
Tuesday 3 February 2009

See the pretty snowflakes . . .

Falling Snow

See the pretty snowflakes,
Falling from the sky;
On the wall and housetops,
Soft and thick they lie.
On the window ledges,
On the branches bare;
Now how fast they gather,
Filling all the air.
Look into the garden,
Where the grass was green;
Covered by the snowflakes,
Not a blade is seen.
Now the bare black bushes,
All look soft and white,
Every twig is laden,
What a pretty sight!
~author unknown

Welcome to Tuesdays With Dorie. Yes, that delish baking group that gets together once a week, every Tuesday of the week, to bake in unison the same scrumptiddlyicious recipe from that wonderful baking book, Baking, from my home to yours, written by the equally as scrumptious Dorie Greenspan! (Whew! that was a mouthful, no pun intended!!) This week's recipe was World Peace Cookies on pages page 138-139, as chosen by Jessica of Cookbookhabit.

I have to tell you from the outset that I did not make these cookies. Not because they didn't look decidedly delicious, but because they were chocolate through and through and my Todd hates chocolate biscuits. (they call cookies biscuits over here) He deplores chocolate biscuits . . . and alas I didn't want to be tempted in that way. I love, Love, LOVE chocolate anything, especially biscuits and cake and I knew I would just snuffle down the whole lot all by myself and I couldn't take that chance . . .

But bazillions of others did and if you want to see their results, you only need to visit the Dorie Blog Roll to see what they got up to! Also the recipe for the World Peace Cookies can be found on Jessica's Page.

I did bake cookies, however . . . just not Dories. I made these wonderful little jam surprises, but I'll get to them a bit later on.

Yesterday was something quite unusual over here in the UK. It was a Snow Day!! Something quite unique and unheard of for the most part, especially down here in Kent! Snow is quite serious business over here. We just don't have the equipment to deal with a lot of it. We got quite a lot of it yesterday, and over most of the UK as well! Traffic ground almost to a halt. The M25 became a huge parking lot. Planes skidded off the runway at Heathrow. Flights were cancelled. Airports where shut down. Children did not have to go to school. Grownups did not have to go to work. (well all except for us that don't have far to go that is!!) Parks filled up with a plethora of people enjoying this rarity, sledging and snowboarding and building snowmen. I watched on the telly as a huge group of them built a huge snowball . . . the largest snowball I have ever seen and then proceeded to roll it down a hill in unison. You have never seen anything like it, a huge group of people running after this huge snowball, all laughing and cheering it on! It was wonderful and made me long to join in!

I can well imagine that all over the country snow angels were made.

I can well imagine that all over the country snowmen popped up like foreign visitors from an alien land.

People walked beneath the falling white fluffy flakes.

Children played and sledged and gamboled through the white falling flakes.

Jess tired herself out catching snowballs that disappeared as soon as she caught them.

Todd tired himself out, clearing the car off umpteem bazillion times.

It was wonderful. This will most likely be known as "The Great Snow of 2009."

Here's the delicious cookies I made instead of the chocolate ones. Tender little cookies baked in tiny muffin tins and filled with a combination of jam and nuts, these live up to their name in a big way . . .

Makes about 3 dozen

One delicious burst of taste . . . buttery goodness filled with sweet and sticky raspberry jam and crunchy toasted pecans. So much pleasure in one . . . tiny . . . mouthful.

1/2 cup butter, softened
3/4 cup white sugar
2 large eggs
2 cups flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 cup raspberry jam
1/2 cup chopped toasted pecans
Icing Sugar (Optional)

Pre-het the oven to 180*C/350*F. Lightly grease some mini muffin tins and set aside.

Cream together the butter and the sugar, until light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs, one at a time. Whisk the flour and the baking powder together. Stir this into the creamed mixture. Shape into about 36 round balls. Place each ball into one of the muffin cups and press around the edges to make a shell.

Stir the jam and nuts together and fill the centres of each shell with this mixture. Don't overfill, or they will bubble up and create a bit of a mess on your pans and be very difficult to remove.

Bake for 10 to 15 minutes until the edges begin to brown.

Remove from the oven. Let sit for a few minutes before removing from the pans to finish cooling on a wire rack. If desired dust with icing sugar.


  1. Talking of snow effects I love the snow on your journal, been meaning to mention it for ages ,it certainly added to your pictures today , and what a cheery little snow man with his yellow bow Jan xx

  2. Lovely pics of the snow - isn't it just fantastic. We've been enjoying it a lot, as you can imagine.

    Great cookies in the muffin tins, may just have to give those a go but with different fillings, thanks for the idea.

  3. What you had is just a little bit of we've had for sure only we are equipped to clear it. Sometimes they take their own good time to do it but winter here is like your pictures most of the time. Hope things are improved there road wise for you all. 'On Ya'-ma

  4. I love those little jam biscuits! I wish it would snow here.

  5. The snow is delightful! Your photos to the magic of winter great justice! We've been keeping up on all your snow from the news. :o) And your snowman is so cute...tee-hee. Those jammy Delights are Day, sweetest friend--LOVE YOU HEAPS! ((BIG HUGS))

  6. What a winter wonderland you have displayed here today Marie with the added bonus of the falling snow.Oh! how I loved the diddy snowman.Who made it ? you or Todd? LOL!!It was so cute.The cookies look great they reminded me of some we used to bake when I was a young girl at school.They were called raspberry drops,I loved them. he-he.Thankyou for sharing the beautiful snaps you took.Take Care God Bless Kath xx

  7. Just catching up....such a lot going on! What an adventure going to Idaho.
    Great pictures of the Snow.
    Thanks for your comments...

