
Wednesday 11 March 2009

The Footprints of God . . .

A devout believer in God and an athiest once went camping together. At the end of the first day, the believer knelt down to pray inside their tent. The athiest looked on in amusement.

"Did you ever see God, hear, or put out your hand and touch Him?" the athiest asked. The answer came . . . "No." The athiest's reply . . . "Well, then, you are a fool to believe in a God that you have never seen, heard or touched."

They then retired for the night.

They awoke the next morning just before sunrise. The believer spoke to the athiest, saying, "There was a wolf around the tent during the night."

Immediately the athiest asked the same questions he had asked the night before. "Did you see the wolf, hear him, or put out your hand and touch him?" Again . . . the answer was no. The athiest was thoroughly convinced that this believer was a truly strange man.

As they went to leave the tent the believer pointed out the tell tale signs of the wolf's recent presence, footprints in the dirt surrounding the tent. Just then, the sun began to peer over the horizon and bathed the earth in the warm and tender glow of early morning as the birds began to sing. The believer gazed over at the athiest and reverently said . . . "Behold the footprints of God."

As a believer, I have a really hard time understanding how anyone can not believe in God, especially when I am surrounded by all the evidence that encircles me . . . from the tiniest grain of sand on the earth to the majesty of the stars in the heavens at night. Did this all happen by accident? Surely not. There is so much that is good in the world, and that is right, and it all flows together with purpose and intention. Like the cogs of an intricate watchwork . . . everything fits and turns with precision. One does not really have to look very far to see the very real evidence of His presence . . .

I made Todd a delicious Chicken Pot Pie for his tea last night. I had some leftover chicken from the weekend and it's one of my favourite things to make for him, and to be honest, it's one of his favourite things for me to make for him as well!!

*Down-Home Chicken Pot Pie*
Serves 4

I like to bake the pastry separately from the filling in this one, sliding it on top of the pie just prior to serving it. This helps to insure a truly crisp crust. Don't worry, they both cook at the same time in the oven and at the same temperature!

Pastry: 1 cup flour
1/4 tsp dried thyme
1/4 tsp salt
5 TBS, plus 1 tsp cold butter, cut into bits
2 - 3 TBS ice water
Filling: 4 TBS butter
1/4 cup flour
1 3/4 cup chicken broth
1 large potato, peeled and cut into 1/2 inch dice
1 medium sweet potato, peeled and cut into 1/2 inch dice
1 large carrot, peeled and cut into 1/2 inch dice
1 medium stalk of celery, cut into 1/2 inch dice
1 3/4 cups milk
1/4 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp salt
1/8 tsp poultry seasoning
1/4 tsp summer savoury
2 cups diced cooked chicken
1/2 cup frozen corn kernels
1/2 cup frozen baby peas

First make the pastry. Combine the flour, thyme and salt in a bowl. Add the butter and then cut it in with a pastry blender or two knives until it is crumbly, with some pieces the size of a split pea. Drizzle with the ice water, 1 TBS at a time, tossing with a fork until the dough begins to come together. Gather into a ball and flatten into a disc. Wrap in cling film and chill for about an hour.

In a large skillet with a lid, combine the chopped potato, sweet potato, carrot and celery along with 1 cup of the chicken broth. Bring to the boil. Cover, then reduce the heat to a simmer and cook for about ten minutes until the vegetables are tender. Pour the vegetables and broth into a bowl and set aside.

In the same skillet, melt the 4 TBS of butter over medium heat. Stir in the 1/4 cup of flour, stirring until smooth. Cook, stirring for one minute longer. Remove from the heat and gradually whisk in the chicken broth, whisking it in until smooth. Whisk in the milk, pepper, salt, poultry seasoning and summer savoury. Return to the heat and bring to the boil, continuing to stir, until the sauce it smooth and thick. Reduce to low heat and simmer for a few minutes. Pour this into the bowl with the vegetables and broth. Add the chicken, peas and corn. Stir it all together well. Taste and adjust seasoning as required. Pour the filling into a shallow 2 1/2 quart baking dish and set aside.

Pre-heat the oven to 200*C/400*F.

On a lightly floured surface, roll out the pastry dough to a round large enough to fit into the baking dish, 1/4 inch thick. Place on a small cookie sheet. Crimp the edges and cut into quarters. Prick all over with a fork. Place the pastry and the casserole with the filling into the oven and bake until the pastry is nicely browned and the filling is bubbling, from 18 to 2o minutes. Remove from the oven. Slide the pastry on top of the hot filling and serve.


