
Friday 16 January 2009

Finding Hope . . .

The news these days is full of shop closures, business losses, job losses . . . very grim indeed. Sometimes it's very hard to have hope when there is so much doom and gloom surrounding us.

I was reading the other day about a gentleman who, during the great depression of the 1930's, had lost his job, a fortune, a wife and a home. He had nothing left that the world sees as being worth anything, but he still had his faith, which he tenaciously clung on to. One day he stopped to watch some men doing stonework in a large church. One of them was busy chiseling out a triangular piece of stone.

"What are you going to do with that?" asked the man.

"See that little opening away up there near the spire?" replied the workman. "Well, I'm shaping this down here, so that it will fit in up there."

Tears filled the eyes of the man as he walked away, for it seemed that God has spoken to him through the words of the workman . . . a way of explanation for the ordeal that he was having to live through, words that spoke to his heart and said . . . "I am shaping you down here, so that you'll fit in up there."

"The things we hope in sustain us during our daily walk. They uphold us through trials, temptations, and sorrow. Everyone has experienced discouragement and difficulty. Indeed, there are times when the darkness may seem unbearable. It is in these times that the divine principles of the restored gospel we hope in can uphold us and carry us until, once again, we walk in the light."
~Dieter F. Uchtdorf

It is good to remember when times are rough, and we think we cannot go on another step, that there is One who cares and who is busy shaping us and moulding us through our trials and tests to be a "fit" person for His kingdom. There is no point in worrying for it changes not a thing. We are not alone . . .

I did a little painting yesterday that I like to call "Little Miss Sunshine." She brought a smile to my face as she developed on my page and I hope she will bring a smile to yours!! As always she is available as a print or a card.

I baked cookies last night. We are having a going away party at our church this weekend for some people who will be leaving us to move to other parts of the country. I was asked to bring a casserole and I thought I would bring some cookies too. I don't know why they call these *Snickerdoodles*, do you?

Makes about 3 dozen

Crackle topped and coated in cinnamon sugar these tasty cookies are full of homey comfort and old fashioned goodness. I don't know anyone that doesn't like these.

1/2 cup butter, softened
1 cup sugar
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
1 large egg
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 1/2 cups flour
2 TBS sugar
1 tsp ground cinnamon

Place the butter in a mixing bowl and beat on medium speed for about 30 seconds. Add the 1 cup of sugar, baking soda and cream of tartar. Beat until combined. Scrap the sides of the bowl and then beat in the egg and vanilla. Beat in as much of the flour as you can with the mixer and then stir in any remaining flour with a spoon. When all are mixed together well, cover with some cling film and chill the dough for about an hour or so until it is easy to handle.

Pre-heat the oven to 190*C/375*F. Combine the 2 TBS of sugar with the 1 tsp cinnamon in a small bowl. Remove the dough from the fridge. Pinch off pieces of dough and shape between the palms of your hands into 1 inch balls. Roll the balls into the cinnamon sugar to coat. Place 2 inches apart on ungreased baking sheets. Bake for 10 to 11 minutes until the edges are golden brown. Transfer to a wire rack to cool.


  1. Thank you for the wonderful post and the recipe. I love snickerdoodles.

  2. Marie, that painting is absolutely charming.

    This may sound crazy, but I saw the photo of your fingers & think you have beautiful, soft-looking hands.

  3. Hello my dear,
    We just got home from the temple and I thought I was too tired to turn on my computer. I really worked hard and some of my assignments were tiring today. I headed into our bedroom to jump into our nice clean bed...I always change sheets on Thur... It seems appropriate to climb into nice fresh sheets after spending the day in the temple...I washed and hung them out this morn. It was so warm that it only took them a few min. to dry....but I any rate I started say my prayers and to climb into bed...but I couldn't. Nope I couldn't. I heard my computer calling me from the other room. I couldn't ignore it. It was calling me to stop by the cottage and say hello to of course I couldn't resist. I think it is about time for you to run off to work and I wanted to say good morning and let you know I am wishing you a good day before you leave for work.

    I appreciate your post. A couple of my kids are going through some difficult times and your post made good points for us all to remember. Thanks once again.

