
Tuesday 18 November 2008

The proof is in the . . .

pud⋅ding –noun

1.a thick, soft dessert, typically containing flour or some other thickener, milk, eggs, a flavoring, and sweetener: tapioca pudding.
2.a similar dish unsweetened and served with or as a main dish: corn pudding.
3.British. the dessert course of a meal.

Welcome to the November 18th Edition of Tuesday's With Dorie, that delicious baking group that bakes together jointly every week, the same recipe from that gorgeous baking book, "Baking, from my home to yours" written by the equally gorgeous Dorie Greenspan. Not only do we each bake the same recipe each week, but we all reveal it in unison every Tuesday! There are a gazoodle of us now so that's a lot of baking! (not to mention food porn to oggle every Tuesday as well!)

Sadly I've not been able to participate these past two weeks because of a kitchen re-fit as you all know. I had made the dough for my ruglelach several weeks ago and put it into the fridge to chill, when they knocked on my door and told me they were going to begin. Silly me, I thought it would only take a day or two, little did I know that it would take two weeks!!! The dough never got used and so got thrown away . . . *sniff *sniff I didn't even attempt last weeks Kugelhopf . . . same reason . . . *sniff *sniff I am happy to say though that this week's recipe, Arborio Rice Pudding, White, Black (Or Both), pages 412-413, as chosen by Isabelle of Les gourmandises d’Isa . I think you probably already knew we were making pudding of some sort from that lovely definition at the beginning of this post!

I am a rice pudding aficionado! Todd adores rice pudding as well. We both L-O-V-E rice pudding. It's like our favouritest of all desserts of all time! We were both gloriously happy with this week's recipe choice, so thank you very much Isabelle for choosing it!

This was an incredibly easy rice pudding recipe to execute. There was no custard to make, no gazillion pots to get dirty, no eggs to break . . . just four simple ingredients . . . arborio rice, milk, vanilla and sugar. (and chocolate if you were doing the chocolate version, but no chocolate here.) Who'd a thunk that these four simple ingredients could result in such a gloriously delicious dessert??? Cooking is chemistry of the most delicious kind!

Rice pudding . . . nursery food . . . comfort food . . . nectar of the Gods . . .

Simple, unadulterated pleasure in a bowl . . . in a spoonful . . . sigh . . .

I was a bit concerned when I finished cooking the pudding and it still seemed quite runny . . . how could this be good? I tasted it and it tasted glorious! I threw in a handful of raisins and stuck it into the fridge overnight, crossing my fingers and thinking it would thicken up by the next day. It didn't . . . but it still tasted gorgeous!

I whipped up some double cream and folded it into half of it, thinking that this may thicken it up . . . . It didn't . . . but it tasted even gorgeouser!!! (as if that were possible!)

This was a lovely pudding, and while not as thick as it's delicious cousin, rice pudding in an eggy custard, it was totally tasty and moreish!!! Not only that, except for the fact that we used whole fat milk, it is probably a lot healthier for you as well . . . umm . . . err . . . that's if dessert can be called healthy! *sheepish grin*

Actually . . . rice is a grain, just like cereal and we like to have milk on our cereal too . . . I think this is one case where Rice Pudding for Breakfast is actually not all that crazy! Now find me my spoon!!!

Make sure you all run along to Isabelle's page to see her lovely rice pudding and grab this delicious recipe, and if you want to be teased, tantalized and titillated even more, be sure to check out the Tuesday's with Dorie blog roll to see some of the other wonderful puddings!

Next week's recipe is Thanksgiving Twofer Pie* on page 321, as chosen by the lovely Vibi of La casserole carrée . . . and now back to your regular programming

. . . . . it's awfully hard to type with a spoon in your hand.


  1. Who wouldn't like rice pudding if it looked like yours?! It's so tempting, Marie :)

  2. Great pics, looks really good! I've never made rice pudding with custard, always just with milk, sugar, a tiny knob of butter and rice. I'm starting to think I'm the lazy cook sort... ah well!

    We've now started throwing it all in a pan with cinnamon and dried fruit and cooking on the stove for 30 mins.

  3. Hi, Marie! You'll be surprised to learn that rice pudding is one of the few things I actually do now like to eat... I never liked it as a child either--LOL! Something about the texture just doesn't do it for me. Hubby loves it though...he makes it on occasion for himself. ;o) But you make it look so good...presented so nicely--LOL! Happy Day sweet, friend, LOVE YOU HEAPS ((HUGS))

  4. oh and vanilla extract too, or if we're feeling flush the seeds from a pod. I've also tried it with a tiny bit of mixed spice in, that was really good.

  5. Yummy! Rice pudding with extra cream folded in! Hubba!

  6. I may add cream now that I saw how good that looks. Love the photos and the red background too. I always love coming to your blog, time just doesn't always permit.