  1. Yum, that pastry reminds me of my Nan, that is how she cooked it, I never have quite the same "pastry hands" as her. Have a nice day xx

  2. Now I want some chicken pot pie! I swear whenever I get to England, I'm going to gain 50 lbs!

  3. I'm much the same way, unable to fully understand how someone can go so long without believing in God!!! His grandeur is all around!
    That is one great chicken pie! Ive never heard or had one with the crust baked separately,but I do love this idea! Beautiful!

  4. Thank you for leaving comments on my blog! I am so bad about commenting myself, it's something I intend to rectify. Love the photos and also the quotes, I must get round to reading your back postings too.

  5. Another yummy recipe, Marie. I love all the chicken recipes you do - nobody can ever say chicken is boring again! I'm busy doing cookies today - hope you are well. Amanda x

  6. What an inspiring story Marie ,the pie looks yummy Jan xx

  7. This is a great post - the footprints of God! I am still around, reading regularly, just have not had a lot of inclination to comment or post - lazy me! Spring is starting to roll around here. Love you muchly, Marie! XO Raquel

  8. Marie, I wanted you to know even if I don't comment much that you always make me feel good or better! You are very soothing to me and I really need that in my life right now.
    I love home made chicken pot pie :) Love and Hugs** Teresa

  9. Mmmm...summer savory and thyme sound wonderful. I can imagine the taste of this pot pie is too. Your crust looks so pretty. A piece of art all in itself. I cannot understand people that don't believe either. I do think we are so blessed that we do believe. Have a great Wednesday.
    'On Ya'-ma

  10. Yes please Marie, I'll have some of your chicken pie, it looks really good!
    I'm in the middle of decorating today so tonight we will just have a quick dinner sadly, as I now want that pie of yours!!

  11. lovely story and yummy pot pie!

  12. What a great post about the footprints of God. I really enjoyed reading it. It is hard to understand how people can not see God's handiwork all around them.

  13. I love chicken pot Pie is one of my favorite and of child too!!! Love it and lovely history of course, huggs Marie, Gloria

  14. Lovely story Marie! Your chicken pot pie looks so yummy!

    I am off to a RS meeting now. I hope you have a wonderful day/night!!!


  15. My goodness, that pastry is making me drool....I LOVE having a crunch pastry in my chicken pot pie, so this recipe is perfect :)

  16. Thats such a clever way of doing the pastry - it much make it a lot easier to serve the pie! Looks delicous :)

  17. Everything you make looks so heavenly even for breakfast! I agree, How can you not believe when HE surrounds us with such beauty each day?

    Have a wonderful day, Marie!

  18. What a great looking pie, Marie. I never thought about cooking the pastry seperatly. Sounds like a good idea.

  19. Cooking the pastry seperately! What an idea! Everybody covets the crispy crust at my house...

  20. You used to be able to get those pastry blenders everywhere but they seem to be right out of fashion now. You are talking about the thing with a horizontal hand-grtip with a set of curved blades under it? I can't even get one in Lakeland. Any thoughts?

    There is such a lot you can do with chicken - I'm with Manda on that - and I love chicken pie.

    Those poor peole who don't believe in God, I wonder what they put the evidence of his presence down to?

    love, Angie, xx

  21. I just spent the afternoon getting all caught up with you. :) The chicken pot pie looks wonderful. It is one of Hubby's specialties. I love a good chicken pot pie. I never thought of cooking the pastry alone. Great tip!!

  22. Hello,
    Well I guess that I am the last to comment today.... and you won't even see it until you wake up Thurs. morn. We were up and going first thing this morn and I didn't have time to go to my computer.... We got home about noon but I have been working all day on this and that. Here it is after 5:00pm and this is the first that I've been able to sit at the computer all day.

    I hope that you didn't think I was ignoring your post today.... never... not me.

    I enjoyed your story and I think I will make the pot pie for dinner if I have any chicken in the freezer. It looks so good.... and we love pot pie.

    I am sending you a hug... can you feel it wrapping around you with love???? I hope so. XOXOX Lura

  23. Hello again,
    I made the pot pie for dinner. We both enjoyed it. I'll send you a picture in a email.

    Thanks dear...hugs

  24. You are wonderwoman Marie with your left overs.The Chicken Pie looks delicious eveb though you know by now I am not a big Chicken lover.I believe thats the main in my opinion.It's up to others what they believe.Have a lovely Friday.Late once again with my commenting but I got here as usual Old Faithful LOL!! Hope you are both well and you should be on that kind of food he-he.Take Care God Bless Kath xx

  25. Hello Marie,
    I just popped in to say I hope everything is alright with you as I have missed your daily posts and was becoming worried.A born worryer thats me.Prayers all is ok and that you are just busy..Take Care God Bless Kath xx


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