
Monday 13 October 2008

Best Shot Monday

"Clouds gather, treetops
toss and sway;
But pour us wine, an old one!
That we may turn this dreary day
To golden, yes, to golden!
Autumn has come, but never fear,
Wait but a little while yet,
Spring will be here, the skies will clear,
And fields stand deep in violets.
The heavenly blue of fresh new days
Oh, friend, you must employ them
Before they pass away. Be brave!
Enjoy them; oh, enjoy them!"
~Theodor Storm, A Song in October

I caught this shot as the sun was going down the other evening. It speaks to me of the ordinary miracle of the changing seasons and the wonder that is contained in each one of them . . . in each there is the hint and promise of the next to come . . .

This is my entry in this weeks, Best Shot Monday. Now hop on over to Mother May I and see some of the other wonderful entries for this week!


  1. I love this! It looks like a tree-creature reaching up to the heavens. Very cool.

  2. That is a wonderful photo!!! I love old large trees like that. We have a silver maple in our front garden that stretches it's limbs upward in the same way. I am head over heels for it!

    Thanks for the well wishes :-)

  3. I love this picture so much and the poem makes me wish I was a dab hand with needle and thread. It would make a lovely 'Welcom to the World' sampler for our family's new Autumn baby.
    love, Angie, xx

  4. I'm going to write this beautiful poem down for our October devotionals. It's beautiful, like that shot of the tree. You're amazing!

  5. Nice picture Marie!I love the miracle of seasons too! I had learned to love each season, I love Autumn but is true, Spring come with new things and the summer is important to the fruits and others, each season have their own beaty. xxGloria

  6. What a splendid tree! I love trees...such poerty in their branches, such majesty...This is a great poem too, very appropriate. Lovely post, Marie! :o) And a nice way to start the week in blogland...Hope we'll get to chat this week. Happy week to you & Todd! ((BIG HUGS))

  7. Beautiful....every thing seen through your eyes is beautiful

  8. Happy Thanksgiving for the weekend Marie. Hope you're well. x

  9. It's very halloweeny to me Marie thst snap.I have been offline since Friday due to AOL being up to there tricks again.Could I just say the linkin your blog to my blog is th ewrong one.I will send you the correct one thankyou.Love Kath xx

  10. Really great picture Marie. I love the dark silhouette of the tree against the beautiful blue background. It's the perfect picture for Fall and the change of the seasons. I love the poem you picked to go with it too. I hope you are having a wonderful day!

  11. That photo looks so Halloweeny! I love it!

  12. You can feel the chill in the air.

  13. Perfect picture to create the feel of seasonal change. I love that there is a chill in the evening air!

  14. Nice shot of the tree as the sun sets!


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