  7. I've never had rice pudding. I know, it's terrible!

    I found you, remember? It was a cold day in January at work and I was sooo depressed. My boss was being dreadful to me, I hated what I was doing and I had been rejected by another publishing company. I was doodling about and found your blog at work. You had posted about fairy cakes and I was enchanted. I showed all the girls in the office and left you a comment, something I rarely did. When I first started blogging I left all sorts of people comments and they never commented back,so I quit. But you did, and we've been friends ever since! :) We're coming up on one year soon!!

  8. got your cards today marie!! thanks so much!!

  9. Hi Marie
    My husband loves rice pudding and I don't mka e it very often. This is a reminder for me to make some for him soon.
    Hope you have a wonderful day.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  10. Wow, Marie, that is so pretty. I think I thickened mine too much, so no doubt there's a happy medium in there somewhere. Love the raisins in yours; next batch is getting some here too.

  11. que tes verrines sont belles ! c'est magnifique :)

  12. Your pudding looks fabulous! I love that you added cream! it looks so luxurious!

  13. I LOVE your cartoons in your blog week after week! The spoon! It's going to kill me... I can't remember that nursery rhyme. And the something jumped over the moon?? I can't remember!

    Your rice pudding looks great!

  14. I am glad you like yours too. I think it looks yummy. I don't think it looks like soup at all, but even if it was soup, it would still taste fantastic. Glad to have you back, Marie!

  15. Lovely.

    I just couldn't handle the texture.

  16. That looks fabulous! I agree that it's difficult to type with a spoon in one hand though :)

  17. I love your glasses!!!I skipped this TWD and went for a rewind: I just don't like rice pudding...

  18. You're definitely a rice pudding fan! I love your cups!

  19. I think it's a testament to the deliciousness of this recipe that it is STILL tasty even before it is really pudding. My first batch was rice soup, but it still tasted good. Yours looks really great! I hope it met your high standards as a rice pudding lover!

  20. Marie that looks absolutally fabulicious! (Are those words?) Wish I had thought to throw in some raisens!

  21. i loved it, too, even though mine was also runny! :) did you see dorie's comment about the typo in the P&Q? i just saw it after starting to read everyone's blogs. sigh. i'll have to try it again at 55 minutes ;)

  22. Looks lovely! I myself like rice pudding, but knowing I couldn't even eat half the recipe I skipped it as Grumpy won't touch it.

  23. Marie, Marie, Marie. That pudding looks wonderful. I am sending you your package tomorrow and there is an added bonus in it -- something I hope you will love. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend. And always such an inspiration to me. I love you!

  24. I've never made pudding without using egg. I will have to try it.

    Thanks for your concern about us. The fires are almost contained now. We are fine but feel so badly for those that lost their homes.

    Must ya, Lura

  25. I adore rice pud in all its forms -and there are many. My latest fad is the slow cooker version where only rice, milk and nutmeg (or cinammon) go in the buttered pot. You sprinkle demerara sugar around the edge - and lots of it - as you serve and sprinkle more spice. Lovely!

    Keith's mum used to put egg in it but I found that a bit too rich for my taste. She was also a great one for adding loads of butter. Nah....not for me thank you.

    love Angie, xx

  26. Lovely rice pudding! Yours look so delicious - I would love some right now! I love how simple this recipe was to make.

  27. So glad that you and your husband both enjoyed it. I agree that this was one of the more "healthy" selections so far in TWD!

  28. Funny how most had the same problem. I have never had rice pudding and will have to wait on this one as well. Glad it tasted 'gorgouser'. Love that word. Great photos.

  29. WOW! How could I have missed your blog all this time. I know for a fact you're with the TWD for at least as long as I have been... hummmm? Do you recall me coming here? I dunno... I have a bad memory for things like that (I try to remember who comes and visit, but seem to have a harder time remembering who I went to visit! argh... AGE, ya know!)

    Anywho, your pics a extra nice... and I love the whole ambiance on your blog! really does feel like a year at oak cottage!

    Bravo on all of it!

  30. Wow! I love the photo of the cottage house. I also like your art very much, and that rice pudding mmmm...made me hungry. Delicious and beautiful blog!

  31. I love how elegant your rice pudding looks in those glasses!

  32. I really love your blog and I offer you a gift - premiul Dolcezza.

  33. I have missed you daily entries.Love the rice pudding.mmmmmmm.Hope all is well with you and yours.Best wishes from canada.

  34. May I ask a question?Is the photo at the heading of your blog your home.If so is that a bird on the roof?If you could answer these questions it would be great.I have been wondering for so long.

  35. That looks so good. I am going to have to make some rice pudding soon!

  36. You have a lovely blog! The rice pudding looks really yummy.

  37. This rice pudding recipe looks so delicious, but when I popped over to Isabel's blog I couldn't find the recipe. :-(

    By the way, I discovered your blog through Sandra at Full Bellies Happy Kids. Forgot to mention that in my last comment.


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