
Saturday 24 January 2009

God Works In Mysterious Ways . . .

"God answers prayers;
sometimes, when hearts are weak,
He gives the very gifts believers seek.
But often faith must learn and deeper rest,
And trust God's silence when He does not speak;
For He whose name is Love will send the best.
Stars may burn out, nor mountain walls endure,
But God is true, His promises are sure
For those who seek."
~author unknown

That's a picture of my oldest daughter up there, Eileen, when she was about 3 years old. We were living in Suffield, Alberta at the time and she was taking her doll for a walk in our garden. She was such a wee little dear and loved her dolly so . . . I smile when I see this picture and my heart yearns to be able to hold her in my arms once again like I could then, but alas . . . we all grow older . . . and time does pass by.

This is a picture cut from a newspaper of my Eileen from last winter. She's holding the Gold Medals she won in the Canadian Winter Special Olympics Games! What a proud day that was for her and for our family. I was not able to attend, unfortunately and it broke my heart a bit not to be able to do so, but we can't always do what we would like to be able to do . . .

What we didn't know at the time was that by virtue of her having won these Gold medals, she would then be chosen to represent her country, Canada, in the 2009 World Winter Games being held in Boise, Idaho, this February. When we found this out we were amazed and once again so very proud of this daughter of mine! At the time I can remember thinking to myself, how wonderful it would be if I were able to go and watch her compete in Boise and I said a little prayer, that someway, somehow, this might be accomplished . . . and I continued to pray throughout this whole past year . . . a silent secret prayer, known only to myself and to the One who knows and cares about each of us in a very special way.

Prayers are funny things. God always answers our prayers, and quite often in the most unexpected ways and at the most unexpected times. We may not always get the answers we want, but we always get answers . . .

This past week my heart had been a bit heavy because the dates for her competition were looming and I had not sold enough cards or artwork to pay for a ticket to be able to go and see her. Nobody in the family was able to go either, so she would be all alone in Boise, except for her coach . . . quite an adventure for her!!

Last weekend they had a special send off for her in our hometown, and my heart was heavy because I wasn't able to go to that either, but my mom went and she wrote to me how lovely it was. As I read the words in her letter to me, I experienced a whole mixture of feelings, mostly pride, and also a bit of boo hoo as well. These are the times when it's really hard living so far away from my family. These special moments that happen in all of our lives . . .

Imagine then . . . how I felt when just two days ago, completely out of the blue I was given the special opportunity to go see my daughter compete. I cannot tell you how or who my special benefactor is, but I can say that, amazingly enough, my secret prayer was answered in a most unexpected way and at a time when I had given up all hope that I would be able to go.

At first all I could think of was the reasons why I couldn't go . . . I was too fat, I couldn't get the time off work, I didn't want this person to spend this money on unworthy me, etc. you know . . . a myriad of excuses. That evening at work I was listening to my ipod as I puttered away. My heart was heavy and then once again the song played in my ears . . . Steven Curtis Chapman singing . . . "Be still and know that I am God" . . . the words touched my very core. I realized that I was being a little bit like the drowning man in the ocean who prays for God to save him and then refuses help from three boats that pass by, telling them that God is going to save him. He ends up drowning, and when he gets to heaven he questions God on why He (God) didn't save him. God's answer . . . I sent you three ships, but you turned them away. I decided then that I was not going to turn away this saving ship and that someway all the obstacles would be taken care of. Well, all except for the fat one that is. Me somehow morphing into a skinny person overnight is a task that really would take a major miracle!! I was able to find someone to step into the breach for me at work, and I was able to get permission to be away from work for that week . . . one by one all the obstacles I had set up for myself fell away and within a very short span of time.

The past two days have been a minor miracle in the making and I am still pinching myself to see if I am dreaming. It is hard for me to believe that in just a little over two weeks time I will be sitting in Sun Valley Idaho watching my daughter do her best, and cheering her on in a way only a mother can, and my heart is filled with deep gratitude. Gratitude for my mysterious benefactor and the way they were able to become an instrument in God's hands to answer prayers . . . Gratitude for my co-workers and their being able to step into the breach and do my job for me . . . Gratitude for my employers being so understanding and encouraging . . . and Gratitude for my Heavenly Father who listens to and answers prayers, sometimes in the most mysterious and magical ways . . . Boise, Idaho . . . Here I come!!

