
Saturday 18 October 2008

Just a Thought I Had . . .

"Whenever I'm disappointed with my lot in life, I stop and think ab out little Jamie Scott. Jamie was trying out for a part in his school play. His mother told me that he'd set his heart on being in it, though she feared he would not be chosen. On the day the parts were awarded, I went with her to collect him after school. Jamie rushed up to her, eyes shining with pride and excitement. "Guess what, mum," he shouted, and then said those words that remain a lesson to me: "I've been chosen to clap and cheer.""
~Marie Curling

Always remember that an entertainer would be nothing without an audience to cheer him on. For what is a Doctor without a patient, a writer without a reader, a great Chef without an eater, a teacher without a student??? We, each one of us have a role to play and no role is any less important than another. Sometimes it takes the weak to help the strong to shine!!

Just a little thought . . . but oh, what a wonderful meaning behind it.

I am so encouraged daily by the lovely words and thoughts you leave for me and I just wanted to say thank you so very much from the bottom of my heart. They're like little rays of sunshine to me and I treasure each one of them. Sometimes I do get very homesick over here, not so much for the country or land of Canada, but for people . . . my mom, dad, sister, brother, children . . . grandchildren. Because of the hours I work I don't have a lot of time to go out and socialize either, which is ok because I love my job, but it can get a bit lonely at times as well. I guess blogging fulfills that need I have to be in contact with others and the socialization most of us crave. I've always been the type of person who likes to have a lot of friends. Even when I was at school, I was a friend to all. I guess I just like people! Anyways, I just could not let another day go by without letting each of you know that you mean the world to me in a very special way!

By the way I have not forgotten about my cookbook challenge or my Make Me Bake. I've just had a lot on at work this week so it's taking me a bit longer to get to them!!!

Sometimes when I get home from work I'm too tired to do much in the way of cooking and so I like to have several of these in the freezer that I can just pull out and pop in the oven. I'd call Todd up on the phone and get him to stick one in before I got home, so a hot dinner would be waiting, but . . . he always mixes up the controls on the oven and I'm afraid it would be cremated by the time I got here, and that would be a shame. It's not diet food I'm afraid, but sometimes a gal has to do what a gal has to do . . .

*Chicken and Mushroom Pie*

Makes 8 inch pie, serving 4

This delicious pie can be made well in advance and then just reheated when you want to serve it. Make sure the chicken filling is completely cold before you place it into the pastry. I often make the filling on one day and then proceed with the pie the next. It also freezes very well, wrapped tightly in tin foil. Cook from frozen for 50 to 55 minutes at 180*C/375*F.

300ml chicken stock
6 boneless skinless chicken thighs, cut into quarters
1/4 pound mushrooms, wiped clean and sliced
salt and pepper to taste
50g butter
25g flour
4 TBS double cream
2 TBS chopped fresh flat leaf parsley
the juice of half a lemon
enough shortcrust pastry for a double crust pie
(your own or store bought ready made)
1 medium egg beaten, or a bit of milk

Place the stock into a saucepan and add the chicken meat. Bring to the boil and then immediately reduce the heat and simmer gently for 15 minutes, until tender and cooked through. Transfer to a bowl, using a slotted spoon and then strain the stock through a fine sieve into another bowl and reserve.

Melt half of the butter in a heavy based skillet. Once it is foaming add the mushrooms, season to taste and then cook gently for 3 to 4 minutes, without browning. Scoop them out into the bowl with the chicken.

Melt the remaining butter in the pan and stir in the flour. Cook and stir gently for about a minute, then slowly stir in the reserved stock, stirring constantly to prevent lumps. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for about five minutes, stirring occasionally until nicely thickened. Stir in the double cream and return to the boil, then reduce the heat and cook for a further five minutes, until the mixture is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon. Stir in the mushrooms, chicken, parsley and lemon juice. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Set aside to cool completely while you prepare the pastry.

Pre-heat your oven to 200*C/400*F.

Once you have your pastry ready, divide it in half and use half to line the bottom of an 8 inch pie tin. Fill with the chicken and mushroom filling. Roll out the remainder of the pasty to fit on top and place on top of the cooled filling. Trim and flute the edges to seal. Cut a few slits in the top to help vent for steam. Brush with a bit of milk or beaten egg.

Place in the heated oven. (I like to put it on an oven tray just in case it spills over.) Bake for 45 minutes to an hour, until the crusts are nicely browned on the top and bottom. (If the top is browning too quickly cover with a piece of tinfoil) Remove from the oven and allow to settle for a few minutes before cutting into slices to serve.

*Note - If you wish you can make this with leftover cooked chicken. Use about 2 cups of chopped cooked chicken. Cook the mushrooms as outlined in the recipe and then scoop them out and mix with the cooked chicken and proceed with the same amounts of broth etc. as outlined in the recipe.


  1. I have tried to get to the computer all day and this is the first chance that I got....It turns out that it is so late that I got to read two wonderful messages from you instead of one.