  8. What a pretty post. Love all these lovely snow photos.

    Thank you for this delightful recipe..i'm going to give it a try..they look wonderful.

    Take care,

  9. Hi Marie
    That snow looks beautiful. It will help you get ready for Idaho!! You must be getting so excited!!
    I didn't know you lived in Kent. It is such a beautiful part of England.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  10. I thought of you when I saw the report of SNOW in England. Your cookies look delicious.

  11. Hi Marie - I love to see snow even though it causes such disruption here. That lovely smooth virgin snow that no-one stepped in yet makes my garden look as good as everyone else's!
    love, Angie, xx

  12. Your snowy pictures are beautiful, Marie. And your cookies look they got a light dusting as well.
    Enjoy your winter wonderland!

  13. Love the snow pictures Marie!!! are lovely!And your cookies look wonderful.Thanks by pray,Love ya! (when you go to Lura) say Hello by me! Gloria

  14. Bummer that you didn't make them because they were good. Of course your delights look delicious as well. Beautiful pictures of the snow! :)

  15. Hi marie, those pics of the snow are really beautiful and yes we had lots of snow yesterday! I've watched children making snowmen and playing snowballs and having great fun!

    Your cookies look delicious.

    Rosie x

  16. I saw that you are following my blog and I decided to stop by and say Hello, Marie. It has only just started to snow here in NJ so those pictures are perhaps what I have coming. Your pictures capture the snow beautifully. I'm very fond of the snowman also. ~Mary

  17. Wow...lovely pictures...what a winter wonderland. You will be ready for Idaho for sure.

    CAN'T WAIT!!!!

  18. The M25 (motorway for anyone that doesn't know what it is)is already known as the worlds largest car park lol. So with the snow that must have been really BAD!!
    We still have snow here too - I know people from the USA and Canada etc must think us quite mad to get excited about a few inches of snow....But as it's sort of rare here I LOVE it!!

  19. You got more snow than us! But oh, wasn't it beautiful? How etraordinary! These cookies look like something I would enjoy making for Christmas! YUM!

    Susie xoxoxox

  20. Marie - your pictures are gorgeous. There is nothing quite like a first, clean snow, when there are no footprints, no piles or ice anywhere, no dripping. Just serene quiet. That muffled kind of silence that only comes when you're out in the middle of somewhere after a snow. Glad you didn't have far to walk!

    We never get snow here in Southern California - at least not down at sea level. We do have mountains nearby that do, and I always enjoy looking at them after a storm.

  21. Your pictures are INCREDIBLE!!!

    We can't wait to have you here! Our snow is melting and not quite as pretty, but the sunshine has been really nice!

    Seriously Marie, this is your trip and we are game for whatever you'd like to do! We'd love to have your friends come and visit- or we can go up to Murray- whatever works out best! We are all so excited to get to see you! Yippee!

    PS... I can't imagine not liking chocolate... sometimes I wish I didn't like it so much!

  22. What a beautiful post and amazing photography! We have a couple feet of snow piled up but we haven't had a snowfall that beautiful in weeks. Your Delights look delicious, fruit and nuts win over a chocolate cookie any day for me :)

  23. Great pictures. We had lots of snow too and apparently more is on the way! Thanks for your help the other day, the cheesecake tasted really nice noone noticed !! Love Louise xx

  24. This story is so beautiful. It reminded me of the snow we got here which in and of itself is very rare as well like a 100 years ago. Anyway, I was having a particularly rough Christmas and Joe and I decided to go for a walk I needed the fresh air. They talked of snow but we only shrugged it off not really believing it would really happen. Just as we rounded the corner to our house the flakes started coming down and I was like Joe is this snow I couldn't believe my eyes. In a night that was turning out to be a horrible Christmas Eve quickly turned to a beautiful reminder of our Lord and this great world he had created for us. For us that Christmas Eve snow fall was a miracle I needed so desperately in my life. Your story was perfect and reminded me of His great promises and the love the Savior has for us all. Thanks for the pictures they are beautiful. Sorry for the long post. love and treasure your friendship, cyndi

  25. Hi Marie!

    Lovely pictures of the snow! I heard about your big snowstorms on the radio today! I heard it shut London down!

    I hope you are keeping warm!!! See you soon!


  26. oh my! I love snow and miss it so much. It's been a little chilly here but by next week it will be back up in the high 70's. Snow is so magical. . . all we get here are palm trees year round. Trust me, Florida is NOT a dream come true!!!

  27. Love the snow! Love it! Wish we could get that much!

  28. those pictures are just GORGEOUS marie! i wish i could be there. no snow for us:(

  29. Here in Wisconsin we are getting a little tired of snow. Your lovely pictures reminded me to appreciate it again!

    Hope you will try the World Peace Cookies sometime. They are really really good! Just be sure you are going to have a bunch of other people to help you eat them up!


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