
Thursday 22 January 2009

Face It, He's Crazy About You ...

If God Had a Refrigerator . . .

If God had a refrigerator,
your picture would be on it.
If He had a wallet,
your photo would be in it.
He sends you flowers every spring
and a sunrise every morning.
Whenever you want to talk,
He'll listen.
He can live anywhere in the universe,
and He chose your heart.
What about the Christmas gift
He sent you in Bethlehem;
not to mention that
Friday at Calvary.
Face it, friend.
He's crazy about you.
~Author Unknown

I have a little print out on my refrigerator of the above verse. I have had in on there for years. It’s rather old and tatty now, but it’s precious to me. I’ve carried it with me from house to house and from country to country. It means something to me. It helps me to remember when I may be feeling low that, no matter how un-important I may be feeling in that very moment, there is One who always thinks I’m pretty special. It’s helped to carry me through some pretty rough times, this knowledge of mine. It helps me to be aware of all the little blessings I find in my life every day of my life, and to be grateful for them.

As a child I went to Sunday school each week. We’d have lessons and sing songs. One of my favourites was a song that went like this: ”God sees the little sparrow fall. It meets His tender view. If God so loves the little things, I know He loves me too.” Our little voices would ring out with the words . . . “He loves me too, He loves me too, I know He loves me too. If God so loves the little things, I know He loves me too.” The thing is I knew the words were true. I knew with every fibre of my being, when I was singing those words, that God did love me too, that I was, indeed, very special to Him. And I know it today.

No matter how hard life may get from time to time, or how difficult things may be, this is a sure sweet knowledge which helps to carry me and uphold me. I know . . . He loves me . . . too.
Small thought, huge meaning. Simple words. I know He loves me too, and He also loves you. Think about it.

I have another potato recipe for you today. Let’s face it, it is my absolute favourite vegetable and I just can’t get enough of them! I had a really busy work day yesterday and so picked up a rotisserie chicken at the grocery store for us to have for dinner. I made these delicious potatoes to go along with it. With some corn and a salad on the side, it was the perfect meal.

*Chorizo Potato Crush*
Serves 4

Potatoes are comfort food to me. I could eat them in any way shape or form, three times a day. They are so versatile and go with almost anything. This is one of my favourite ways of making them. Very delicious!

2 lbs small to medium new potatoes
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 cup Spanish chorizo sausage, chopped
4 tablespoons butter
1/2 bunch spring onions, finely chopped
salt and pepper
1 cup sharp cheddar cheese, shredded

Put the potatoes into a pot of lightly salted boiling water and cook for about 15 minutes until they are tender when you pierce them with the tines of a fork. You may or may not peel them as you wish. I always leave the peel on as I like the extra texture it gives to the end product.

While the potatoes are cooking put the sausage into a skillet and cook over medium heat until rendered and slightly browned. Add the spring onions and the garlic and cook for a few minutes longer without browning.

Heat the grill on your oven to high.

Drain the cooked potatoes well and then crush them lightly with a potato masher. Don’t mash them completely. You want a lot of texture and lumps. Gently fold the butter into the hot potatoes along with the cooked chorizo mixture. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Spread the potatoes into a lightly greased shallow glass baking dish. Scatter the cheese over top and place it under the heated grill for a few minutes, until the cheese melts and the top begins to brown lightly.

Remove from the oven and serve.

PS - I apologize for no Thrifty Thursdays this morning, but because of work I didn't have the time to do the work I wanted to do for my post yesterday. There will be a Thrifty Thursday this week, but it will be on Friday instead!


  1. That poem is wonderfull!!!!! I LOVE it.... Thankyou for sharing it!!!

  2. I love it too...and the potatoes sound yummy. Like you I like potatoes almost any almost any time.

    I always lie down with Austin to get him to sleep...more and more I am falling asleep too. I put him down at nine tonight. I intended to only stay a few min. and get up and get the work done that I didn't do all day because I was playing with him.....then....what do you know...I only rested my eyes for one minute and my silly clock says it has been 2 and 1/2 hours. I had better get a new clock tomorrow.

    Now I am awake and John just went to bed. Should I get busy and clean up???... nah... I'll wait until morning... I'm sure that Austin will be a big help.heehee

    I can't wait to hear from you. Love, Lura

  3. That sweet little poem is exactly what ever lonely teenager desperate to be in love needs to read. . .and everyone else, too.

    Thank you!

  4. I am happy you find comfort in your little poem Marie it is so true.Then again theres more than he who loves you.I do too.(Hugs).Your recepe looks as good as always.I am going to try the lemon cup cakes one day this week if I get the chance.Lemony things I love in any shape or form He-He.They looked delicious.Take Care God Bless Kath xx

  5. What a lovely poem Marie thanks for sharing Marie x

  6. I love the poem - it is what I really needed this morning.

    Can't wait to try those potatoes. I didn't know you could get Chorizo in England. We have had a difficult time getting it here in Alabama where I live, but have discovered that the Mexican groceries carry it. Sounds like you are putting the new stove to quick and good use.

    Hugs and love to you and Todd,
    Ruthanne oxox

  7. Oh, that is lovely...I love how you always share so much inspiring poems, verse, etc. :o) Your potato smash today looks super yummy...Looking forward to Thrifty Thursday tomorrow--hehehe...Happy Day, dear friend, LOVE YOU ((HUGS))

  8. For me those potatoes fixed like that would be a meal in itself. I dearly love them too. There is always something good to do with them. Soup, salad, casserole and on and on. Your poem reminds us that we are never alone and there is One that always does love us when we think no one else does.
    Have a great Thursday and I'll see you on Friday for those tips.
    'On Ya'-ma

  9. Nice poem and even better potatoes ;)

  10. Potatoes are my favorite thing to eat too, and this recipe looks very yummy.

  11. I can't show Keith this recipe - he thinks he INVENTED crushed potatoes! Well, he calls them squashed.

    love, Angie, xx

  12. Oh those potatoes ,wow I must be getting my appetite back ,lol Jan xx

  13. What a lovely poem. So nice of you to share it.

    The potatoes sound so good! I've got to try them. Thanks for the recipe.


  14. Don't you love Rotessiere chickens from the grocery store? They're so good!

    I gave Mrs. McGill your cards today and she loved them! She cooed over each one.

    Don't kill me. I know I forgot to send you LFB.. I'm on it!

  15. I love the little Sunday School song. How true it is. Potatoes are my favorite too. I had them for dinner last night but your recipe sounds so wonderful I'll have to make it next week. I bet you are enjoying making things on your new stove now:)

  16. What a sweet poem Marie! Your potatoe dish looks wonderful. I love those rotisserie chickens - they come in so handy when you're in a rush!


    PS -- I am bringing you back a little sussy from my trip.

  17. Hi Marie
    He loves me too and what a comfort that is. Is it okay for me to use that little poemon my blog? I've never heard it and it is wonderful.
    Hope you have a good weekend.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  18. Marie I love to think HE loves me, specially when Im sad!! or blue!! Thanks dear Marie,xxGloria

  19. I love that poem too. I have a copy of it in my Bible. We're still having below freezing temps and fog everyday & night. Makes for horrible driving conditions. Hope it's better in your neck of the woods. Linda in Washington

  20. Yumm those potatoes sound yummy I'm going to have to try that recipe for sure. I also like your poem it's a good one.


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