
Thursday 23 October 2008

Be It Ever so Humble . . .

A Real Home

A house that's built to live in
And not just a place for show,
With growing plants on every sill,
And warmth of fire glow;

A window looking to the lake
With a wide table there,
Where one can eat a simple meal
That tastes like angel's fare;

A bedroom high against the eaves,
Where birds will build a nest;
A home where happiness is found,
And laughter is a guest;

A house where all your dreams are kept,
Untarnished and unspoiled;
A bit of land toward the lake
Where you have sweat and toiled;

A place of dignity and charm,
Shaded by age-old trees -
O God, when folks are tired out,
Let them find homes like these.

~Edna Jaques

Oh, I do love the poetry of Edna Jaques. I believe she is Canadian, but that's not why I love her. I just love her words. I remember when I was a girl my mother had a book of poetry. I believe it was called Fireside Poems, and I just loved to read it. There were quite a few poems in it by Edna Jaques and I loved them most of all.

I have lived in a lot of places in my lifetime. My ex husband and I moved quite a few times in the 22 years we were married. I got very adept at changing homes and making a house a home, even if we were only there for a short time. Home truly is where you hang your heart, for what is a home really . . . it's not the timbers and the framework, or the roof and garden. It's the people who live in it, and the hearts that beat within. It's knowing that no matter what storms may rage outside, or how ever many troubles may lay on your doorsteps . . . when you walk inside that front door . . . love covers you and holds you close.

The furniture may be old and tatty, but as long as it's clean and comfortable and you have someone you love to share it with . . . who needs anything more. Todd and I met each other so late in life, I seriously doubt that we will ever be able to actually own our own home, but wherever we are together, be it a tiny flat like we lived in when we first were married, or a spacious cottage like we are living in now, it's home to me. I can't think of anyplace on earth I'd rather be.

I am just getting home from having worked pretty much all night, so this is short but sweet, as I am wanting to get to my bed, but I just couldn't let the day pass without sharing a few words and thoughts with you.

We had the missionaries over for dinner the other night. I really enjoy feeding them up. I was always used to having a home full of young ones and their friends and I do love to show my love for others by cooking them a tasty meal. These guys are both American so I tortured Todd with some pasta, something like their mom's would make. He didn't complain too much! (Besides I did make him an apple pie and custard for dessert!)

*Bacon Cheeseburger Skillet Dinner*
Serves 8

This tasty and easy dish has all of your favourite flavours rolled up into one . . . crisp bacon, cheese, tomatoes, beef. Delicious, family friendly and so much nicer than anything you can ever get in a box! I use extra lean and low fat everything so it's also not too hard on the hips! I like to use my electric skillet for this!

1 pound of uncooked pasta (I like to use rotelle as all the sauce collects nicely in the grooves)
2 pounds extra lean ground beef
1 pound bacon (I use back bacon, chopped up)
1 small onion, peeled and chopped
1 fat clove garlic, minced
1 (10 1/2 ounce) tins condensed tomato soup
1/2 - 1 soup can of water
Salt and black pepper to taste
1 tsp Italian Seasoning
8 ounces extra sharp cheddar cheese, grated (I use half fat cheddar)

Cook the pasta according to the package directions. Drain, rinse and drain again. Set aside.

Spray a large skillet with some non-stick cooking spray and add the chopped bacon. Cook until crisp and then scoop out and set aside. Cook the onions in the drippings, adding more cooking spray if needed. Cook until soft. Add the garlic and cook for one minute, then add the ground beef. Cook, stirring, until nicely browned. Stir in the Italian seasoning and season to taste with salt and pepper.

Stir in the bacon, tomato soup and water. Cook and simmer for about 15 minutes, adding more water if it gets too thick. Add the pasta, and stir until well coated. Hear through. Sprinkle the cheese on top and cover. Simmer for 5 minutes until the cheese is melted. Spoon out of the pan to serve. Enjoy!


  1. there's no place like home! :)

  2. I am sorry to hear that you had to work all night again. I really don't know how you do it.
    I guess that you think about the things you like about your job rather than the things that are so hard for you.

