping of my fingers on the keyboard. All is right in my world, all is well . . .

Around the house...
All is tidy, and everything is in it's place. My home surrounds me and draws me in with warm and loving arms. There is no place on earth that I would rather be than within these four walls . . . life has been so very kind to me thus far. God is good.

One of my favorite things...
is puttering about in the kitchen. I love to cook and there is nothing that gives me more pleasure than getting out my pots and pans and making something that I know someone else is going to enjoy. I enjoy every aspect of cooking, well . . . all except the cleaning up part that is! Thankfully I have a 70 year old dish washer that still works a charm! (and it gives hugs and kisses too!)

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
I am hoping that at some point this week I will be able to pick up my paints and brushes and do a bit of painting. I have a ton of things to get done at work. I find that sometimes when you think of the whole picture, it can be a bit overwhelming when you think of all that you need to get done. Instead I try to think of it all one task at a time. It's much easier to bear that way!

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

This is a picture I took out at Bateman's yesterday of some blossom on one of the apple trees. Spring was bursting out all over and the air was so warm, with only the hint of a gentle breeze. We truly did have a wonderful afternoon. I took a ton of pictures, which I will share with you all at one point for sure!

And there you have it, my Simple Woman's Day Book for today. Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to check out the other day book entries! (Or better yet, do a simple day book entry yourself! )

When I was over in American just recently my friend Lenis made me this lovely Dutch Pancake for breakfast on the day I was leaving to come back to England. It was delicious and she gave me the recipe. I made it yesterday morning for our guests and it went down a real treat! I served it with some frizzled ham and sliced peaches . . . Oh, and syrup of course! Thanks for a wonderful recipe Lenis and opening your lovely home to me!

*Lenis' Dutch Pancake*
Serves 6 (or if you are greedy like us, 4)

This is so easy to make and so delicious to eat! You can have it with syrup like we did, or with jam, which is also very tasty. I like to dust it with icing sugar for an attractive presentation. It is truly wonderful and I can't wait for strawberry season so that I can fill it with some lovely fresh berries!

1 cup milk
1 cup sifted flour
6 eggs
1/4 tsp salt
6 TBS butter (shh . . . we aren't going to think about that!)

Pre-heat the oven to 220*C/450*F. Place the butter into a 9 by 13 inch baking dish. Place in the oven to melt. In the meantime put all the remaining ingredients into a blender and give them a good blitz to combine. Take the pan of sizzling butter out of the oven and pour in the batter from the blender immediately. Bang right back into the oven and bake for approximately 20 to 25 minutes. It will puff up and look all light and airy.

Remove from the oven and serve immediately with some sliced fruit, syrup, or jam.


  1. Good morning dear,
    I was afraid that I would not be able to visit you today. My computer has been giving me a hard time today. It has frozen up several times and been very slow the rest of the time. It took me forever to get to your post this morning and was worse tonight. However, after turning it off and on several times it let me drop in. I was about to go to bed but I tried one more time and it worked. I am glad because I always love your Day Book.... ahh... what am I saying... I love all of your posts.. oh well... I guess I love what ever one I am reading at the time.... but I really do love your Day Book.

    I know that it is hard to say bye to Babs and June. I am glad that you have had such a nice visit.

    I hope that you will get to paint this week. Your creative mind amazes me.

    I am really really tired tonight. I will say goodbye. I have a blog friend that really needs some encouragement. I hope that you can take a minute to go to Plaid's blog and give her some of your insight and love. All that you write is so inspiring. I have the link to her post on my blog today.

    I like making German pancakes. They are about the same of Lenis's Dutch pancakes.... good stuff.

    Have a great day. Much love, Lura

  2. that pancake looks sinful all by itself!!!!
    have a wonderful day, Marie!

  3. Your day book today is filled with wonderful things. Spring is much more advanced in your part of the world than ours but we were blessed with sunshine and a little warmth this past weekend. I'll make sure to try that pancake recipe. It looks wonderful and so easy to do. Have a great Monday
    'On Ya'-ma

  4. I made "German pancakes" for breakfast two weeks ago & have it on my mental menu for breakfast on Wednesday. They are so yummy. . .strawberries are terrific & lemon with icing sugar (like traditional French crepes) are amazing.

  5. Hi, Marie...What a great start to the week here! And I know how you feel...I'm having a "want to stay in may pj's all day" feeling too--LOL! ;o) That book of tea time recipes looks lovely...can't wait to see what you come up with from that. Your pancake here is sensational...would love to try this one!...mmm...Slow start here, I'm feeling extra tired today. Mondays...hhhmmmph...LOL! Happy week, my friend. Hope we get to chat tomorrow. LOVE YOU ((BIG HUGS))

  6. Cake for breakfast is one of my favorite things!!

  7. Marie, you have a lovely blog! I enjoyed reading your Daybook. :)

  8. What a GORGEOUS photo! That flower is just lovely.

  9. Love the day book. Wish my Mondays allowed me to do that. I love Dutch babies! And you like them the way I like them. Peaches and powdered sugar. Mmmmm.

  10. What a wonderful daybook. I enjoyed reading it so much. I love the picture of the apple blossoms, and the recipe for the dutch pancake made me hungry! Thanks for sharing.

  11. I wholeheartedly advocate cake for breakfast, anytime :) Looks like a lovely cook book you picked up - cant wait to see the results from it! The pancakes look gorgeous too :D

  12. Marie, I just adore you. I love coming here every day!

  13. Hi Marie,

    I was excited to find your blog and to realize we belong to the same church! I am going to add your blog to my blogroll so I can come back and visit when I have more time to read. I enjoyed your daybook entry very much!


  14. I enjoyed reading your daybook. Your recipe for the pancake looks good. I hope you have a great week.


  15. Oh, that Dutch pancake looks so good. I haven't made one of them in years. Sometimes I'd put freshly sauteed apples in the center, or if I was lazy, I'd just sprinkle it with lemon juice, then powdered sugar. Your pictures of it were just beautiful - made me hungry!

  16. i believe in angels too! they are all around us-i feel it!

    and i have never read the jungle book either. there are actually so many classics that i have yet to read. i need to make that a goal-to read more(and blog less probably:)

  17. How I fancy your Dutch Pancakes. I can just imagine how they would taste sprinkled with icing sugar and a good squirt of lemon juice.

    I often have days when I think I'll wear my jim-jams all day. THOSE are the days when you can bet your socks someone will call round.

    love, Angie, xx


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