
Thursday 5 February 2009

The Difference . . .

I got up early one morning
And rushed right into the day;
I had so much to accomplish
That I didn't have time to pray.

Problems just tumbled about me
And heavier came each task
"Why doesn't God help me?" I wondered
He answered, "You didn't ask!"

I wanted to see joy and beauty
But the day toiled on, grey and bleak;
I wondered why God didn't show me
He said "But you didn't seek!"

I tried to come into God's presence
I used all my keys at the lock;
God gently and lovingly chided
"My child, you didn't knock."

I woke up early this morning
And paused before entering the day;
I had so much to accomplish
That I had the time to pray.
~author unknown

One of the first things I do each morning, as soon as I open my eyes in fact, is to have a few moments alone with my Heavenly Father in prayer. I thank Him for the night I have just passed through, and then I thank Him for the day which sits before me, and I ask that He would guide my steps along the journey that faces me in the coming hours. When I am in the shower, I prayerfully think about all those that I know are in need of my words and prayers, and I ask God to help them, and I ponder any needs that I may have myself, and I ask for guidance and help for those as well. I often say a silent prayer throughout my day as I go about my business. I believe the scriptures charge us to pray unceasingly, and I have to say that I usually have a running monologue going through my head between myself and my Heavenly Father. It is a simple thing . . . prayer . . . but it is something that I absolutely need each morning to get my day off to the right and perfect start. I love my Todd, and I would no more think about going out that front door each morning without sharing a few words with him and telling him how much I love him . . . and I love my Heavenly Father and I would no more think about going out the front door of my day without doing the same thing with Him . . . it takes so little effort, but it makes all the difference in the world between having merely a good day or having a great day! It has been my experience that, when I allow my Heavenly Father to guide my steps, I walk a better path . . .

No Thrifty Thursdays here today. This is my last post before I go off on my great adventure. I cannot believe that at this time tomorrow, I will have begun this wonderful journey! I am so excited about the friends I am going to be able to spend time with, and about seeing my lovely daughter again. I hate to leave Todd behind, but alas, it just wasn't the right time for him to go anywhere. I have made sure he has enough to eat, and I just know that people here will take good care of him for me while I am away.

I have not had any time to do any posts ahead this time, like I did last summer when I was away, but you never know, I may have a chance to jump onto a computer now and then and let you know how all is going. In any case, when I return home, I will be armed with lots of pictures and stories to share with you all. If anyone of you wanted to keep up with my daughter, she has a page here on the Canada Team site: HERE There is a lovely photo of her there and a few words about her as well. I believe that one is also able to leave a message of support for her on that page. The official page for the games is HERE.

I have a ton of things to do today. I have to work, as well as pack, as well as teach a Seminary Lesson. I also have to cut Todd's hair. I am giving Young Women's a pass tonight as I have to be in bed early. I will be on the road a little past five o'clock tomorrow morning! Somebody pinch me coz I still feel like I am dreaming!

I thought I would leave you with the recipe for a really tasty appetizer spread that I make often at work and at home. You don't need to go out and buy the best smoked salmon for this. I often only buy the packages of bits and ends that is quite a lot cheaper. They work just fine in this recipe. I have had this recipe posted on Recipezaar for a long time now, and I have to say it has lots of 5 star reviews and is quite popular, so you know , it's really good.

*Smoked Salmon Spread*
Makes 2 cups

Normally we serve this delicious spread with breadsticks or crackers. Try spooning the leftovers (You'll be lucky if there is any) onto some thick, grilled slices of sourdough bread and top it with a squirt of lemon and a few grinds of pepper. The creamy, pale pink spread, melting into the crevices of the crunchy toast is totally moreish!

12 ounces cream cheese, at room temperature
1/3 cup sour cream
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
6 dashes Tabasco sauce
3 spring onions, white and green parts, thinly sliced
3 tablespoons capers, rinsed and drained
8 ounces smoked salmon, coarsely chopped
3 tablespoons chopped fresh dill or 1 tablespoon dried dill tops
fresh ground black pepper to taste
fresh dill, for garnish (optional)
crackers or breadsticks, for serving

Blitz the cream cheese, sour cream, lemon juice and tabasco sauce in a food processor until it is well combined and smooth. Add the spring onions, capers, salmon, dill and black pepper and pulse a few times to blend well. Don't over pulse as a bit of texture is wanted. Garnish with dill and serve chilled or at room temperature, accompanied with crackers or breadsticks.

I'll catch you all on the flip side! Wish me well!!


  1. Travel safely! Good luck to your daughter!

  2. So excited for you as you begin this journey! I spoke with Lura on Saturday, and she is so very happy to be spending this time with you as well! The Lord is good, and it is amazing how prayers are answered by those who listen to His promptings. We are blessed.