    I think that it is wonderful that you took time to post today in spite of being so tired. You are amazing!

    I hope my home feels like love when you walk in. I try to make it that way.

    Get some rest my dear.... I send love, Lura

  3. Bacon Cheeseburger? My husband's favorite!

  4. I know my missionaries would love having this yummy meal, and so will my family! You are so adorable. I can feel your warmth all the way across the sea!

  5. Mmm lovely dinner today, I think I'll add that to next weeks menu. And I agree with you, home is where you're happy.

  6. Coming here is like coming home, Marie...always warm and cozy and comforting! :o) My mom used to make a recipe rather similar to this. Hubby would love this! Sounds like you've had a busy week...hope you can get some rest. Any chance of a chat today? I wasn't online much yesterday, but hope to be this afternoon...see you then? Happy Day, dear friend ((BIG HUGS))

  7. hi marie
    u work so hard. Love the poem and edna jaques
    I am missing my husband so much all these weeks in new york. It is funny. I feel so at home here with the kid and grand daughters
    I think it is because where your heart is is where u are at home, Each of my children are such a part of my heart.
    get some rest

  8. This is a new way to comment today. Your dinner looks great just the hot sort of meal you need on a day like we are having today. Love Joan.

  9. Love the pasta dish! My kids and hubby would love that one. Get some sleep and "see" you tomorrow.

  10. well, I must be in an odd state today because that poem (and your words) brought tears to my eyes.
    xo Di

  11. By now, I hope you are sleeping well so you will be refreshed upon awakening. It's wonderful Todd does the cleaning, laundry, etc. He's a wise man...and he surely knows how blessed he is to have you for his wife! Home is where the HEART is and that is what counts! Today's recipe is right up my hubby's alley...he loves pasta w/ hamburger and all sauced up with tomatoes and cheese. This is a just a bit different from how I usually make it so I am writing it down. He just might be eating this next Wednesday nite (that's when he likes to have pasta - in the middle of the week)! Sending love and best wishes, Winnie

  12. Hi! Marie ~
    That skillet dish looks and sounds yummy, never have put bacon in mine. I'm going to give your recipe a try!
    Love the poem and LOVE those stitchery pictures!
    Thanks for sharing.

  13. Looks lovely and very very yummy Marie!
    I could eat that right now.

  14. Marie,

    I hope you get this comment! I'm having severe issues with Blogger. I hope you feel better. And I love the pasta. It's one of my favorites!

  15. Hi Marie
    I love that poem about home. I try to make our home a haven for our family and for anyone who visits. I am sorry you had to work all night! Wow, you must be tired.
    Thanks for your lovley thoughts on every post. I always like to see what you'll have to say today because I know it will always be encouraging.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  16. How did you know where I live?! Hehehe...hubs and I are currently renting a good sized home, on a lake. The entire lake-side of the house is covered in large windows, and we do indeed have a large, simple, wooden table overlooking the lake where many a simple meal will be served!

    The skillet dinner looks delish...and SO American!

  17. I just love reading your blog. Because I am in Australia I read your blog before bed most nights and am always inspired in some way. I want to adopt you please.

  18. Marie I need to make this my kids will love it!!

  19. Hi Marie! Loved your post -- as always. I am sure the missionaries loved your pasta -- I have a 14 year old boy at my house who would love that!

    I am sure your home is a very welcoming place -- I can feel your warmth through your blog. Thanks for all of your wonderful wisdom and stories. I look forward to reading your posts everyday. XOXOXOXOXO

  20. As always your blog is delightful, and such a sweet post this is! Again the recipes have me drooling! I wonder if there are calories for just reading your posts. I mean really the photos look so scrumptious, I wouldnt be surprised!
    Hugs, for a lovely weekend! Carolyn

  21. I understand. Our ward has (on average) five missionaries -- four of them Americans. We take requests for the food they are really missing. This month it was cheese burgers. Last month it was waffles -- they were ecstatic!

  22. SZorry you have alot of work Marie, I love Home too, when Im not at home I miss alot!! In the summer I will be happy to stay only at home I love it!!! (Dont work so much) huggs. Gloria


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