    I've repented for complaining about our hot weather yesterday. I saw on the news how so many are suffering with record cold when I hung my clothes out to dry and it was bright, sunny and very warm at 10 in the morning...I really felt guilty for complaining last night. I should be grateful!

    John loves snickerdoodles. I will try your recipe for sure.

    I love little miss sunshine. She is precious. I think that she is a self portrait..for to me you are always full of sunshine.

    When I was officiating during the last session tonight a little lady came in that reminded me of you. She looked just like I think you least as much as I can tell from the pictures I've seen of you. She was darling and smiling from ear to ear at me. I wanted to go over and hug her. I felt like you were there with me.It made me realize even more how excited and happy I will be when I can really see you face to face and give you a real hug instead of the cyberones I keep sending. Oh well, I guess they are better than here comes another one....(((hugs4U))) Love, Lura

  4. This is a fabulous perspective and written so sweetly! I love Little Miss Sunshine! YOu certainly put a ton of sunshine in my day! Have a blessed day!!!

  5. What a lovely lil Miss Sunshine - just like you. But you radiate the Sonshine and in such a lovely way. Thank you for being you. You are always just what I need to read in the mornings. Very good thoughts this morning!

    I have wanted a recipe for Snickerdoodles for a long time and you make it look so easy. Can't wait to try them. Thanks.

    Many blessings to you.
    Love and hugs,
    Ruthanne oxox

  6. Beautiful post, Marie. Very encouraging. And Miss Sunshine started my morning off with a smile.

  7. Hope is a marvelous thing. Your Miss Sunshine looks like what I think Hope should look like . Full of happiness and cheerfulness. Worry is something that is useless and it only serves to make us more miserable. The cookies were one of my families favorites when they were growing up. Thank you for the inspirational words today.
    'On Ya'-ma

  8. Marie, I only made snickerdoodles once and really liked them. I think it's about time I made them again.

  9. Oooh Marie I love Little Miss Sunshne she is gorgeous! Happy weekend :-)

  10. A wonderful, inspiring, hope-filled post, Marie! Just what the world needs these days! :o) As well as some sunshine...Your little sunshine girl is adorable! I'm excited to receive my cards order from you. :o) Oh, it's been a loooong time since I had, or made, snickerdoodles! I may have to make some this weekend...if there's some cream of tartar in the cupboard. I've always wondered where the name came from too...Let us know if you find out! Hope you & Todd have a lovely weekend ahead...Hope to get to chat Sunday. :o) LOVE YOU HEAPS ((HUGS))

  11. I LOVE Little Miss Sunshine! Daffodils and snowdrops were always a welcomed sight when I was growing up-I loved running outdoors at the first sight of the snowdrops...or crocuses...and snatch them up and put them in some water next to my bed.

    And the snickerdoodles...I think since Andrew is off of school today and Monday, these will be made! I have all the ingredients on hand and we need a fun project!

  12. I made these the other day Marie...they looked just like yours!

    Starr - Marie does have soft hands...just like her heart!

  13. Your snookerdoodles look fantastic! Perfect color and texture!

  14. I LOVE snickerdoodles, they are my favorite cookie :)

    I have to tell you, you are an amazingly talented lady, your Little Miss Sunshine is beautiful :)

  15. What a wonderful post and story, Marie. I love your drawing of Miss Sunshine - so cute! That song, You Are My Sunshine, is one of my kids' favorite songs. We sing it to each other all the time! Your drawing puts a smile on my face.

    Thank you for bringing some sunshine into my day!


  16. Aww it is a beautiful painting - it really made me smile :) I have no idea why they are called Snickerdoodles either - for a long time I avoided them thinking they were to do with the icky Snicker bar! But now I know the truth and they look absolutely scrummmyy :D xx

  17. What a perfect post for me today! We are doing very well, but once in a while I have little chats with Heavenly Father in my head, such as, "Hi, remember us? We are having faith and patience, but I just want to make sure you remembered us down here!:)" We really do feel so blessed in SO many areas of our life, He's just sculpting us into the people He want us to become- and for that- I can be patient!

  18. What an encouraging post today. I loved the story. Thank you Marie.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  19. Maybe they make people snicker with glee! I love your new painting. Did any card companies call back? They're total morons if they didn't!

  20. I LOVE snickerdoodles and those looked perfect!


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