
Saturday 15 November 2008

Recipes From The Big Blue Binder

Well, you probably thought I'd never get it done. I've been working on it for so long now, I never thought I'd get it done, but I have and it is. My cookbook is now published. It's available on, both as a book you can hold in your hand, complete with coloured pictures scattered throughout . . . and as a download. I'm quite proud of it actually. It represents a good three years worth of work, well actually a lifetime of work because it has been a lifetime in the making! Its chockerblock full of some 173 recipes, photos of quite a few of the dishes and snippets of my artwork and little poems. I could have kept on going, but the book would have ended up being much too large and highly un-affordable and I'd not have been finished for some time yet. So, take this as Volume 1, and know that there will be further volumes in the future. In the meantime, if you are interested there is a link on my sidebar which if you click on it, it will take you to where you can purchase and or have a tiny glimpse of what I've actually done.

By the way, I spoke to my son earlier and he says that my daughter in law is resting comfortably and so far so good. Many thanks for your continued prayers and happy thoughts!


  1. Marie,

    Congratulations on your book!! I'll go check it out. Thanks so much for your comment: your spelling on oliebollen and speculaas was actually completely accurate! If you win, I'll make sure your package includes some speculaas!! ;)


  2. Ohhh congratulations on your book. That is so fantastic, I hope it makes you a million ;)

  3. Ohhh congratulations on your book. That is so fantastic, I hope it makes you a million ;)

  4. Wow, and to think all this time I've been copy and pasting them into a word doc to save on my PC. Your recipes are here and in my home in Spain.

  5. Congratulations my dear friend. That is an awesome accomplishment.
    Good for you.

    I hope that you do very well with book sales, become extremely wealthy, then come to visit me in CA and stay a month so we can cook and visit to our hearts content.

    Have a happy Sunday. As always you are in my thoughts and I send love your way. Lura

  6. Congratulations Marie, you are such a wonderful cook and baker I can't wait to get the cookbook!

  7. What a great Sunday six!!

    I'm so glad your daughter in law is doing well... what an answer to prayers!

    AND my binder full of my favorite recipes is also BLUE! We are kindred spirits- smile! Let us know how to buy a copy of your cookbook. I can't wait to have it on my shelf!

  8. Oops... I should have read this post first! Now I know how to get my hands on this hot item! I can't wait!

  9. Wot no link??? I'm off to try and find it...if I can't I'll email you! Woohooh...can you sign my copy???

  10. I've given you some blogging awards. Come and see! I know I don't comment much on your blog, but I really think it's awesome.

  11. Hey Marie!! I have been a follower of yours since I first discovered you! I don't see a link on the right to click for your Big Blue Binder cookbook. Can you help me? I would love to own a copy of this wonderful cookbook! Thank you so much!

    1. Hi Cookie Lover. It's on LuLu. Here is the link:


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