This is kind of anti-climatic, but I always like to leave you with a recipe and I can't do anything less today. This is one of my favourite ways to prepare chicken when time is short and I want something quick, tasty and just for two.

*Lemony Chicken Escalopes*
Serves 2

Quick, easy and oh so very tasty!

2 TBS flour
salt and black pepper
2 chicken breasts, sliced into
4 thin escalopes each
2 tsp olive oil
1 ounce butter
1 fat garlic clove, peeled and squashed slightly
2 tsp finely chopped sage leaves
the juice of one lemon

Dust each chicken escalope lightly with some salt and pepper and then dredge each in the flour, shaking off any excess. Set aside on a plate.

Heat the oil, along with half of the butter in a large skillet over medium high heat. Once the butter begins to foam, add the chicken pieces. Cook until the underside begins to turn golden and then flip them over. Add the squashed clove of garlic, the sage, and one half of the remaining butter. Brown the chicken slightly on the other side and then add the lemon juice and the remaining butter, giving the pan a good shake. Let it bubble up for about a minute or so and then serve immediately, divided amongst two heated plates and with some of the sauce spooned over each serving. Delicious!


  1. Wow Marie, that is very cool indeed. You must be so proud. Enjoy cheering your girl on.

  2. Answered prayers are so wonderful to recognize. And so humbling. An experience shared with your daughter that I'm sure you'll forever treasure.

  3. In these days of doom and gloom it is wonderful to hear such happy news! You will have a wonderful time! Louise xx

  4. At last a pleasant entry to read, but that's what I expect from you MAJ! Love that recipe too.
    PS, glad you loved the link I sent you. xx

  5. Thank the good Lord for His many blessings! How wonderful you'll be able to be there for your daughter. Being a long distance Mom and Grand'ma' myself I can appreciate the happiness you are feeling right now. What an honor for your daughter and now that you'll be there I imagine it will only make it all the more special for her. Somehow just when things seem the most impossible that is when miracles happen.
    'On Ya'-ma

  6. Oh what a wonderful gift you have received! And how good of you to finally accept it despite all your concerns! I know you will just have the best time with your daughter - what a blessing in your life :) Can't wait to hear all about it!!

  7. OH, MARIE!! The tears are flowing...I'm SOOO HAPPY FOR YOU!! Words aren't enough to say how thrilled I am your special pray was answered and that you will be seeing our daughter next month!! Prayers, and their answers, are amazing indeed! What a huge blessing that this is happening for your Eileen, and that you will get to see her in action too! When are you going actually?! Todd is going with you, yes? OH, I want all the details! We must talk tomorrow--LOL! Will be looking forward to more news. What a week! Just sooo, sooo HAPPY for You!! Wish I could go with you too--LOL! :o) Happy Day basking in the glow of this marvelou news...and that you'll soon be on a journey! LOVE YOU HEAPS!! ((BIG HUGS))

  8. Marie,
    I am soooo excited for you and your daughter. God is sooooo good!!! Have a great time and hug your girl lots!!!
    Hugs, Barb

  9. Oh Sweetie! What a wonderful experience you have had! It does take a bit of a reality check when what we pray for does come true. It is through others who listen to the promptings that our prayers are answered! I am so thrilled that you get to have this opportunity. We cannot wait to see pictures and hear how your journey goes!!

  10. I am so excited for you. I hope you have a wonderful time.

  11. Marie that's wonderful!
    I'm cheering Eileen on too!
    GO Eileen Go!!!

  12. Oh!!Marie I am so happy that you are going to be able to see your daughter compete. God does work in mysterious ways,enjoy the time that you will have with her.

    P.S. always enjoy your recipes!!!

  13. What a wonderful blessing, Marie! I knit two scarves for that event. Your daughter will get a blue and white scarf to wear for the opening ceremonies and to keep. Thousands were knit for this event!

