
Thursday 6 November 2008

Thursday This and That . . .

"It is hunger, which gives food it's taste.
It is thirst, which makes cool clear water taste like nectar.
It is tiredness, which makes sleep a boon.
It is toil, which makes rest a blessing.
It is loneliness, which gives friendship it's value.
It is the rain, which gives sunshine it's joy.
It is the dark night, which gives the dawn it's glory.
It is parting, which makes meeting again a happy thing."
~ Professor william Barclay.

When I opened up my back door this morning to let Jess out to do her business, the air was filled with the acrid smell of smoke and sulphur. Leftovers I am guessing from Bonfire night, which must have been a read dud for most people as it rained bucket loads all evening. There was not much clanging and banging from the fireworks at any rate, but I expect that at the sign of the first clear night all will be shot off in earnest!

I love to watch fireworks. They are magical and pretty, but our Jess hates them as do a lot of animals. We have never gone to watch the displays as we are always afraid to leave her alone on these firework nights. One wonders what the wild animals think. They must feel as if their world is going mad indeed . . .

Earlier this week I was both thrilled and proud as punch to have received this Kreativ Blogger award from my good friend Miranda who blogs the page, A Duck in Her Pond. If you have never visited her page you really should do. This lady has more creative talent in her baby finger than you can shake a stick at! She writes the most entertaining and magical children's stories ever. It's beyond my understanding why she hasn't yet been published! I think those publishing companies need to pull their fingers out, because she's a real gem! I think if you take a look at her work, you'll all agree with me! (tell her I sent you!)

Like any award it comes with the responsibility to send it along and so I am passing it on to (in no specific order):

1. Diane of Duda Daze (her artwork always brings a smile to my face)
2. Erin of Prudence Pennywise (the music on her page always sets my toes a tappin and the food and recipes always tingle my tastebuds!)
3. Tracy of Pink Purl (a visit to her page is like stroking your soul with a soft pink feather, her loving and warm spirit is incredible)
4. JenJen of Tater Tots and Jello (always interesting and full of wonderful ideas for decorating your home for holidays, seasons, and every day)
5. Rhondi of Rose Colored Glasses (I just love her blue and white china and her page. Wonderful thoughts, beautiful pictures. A delight to visit!)
6. Gloria of Canela Kitchen (her beautiful spirit and wonderful personality is infectious and shines through with every post, not to mention she has wonderful recipes too!)
7. Lura of Grammy's News (Lura is very special to me. I love every thing she posts. She gives freely of her spirit, and her love and kindness shine like a beacon with every single post.)
8. Ally of The Rabbit Hole (Quirky, funny and witty. You never know what you will find on her page, but I guarantee it will always be entertaining!)

They made great headway on my kitchen yesterday, but still have a ways to go. I won't have any counter tops until tomorrow at the very earliest and there are no knobs on the cabinets yet and all the ones under the kitchen window have yet to be done. I am so excited though as it is already looking like a brand new kitchen and it really won't be recognizable when it's completely finished from the room that it once was! I have decided that I want to paint it as well, a butter yellow which I think will be really nice and cheery! It's amazing at how much work putting in a new kitchen is and how much re-organizing of the entire house it has caused! We decided to put several of the old cabinets into the laundry room, so we could have a bit more storage space in there and that meant that we had to move the two wardrobes that we had in there to other places and that meant that we had to move other things to accommodate them, and so on and son on . . . you know how it goes!!! Once it is all done though we will have tons of storage space and a lot less clutter!!! (Todd is well pleased!)

Because there is still not a lot of cooking going on, here is another oldie from my file. Who needs an Egg Mc Muffin when you can have one of these! I saw a recipe for these made with just bacon and eggs, and, being the glutton I am, I thought . . . hmm . . . why not add some toast and cheese! I think my idea was a super one and now I've ended up with a whole breakfast you can hold in the palm of your hand . . . well all except the hashbrowns and beans . . . I haven't figured out a way to get them in here as well. You'd be needing gargantuan muffin cups for those, but give me time. I'm sure I'll find a way to get it all in there somehow!

*Breakfast Muffin Cups*
Serves 6

Toast, bacon and egg all in one. Luverly! (You'll need smaller eggs for these so you can fit it all in!)

