
Friday 13 March 2009

Do Something Funny For Money!

Here it is. The day that comes around once every two years, Red Nose Day! Here in the UK, every two years we have a day that is dedicated solely to the raising of money for use in making a difference in the lives of thousands of people the world over. We call it Red Nose Day. It is day quite simply like no other!

All across the nation schools and offices will be raising funds by participating in special activities . . . bake sales, etc. Individuals and homes will be doing the same. The BBC tonight will be filled with the nation's favourite celebrities getting up to all kinds of mischief and mayhem. Red noses will be sprinkled across the entire United Kingdom and tonight BBC One will be filled with wonderful comedy presentations put together by many celebrities and singing groups, all in unison to create the wonderful phenomenon that it is!

(If you would like to watch this video and learn more, be sure to pause the music on this page by clicking on the pause button right at the bottom of this page. Thanks!)

All of this funny business helps to unite these green and verdant isles in trying to make a difference in the world. Nobody digs deeper into their pockets when it comes to giving to people in need than the British do. I think the last time (and don't quote me on this) the UK raised some 60 millions pounds for this charity. People bake biscuits and cakes, run races, and generally make fools of themselves, all with a common purpose . . . fighting poverty at home and abroad.

For weeks now people have been able to buy Red noses. Over the years some 50 million red noses have been purchased and the funds given to this charity. There has been The Hands Nose, The Tomato Nose, The Colour Changing Nose, The Shaggy Nose and The Nose That Grows. This year I believe there has been three different noses.

It's a really, really fun day and evening. But don't just take my word for it . . . hop on over HERE and read more, and please, please do something funny for money today!

I did.

*Not Quite Jammy Dodgers*
Makes 2 dozen

Imagine a biscuit that is meltingly moreish and light and topped with a lovely dab of raspberry preserves. These are just like Jammy Dodgers, only better . . . coz home made is always better don't you think?

90g icing sugar
185g plain flour
60g cornstarch
30g ground almonds
250g butter, cut into bits
1/2 tsp pure almond extract
raspberry or strawberry preserves
Icing sugar for dusting

Pre-heat the oven to 180*C/350*F. Line a couple of baking sheets with some parchment paper and set aside.

Sift the icing sugar, flour and cornstarch together into a bowl. Stir in the ground almonds. Add the butter, and using your fingertips, rub the butter into the mixture until there are no visible lumps of butter left. Add the almond extract. Turn the mixture onto a lightly floured surface and knead it gently a few times to make a nice smooth dough.

Pinch off and roll pieces of the dough into 20 to 24 small balls. Place them about 3 inches apart on the prepared baking sheets and flatten each out with the bottom of a glass to make a flat round, about 1/4 inch thick.

Bake for 8 to 12 minutes until they are light golden brown and set. Remove from the oven and, using the tip of the handle of a wooden spoon, make a small indentation in the centre of each biscuit.

Remove to wire racks and let cool. Dust lightly with icing sugar when cold and then fill the centre indentation of each with a little dab of jam.


  1. Ahhh, I did catch you Fri morn after all.

    Good morning. Red nose day sounds like so much fun... and what a nice way to help out charities. What a fun tradition. We don't have anything like that here in the states.

    Enjoy the red nose fun today.
    It is one min past midnight so it is Fri. morn for me too. I had better hop in bed before I turn into a pumpkin. I am sending love and hugs. I wish I had some of those cookies for a bedtime snack.

    Love, Lura

  2. Good Morning Marie, and a Happy Red Nose Day to you. Check out my Red Nose Day Cookies (NOT as yummy looking as yours)- Archie will be taking them to his nursery for the children to enjoy in a while. The girls are getting dressed up for "non-uniform" day. It should be a fun day today.

  3. Trying to think when the first Red Nose Day was. I remember it well but it must have been pre-1999 because I'm sure I was at work. There were loads of cars on the roads with big Red Noses on their front grilles.

    How many millions must they have made over the years?

    love, Angie, xx

  4. I remember red nose day..glad to see it's still around..the one thing the brits have over the yanks is sense of humour!!

  5. I think my husband would enjoy the video, but it would go right over the heads of my munchkins.

    Cami & Graham both were encouraged to have funny heads at school today. I tied Cami's hair up in shiny & furry ribbons. Graham was allowed to wear a hat, so he wore an old sunhat of mine. He wore until he got to school -- and then gave it to me to bring home. :)

  6. I love the RED NOSES. A delightful way to earn money. I'd never heard of it before. Have a great Friday! 'On Ya'-ma

  7. Red Nose DAy! Brilliant!
    I've never heard of it before.
    Hope it's the most successful day yet. :)

  8. Love those cookies. I finally have a kitchen scales in grams! Have a great day!

  9. This was such fun, Marie...The Red Nose Day sounds like a grand thing! Wish I'd known about it before...this is great. DH & I loved that series "Gavin & Stacey"--those characters where fantastic! I hope there will be another series. Your Jammie cookies are super...Oh, I want one now! I have a cuppa tea right here and ready--LOL! Hope you & Todd have a lovely weekend ahead. DH had to work, and my online time may be limited, so I'll check in when I can. LOVE YOU HEAPS, my friend ((HUGS))

  10. Such a great write up about red nose day and all the better because you're not British and therefore not biased. Love it Marie! x

  11. Cool! I've never heard of Red Nose day. But if the muppets are involved, sign me up!

    I had my biopsy yesterday. I ended up going alone b/c Ben's still sick and I didn't want him out in the cold--it's 40 degrees here and raining! It's doing really well- minimal bruising and barely sore. I'll know the results Tuesday!

  12. Happy Red Nose Day Marie. I had never heard of that before. But what a great thing!

    Those cookies look wonderful! I hope you have a super weekend with Todd!


  13. I had never heard of red nose day before. What an awesome idea!!

  14. Ah red nose day, I remember it well Marie before moving over here to the USA.....No red nose day here though I am afraid.
    Jammy Dodgers...Now that takes me back to when my kids were little and I use to buy them.

  15. I thought that Red Nose Day was fabulous yesterday! The extremely moving films of what Comic Relief does reminded us exactly what all the brilliant comedy was for.

  16. how cool! i've never heard of this!


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