    No matter what you write it seems to ring a bell with me or be exactly what I need. In a way it is similar to the uplift I get when I read the scriptures each day. Your posts make me want to be
    better. I always look forward to reading them. Even your Simple womans journal on Mondays uplift me. They make me look around my home and appreciate the things that comfort me.

    So dear Marie, I am sure that your lucky readers are blessed by your words as much or more than you are blessed by ours. I thank mean more to me than you know.

    I love the chicken recipes in both of your last 2 posts. They look so yummy....however, I am really discouraged by the way I look. I need to get more serious about dieting like you are. John bought us a new scale today...but I can't bare to get on it. Too bad that I like to cook so much and then I like to eat it too. It is discouraging. I'm glad that I don't have to cook at work any more. It must be really hard for you.

    It is late and I am rambling.
    Have a good weekend.
    Love, Lura

  2. I LOVE chicken and mushroom pie and yours looks delish Marie!
    I have never made it myself - I will have a go at your recipe soon.

  3. It's great to have fantastic food like that on stand-by! I hope you get to have a relaxing weekend Marie!

  4. Hi, Marie! give thanks aloud is a wonderful thing! My day would not be the same without visiting you here. You share so much, and I love that about you--your free and giving and loving spirit! And generous with the recipes too! ;o) I've not made a pie like this in a long time. Perfect fall food! I know you have a bit of a busy weekend...hope you sneak in some quiet time when you can. Happy weekend to you & dear Todd--LOVE to you both! ((BIG HUGS))

  5. It is so handy to have home cooked meals frozen I do that too its great if you are busy or not in the mood to cook. Have a lovely weekend. Love Joan.

  6. You give so much of the time you do have and it is much appreciated to us bloggers :)



  8. If you knew how many times I pass on your bits of wisdom and insight during the day, or ponder to lift my have a gift, and you are a gift to us who read your thoughts and experiences. Thank you!

  9. i feel the same way about my dear blogging friends. i love to have friends and in the past my shyness has sometimes got the best of me and stopped me from making the friends i could have. blogging has not only allowed me to meet new friends like you, but it has actually helped me in "real life" with making friends. i have met several women in the area because we blog and i have gained confidence somehow through it. blogging is wonderful, not only for journaling, but in connecting with others. i love it! and i love you! :) thanks for sharing everything that you do. you are wonderful!

  10. Hi! Marie,
    I see you've been very busy posting more wonderful recipes while I've been on vacation. (it will take me a while to catch up here on all the goodies!!)
    I have a "blogger award" I'd love to pass on to you. Please come and visit me to pick it up :)

  11. Your Chicken Pie looks fantastic as well is sure a hearty meal......Or members of are looking for dessert recipes...maybe you can post some of your recipes on our site and join us...... I am sure the members would be very greatful...thanks


  12. This reminds my of chicken pot pie which I really like. Mushrooms are one of my favorite foods and this pie sounds great!

  13. Hi Marie,
    I love your stories and I love your recipes. Your journal is so filled with love.
    It is always a joy to read.

  14. Your opening thought made to stop and ponder the plight of a friend of mine. See, from the age of 6 she was a "mother" to anyone and everyone who needed it - even older kids on the playground! She FINALLY got married at the ripe old age of 20 ( ;-) ) and had her first baby a year or two later. Now she finally has a use for all those baby clothes she picked up on clearance when she was 14!

    :-) Thanks for the smiles!

  15. You my friend are one sweet love of many lives. I'm sure you've heard that saying that sometimes you can be in a crowded room and yet still feel so all alone. I've felt that way many times and yet some how manage to do ok. I enjoy reading everyone's blog and feel I've lost too many days when I fall behind on reading yours. Although I don't have a blog I love reading yours and looking forward to the bits of wisdom you pass along. I think if I were to have a blog it would be one like yours so full of love and tid bits. I'm drooling over your pot pie Ahhh need to cook better. Take care sweet friend and know we love you too. cyndi

  16. Marie, Chicken Pie is one of my favorites I love a lot!! and this lok wonderful! Dear I hope you are more relax this weekend and rest a little with Todd. Huggsss!!!!! Gloria

  17. The pie looks delish, Marie! And thank YOU for your wonderful posts!

  18. I love that little story. It is such a good reminder of the importance of being a supporter.
    Marie, I really appreciate you and all your kind words bless me too! You are such a source of encouragement. I've been praying that God will provide a way for you to see your family.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  19. Dear Marie, your journal is as nourishing as it ever was. You offer such food for the body but also food for the soul. It gives me such comfort to find you still here, dispensing with words of wisdom and wonderful recipes. You are a wonderful woman.

  20. It sounds totally delicious! I love it!

  21. I think feedblitz must have had a glitch. I missed a bunch of alerts! That pie looks amazing.

  22. I love to visit with you Marie...your entries are always so positive and inspiring. Not to mention full of yummy recipes. Isn't it lovely to have so many friend to hand on line when you feel a bit down? You have surrounded yourself with lovely likeminded friends who are always ready to lift you up as you do us.
    You are 'special' to us too.
    You do a splendid job of gathering us all together for a 'coffee and a blether'. Lol!
    Jeanie xxx


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!