  14. Marie, I'm so thrilled for you, so happy that you get to go and see your daughter compete, and in beautiful Idaho too :)

    God really does work in mysterious ways doesn't he?

    I can not wait to hear all about it.


  15. I'm very happy for you Marie. And you must be so proud of your daughter. Best of luck for her and here's to a safe and enjoyable trip for you. "Fly with the angels"..something I say whenever my sons fly, which is often :)

  16. I am thrilled for you. I went a year of college in will be a most wonderful trip. Prayers are mysterious aren't they. I'm still baffled by them some times. I just know that there's no one more deserving than you. I love how our prayers are answered by those around us more than by divine intervention. Have a great trip Marie!!!

  17. OOOO Marie, I am so thrilled for you. I know how you must feel! I praise the Lord for answered prayer and for blessing you with everything falling into place. God is soo good - He is such a very loving heavenly father. I rejoice with you. I am sure many of us will be praying for your safe trip and that things go well for you and your daughter.

    Hugs, love and many blessings,
    Ruthanne oxox

  18. I am so happy for you. I know that God must have inspired your benefactor to do this for you. How wonderful. God surely does touch hearts. I am thankful that your heartfelt prayers have been answered. I am happy the Eileen will have you there with her. The whole thing is like a dream come true.

    Thanks for sharing this uplifting story with us. Much Love, Lura

  19. Hi Marie
    I cried when I read the news that you would be going to see your daughter. I am SO excited for you. Such a wonderful gift. What an awesome God we serve!
    Hugs, Rhondi

  20. I, too, was in tears, reading your story about the mysterious benefactor. Surely you will be blessed to watch your daughter. And she'll be thrilled to see her loving mom. But Boise? Hmmm. Kind of a backwater in the good food department. But that's not why you'll be there. Thankfully you have lots of warm clothes!

  21. Oh Marie! Your post today made me cry. I am so happy that you are able to go see your daughter compete. How wonderful! You must be so, so proud. And what a sweet picture of her as a small child. I am so happy for you! You are such a wonderful person.



  22. Oh Marie-that's wonderful. I'm so happy that this has worked out for you! It just shows that good things do happen to great people-and thankfully someone out there saw your greatness.

    Have a BLAST! And take a ton of photos for us all.

  23. What a wonderful thing God has provided for you. I wish there was some way for me to get to Boise (a little less than 530 miles from here) & meet you. I don't drive long distances on the freeway, however. But...I had a thought~sweet corn seeds. Get some there and try them again this spring. Oh you're going to have a wonderful time. Bring your warm clothes~it will be cold. Linda in freezing western Washington.

  24. Marie, I'm so glad you are able to go see Eileen compete at Special Olympics! She will be thrilled. I too have a special prayer that I want answered. I have no idea how God could provide a way to make this happen as it all seems totally impossible. However, I will trust Him to make a way in His timing. BTW, your chicken looks really tasty!

  25. That is a wonderful testimony, Marie. I love when God comes through with these unexpected blessings. Enjoy your trip and time with your daughter.

  26. Marie I'm so thrilled for you! God does indeed work in mysterious ways and we are not to question, just to know how much He loves us. Have a wonderful time! blessings, marlene

  27. WOW! that is AWESOME! how proud you must be of your daughter and how exciting to get to come to idaho to watch her compete. how wonderful that an angel has helped you in this way. what an amazing answer to your prayers.

  28. I really should catch up on blogs in the right order! Cancel the questions on today's entry! This tells all.

    God has been beavering away in His Heaven moving all obstacles out of your way, don't you DARE think you're too fat! If you worry about that, you'll spoil your trip.

    Don't forget your flight socks!

    love, Angie, xx



  30. I am so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!


  31. I love your blog and am delighted for you and your daughter!

    As for the "anti-climatic" part, it was DELICIOUS, as promised. This is one very fragrant meal. And not anti-climatic at all.

  32. It's so nice when someone does something for others. I've always said to my husband as well what good is money if you can't help others or put it to good use. I'm so excited for you and for your upcoming trip it's going to be so exciting and how great is going to be your joy to see your daughter again. Thank you for sharing your uplifting story. Your one in a million.


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