  3. I am excited for you and wish you the very best. Safe travel and a lovely time with friends and family too. 'On Ya'-ma

  4. Have a great time and hope you daughter does well. Love Joan

  5. I have popped the links into my favourites Marie and I shall take a look at them later.I am sure Todd will be fine,Prayers you have safe journey and I hope your changeover goes smoothly.I shall be thinking of you often.Have the best time ever with your friends and good luck to Eileen.I shall miss your posts.Prayers for you always.Looooove Salmon anything so I will definatly try this one sometime.Take Care God Bless.Kath xx

  6. Safe journey Marie have a lovely time. Marie x

  7. i have been slacking with my personal prayers lately. for some reason, its easy for us to remember the family prayer/scriptures, but when it comes down to "me" i'm not doing so hot! thanks for the reminder and inspiration to do better. we all need the Lord's help.

    p.s. have a BLAST on your trip!!

  8. Marie...have a wonderful, safe, and blessed trip to see your daughter and your friends. You, she, and they will be in my prayers!

  9. Sooo very happy for your, Marie, that you will be seeing your daughter compete! Such fun to see the photo of Eileen (she looks like you, but with lighter hair!) and read more about her and her interests. Hope she does well in her events and has a great time at the Games! Enjoy your time...and wishing you very safe and happy travels! Will miss you a lot while you're away...But look forward to photos and stories when you get back. :o) LOVE YOU SO MUCH!! ((BIG HUGS))

  10. Hope you have a wonderful and safe journey, Marie! Best of luck to your daughter!

  11. Have an amazing trip and enjoy every moment with your daughter! Here's to a lot of Gold in your family's future! :)

  12. You will be in my prayers all day tomorrow... have a safe trip....
    I am so excited.

    Maybe we could make some of this lovely dip together...yum

  13. I can't wait to hear about your trip! Have a wonderful time and take lots of picture! I WISH I could meet you!

  14. Have a safe journey Marie and a lovely time!!

  15. I am so pleased for you I hope your flight is still on and you have a safe journey there and back ,I will miss you and keep you in my prayers ,am now going over to check out your daughters links Jan xx

  16. Hi Marie
    Our heavenly Father is so wonderful to us isn't he? I know that you are going to enjoy this trip and I'll be praying for you.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  17. Dear Marie, the time go so fast!! Always I think, Im so happy you will meet finally Lura and she is so happy too I know.
    Dear Marie I whish the bes travel in the world hope all be fantastic!! have a really great time with Lura and family and relax, I will miss you but Im happy you will be with Lura.

    Dear Marie when you have time more quiet, I have a new Blog that I begin now in February is a Bloabout thoughts and feeling about God and all these things that I cannot place in My Recipes Blogs, the only problem is in Spanish I will try to place a translator so if you want go to may read. Dear Ima so happy withis new blog I really need this, Is nice to pray, comments and feel God. Really
    The name is http;//
    that will be "The Faith and Love" is about the Love of God for us, This is. If you go and I dont place the translator yet write me in English and I tell you how I say. the last post I talk about Saint Spirit. Tell to Lura If I dont talk with her. Blesssings, a lot of blessing to you, Todd and Lura. xxxxxGloria

  18. Marie - Even I am so excited and I'm not going! Enjoy each and every second of this marvelous God-given journey! I've left Eileen a message and really am excited for her too! I know you and Lura will definitely be cooking some fantastic meals together. God will be with you all the way there and back. Of course, you already know that! I wish others in your family could also be there and you could see them too.

  19. Have a wonderful trip Marie!! I can't wait to see all the pictures when you get back!!

  20. What an amazing spread! Smoked salmon, cream cheese and dill...mmm...

  21. im so happy for you Marie..
    i hope you have a great adventure... im going to miss your posts :(

  22. Hi Marie! It's been a long time since I've commented...sorry! I just want to say that I hope you have a wonderful trip to see Eileen participate in the Winter Games, so exciting for you both, I'm sure she's over the moon that you could be there in person to support her!
    I'm very much looking forward to hearing all about it and seeing the photos too of course! Love to you and Todd.

  23. I'm excited for you and wish you all the very best.

    Rosie x

  24. Marie, You are as lovely in person as you are on your blog. I felt it an honor to meet you tonight and I loved being in your presence, thank you. Sorry you had such a long day but glad you have such a wonderful itinerary while you are here in our valley. Much love to you today and always.

  25. Marie, Enjoy your trip and make sure you take lots of pictures of your daughter's Olympics. So proud! Bless.


  26. God Speed. I love the picture of the little girl kneeling in prayer. I'm so excited for you and know you'll have a great adventure. Looking forward to hearing of your travels and all the fun you had while visiting with everyone.

  27. Have a wonderful trip. You deserve it. Dawn

  28. Thanks for the yummy recipe. I hope you have safe travels and are able to meet wonderful people along the way. I just read one of my blogging friends picked you up here in Salt Lake City and you are just as lovely in real life as you are on your blog!
    I hope you find warm weather in Boise. It is not as humid so the cold might not penetrate as much as in England.
    Enjoy your daughter and if you need ANYTHING in Boise, let me know, my son lives there and is a generous soul willingto help others!:-)
    Welcome to America!

  29. Hia Marie, Beth asked me to look in as a fellow Uk er. I hope you have a marvellous time away and come back refreshed and inspired.

    Lovely poem.

  30. Thanks, Marie for this wonderful reminder to ask, seek and pray! Have a wonderful journey with your daughter and good luck! Take care! oh...and happy early Valentine's day! Maria


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