6 medium eggs
6 slices bread
6 slices smoked streaky bacon (rind less)
2 ounces grated cheddar cheese
Softened butter
Mixed herbs for sprinkling

Pre-heat your oven to 180*C/350*F. Grease a six cup muffin tin and set aside while you prepare the ingredients.

Cut the crusts off of the bread. It doesn’t really matter which type of bread you use here, but cheap bread works best, a really sturdy bread won’t work as well as a nice soft spongy one. Roll the slices out to about ¼ inch thickness with a rolling pin, and then butter on one side with the softened butter. Line the muffin holes in the pan with the streaky bacon, then press the bread carefully down into them as well.

Put into the heated oven and bake for about 10 minutes until the bacon starts to sizzle and the bread starts to brown a bit. Remove from the oven and crack an egg into each hollow and then place the muffin tin carefully back into the heated oven.

Bake for about 10 minutes. Remove from the oven and sprinkle the tops with the grated cheese and the herbs. I always use a spicy Italian herb mixture I got from a friend, but fine herbs or mixed herbs work well also.

Return to the oven and bake until the cheese is all melted and starting to brown and the eggs are done. Remove from the oven and let sit for a few minutes before you remove them from the pan. Just run a knife carefully around and they should pop out quite easily. Enjoy!

PS - I have not been able to do my Make Me Bake Challenge or Cookbook Challenge yet this week, so have not put up new polls until I can cook again! Bear with me, it shouldn't be much longer!! (hope springs eternal!)


  1. Don't ya just love remodels? Once it's done I'm sure you'll forget all the inconvience. The breakfast muffins looks delish! Linda in Washington state

  2. Congrats on your award Marie!
    Those muffins look really good. Can you send one over please!

  3. Congrats on your new award and thank you my dear for passing it on to me. You are too complimentary of my blog but I am so glad that you feel that way. thank you

    I hope your new cabinets are soon finished. I am happy you are getting a pretty new kitchen and extra storage in your laundry room.
    I know what a mess remodeling is. After our flood in 2005 every room of our house was torn up and redone. It was a awful mess and I hated the confusion but it all turned out so nicely that it was worth the mess. I'm sure your kitchen will be great when it is done.

    Thanks again for your kindness to me. I love you too.(they say great minds think alike...ha..ha)

    Have a good day. Love, Lura

  4. I am just waiting on someone to come and give me an estimate for a new kitchen looking forward to getting it done but the mess we will be in. Love Joan.

  5. I can't wait to see the new kitchen all done!! You must be soooo excited!!!

    (Guess what~I am all caught up with you!!!!!!!!)

  6. i love fireworks too-they are so magical. but yeah, dogs freak out at them! they must be wondering what in the world all that noise is!

  7. What a week there, Marie! I bet you can't wait to have your kitchen back--LOL! But looks like you're doing ok with less than ideal conditions--those muffins look sooo good! Congrats on your wonderful award. And I must say I am ever so humble you've shared this one with me and for all your kind words--thank you, my dear friend. LOVE YOU SO MUCH!! Bonfire night...such fun! We bonfires here on Midsummer's Eve. It's been an exciting week, what with the presidential election back home and everything too...We look forward to a rest this weekend! Happy Day and ((BIG HUGS))

  8. Thanks my dear I was thinking in you but I cannot arrive before, many thanks by your words and this Award is so beautiful I love it!!!!
    I hope your Kitchen will be lovely or most lovely. My dear these are difficult days but you make me smile I appreciate your friendship and love.
    And these muffins are absolutely wonderful, I hope to post some recipes today I cannot all week.
    God blessing you Marie and Todd!! Huggss!!!! Gloria

  9. So when I come over to visit, you have to fix me these too. :)

    Thanks for the lovely compliments! I adore you! (I'll have to send your Christmas present soon so you can use some of the gifts--hint!)

  10. my daughters will love that recipe and I think I will may try it in the morning.
    I can't wait to see the new kitchen. what a treat for a chef!
    take care

  11. We are breakfast people Marie and this looks like a pretty darn good breakfast to me!

  12. Thank you so much Marie! I wear the award with pride. You are the best reader!! Those muffin cups look so good...breakfast is my favorite meal of the day!


  13. Hello! I love your recipes...I have been on Jenny Craig's plan for a couple months and am craving the food I see long as my portions are small...LOL...I"ll be trying some of your recipes soon. THose breakfast muffing cups look to die for! Maria


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