
Sunday 22 February 2009

An extra special smile maker

I forgot someone very special this morning when I was doing my Smile Makers. It ocurred to me when we were driving to Church and I slapped myself the side of the head and said out loud, "What am I like!!!" How could I ever have forgotten Lura's lovely husband John!!! Not only did he drive Lura all the way from California, through some pretty nasty weather just so she could be there in Utah when I arrived, but he put up with me monopolizing Lura for the whole week I was there, and also he had to cope all on his own while Lura and I were having so much fun together up in Idaho!

He is a lovely sweet man and I can tell why Lura loves him so. He's a wonderful father, a loving husband and a fantastic grandpa! He's funny and kind and very lovable, and so very supportive of Lura and our wonderful friendship and their sweet family. So John, please accept my most gracious thanks for all that you did for me, both in the background and in the foreground. You are a real gem, and YOU make me smile too!


  1. John the gem! Sounds as if everyone would lovee him. You will probably keep on for a long time remembering 'just one more' person. It gives me a really warm glow to hear about this trip, it does.
    love, Angie, xx

  2. My goodness... My John got an extra post all on his own.... how very special. Thank you my dear.

    John makes me smile too. I think that he and Todd are the greatest. I was thrilled that John agreed to drive me across 3 states to meet you. And then was willing for us to take off for Idaho on our adventure. What a good and supportive husband!!!!

    I can tell you that he was even happier than we were that Dick and Lenis were driving us to Idaho. He was more than a little concerned about this CA gal trying to drive us through that snow and ice all the way to Sun Valley.

    We are surely blessed to have such loving husbands... and a loving Heavenly Father that answered our prayers and took care of us in every detail.

    I will be smiling about our trip together and all of it's blessings forever. Much love, Lura

  3. Aww that's a nice post Marie.

  4. That's a lovely post. Sounds like a very nice shoeman bean (as Small would say).

  5. i agree-he is definitely a great guy. very warm and generous. lura and john are just an adorable and wonderful couple!

  6. Awww! It sounds like you had such a great time. And John sounds so nice!

  7. Wonderful people like this are gifts from our Father who loves us so much He wants only the best for His children. blessings, marlene

  8. Welcome back, Marie. I'm so glad you had such a wonderful trip and got to spend special time with your daughter, and meet your friend Lura, and all the other things I've been reading about. Such great pictures too. Thanks for sharing. I almost feel like I'd been there myself. LOL

  9. That's my papa! He is great! What a sweet tribute to him!

  10. What a fantastic, nice, sweet, wonderful man. He and Lura are so sweet!



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