
Tuesday 2 December 2008

We Have A Winner!

Sorry to be a day late posting the winner of my Christmas Giveaway, but they do say better late than never! Using a random numbers generator the winner has come up as Back Porch Blessings! Congratulations!!! Make sure you e-mail me with your address, not to mention your name, and whether you want your choice of Christmas Cards or everyday cards!

I wish I could send you all a little something as you are all so very special to me, but nevermind . . . knowing me theres sure to be another giveaway soon! Probably Valentines. Many thanks to all of you who so graciously signed up for it!


  1. I missed out on this one...:-P

    hope you make it to your party tomorrow...

  2. Oh I must have missed that entry.
    Have a great holiday season

  3. Congratulations to the winner! I hope you are having a wonderful day Marie!


  4. I have to ask about your cookies...I make a cookie called a "Whippersnapper" that is nothing but a boxed cake mix, a tub of Cool-Whip and one egg, all mixed up, made into balls and then rolled in powdered sugar (confectioners sugar) and baked.

    I am LOOKING for a recipe that would make a similar cookie that DOESN'T involve coolwhip and cake mix (and all those preservatives - eww!) The whippersnappers come out really halfbaked brownies, and they're ALWAYS a hit. These cookies look similar - are they fudgy, or crunchy?

  5. Umm....DUH. That comment ought to have been posted on your cookie post. Sorry! I'm a dingbat.

  6. My congratulations to the winner Marie!
    Have a lovely day. We still have snow and ice up here in the Lakes
    Jeanie xx

  7. You snooze you loose :( but that's what happens when you don't check blogs daily. UGH. Lucky whoever got your prize your work is absolutely beautiful. Lucy them.


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!