
Tuesday 30 September 2008

The Creme de la Creme

Just when you think things cannot possibly get any better. . . or more delicious . . . someone comes along and picks a recipe that tips you over the top to delicious decadom, and you fear you will never, ever see the light of day again!

Welcome to Tuesdays With Dorie. The one day of the week that is rapidly becoming my favourite day of the week. The one day when I, along with umpteen bazillion other baking nuts from all over the world, get together in unison, and bake the same recipe, from the same book, and expose our results to the world on the same day! Yes, tis that delicious *Award Winning* baking book, *Baking, from my home to yours*, by the grande poupon of all grande poupon's, Ms Dorie Greenspan!

This weeks recipe was Creme Brulee on page 393, as chosen by Mari of Mevrouw Cupcake .

Mari, I have three words to say to you . . .


However did I get to this point in my life having never tasted Creme Brulee???? Yes, that's true. I confess . . . I was a Creme Brulee virgin. It was just something that never quite came up, both at home and at work, and I admit, not in cooking school either! However did that happen ???? and oh how much I've missed!!!!

I could have been devouring this glorious yumminess for years and years up til now, and alas, I shall have to make up for lost time and have it twice, no make that three times a week from now until the day I die . . . and in fact, when I die, please do bury some with me and don't forget to hand me a spoon before you shut the lid . . .

This was fantastic! Not ever having tasted it before, I really have nothing to compare it to, but, it really was wonderful, it truly was. Thanks so much Mari for choosing this!

What is there to say about it??? Custard is custard . . . or is it? The recipe came together perfectly, and the custard was in the oven and baking before I knew it. My custard did, however, take about 15 minutes longer to bake than the recipe said. It could be because I used a variety of dishes to bake it in, (not owning more than two of any one kind), or maybe because I couldn't find 200*F on my oven temperature gage, so I just kind of stuck it on a bit before 120*C and crossed my fingers.

And, I forgot to put cling film onto it when I stuck it into the refrigerator to chill . . .

Just before tea time yesterday, I heated my grill up to the highest temperature it would go to, (yes, my gun was out of gas . . . . ) popped these little dreams onto a baking sheet, (I also didn't have any ice). I sprinkled some Castor sugar over each one of them through a tea strainer, and then ran them under the grill for about 5 minutes total. (I kept taking them out to check them so it probably took me longer because of that). They got a bit darker in some places than others, but that's probably because a grill is not as evenly heated as a blow torch would be.

I let them cool for a few minutes and then lightly tapped one of them with a spoon . . . YES!!! I had a glorious hard glass like surface there. It was all I could do to get through dinner so that we could dig in . . . mind you we still had to wait until the required photos had been taken, which I'm not entirely happy with but, what the hey! Photos is photos and eatin is eatin, and we wanted to be eatin!

Thanks so much Mari for de-flowering me and introducing me to the utter decadence of creme brulee. My life will never be the same again . . .

If you are interested in seeing the recipe, please check out Mari's delicious page to find it and be sure to check out the Dorie Blog Roll to see what all the other ladies have come up with. I bet I gain ten pounds this week just from looking! (Ok so I lie, there are two more sitting in the fridge and they're mine . . . all mine!)

Next week's recipe will be Caramel-Peanut-Topped Brownie Cake on pages 264 and 265, as chosen by Tammy of Wee Treats by Tammy . Be still my beating heart . . .

PS ~ if Tuesdays with Dorie is a baking group that you have long been fantasizing about joining for a while now, but never have had the courage or time to do so, you better get off your butts and do it now. As of the end of October they will not be accepting any new members. Yes, they've decided to put a cap on the group, so no more sitting on the fence ladies (and or gents), buy the book and play along NOW!


  1. Oh my goodness Marie -- creme brulee is probably my favorite dessert EVER! Yours looks like it turned out perfectly. I wish I could reach through the computer and have a bite!

  2. there is a first time for everything! these look excellent!

  3. Mmm, looks like you aced this recipe! Nice job, I'm glad you enjoyed it so much.

  4. Glad you liked it, I adore crème brûlée. Yours looks very appetizing

    Ulrike from Küchenlatein

  5. I'm happy that you liked it! I have never had it either but plan to sometime soon! I did a rewind this week. I'm envious I didn't have the time (or tools) to actually make the creme brulee!

  6. Oh, sooo lovely, Marie! You know you're not the only creme brulee virign...I've never made it either...nope! And I love to cook too--LOL! Your looks just perfect...mmm...Thanks so much for your note yesterday :o) Hope to catch you for a chat today, this afternoon then?! Happy Day, my dea friend ((BIG HUGS))

  7. I love creme brule! Yours looks divine! How did your holiday go? Did you have a good time?

    Sorry I didn't get to e-mail you last night. I'd found out some more details and was talking to Ben about it. In short, my boss offered me a writing position at some contract military papers we do. The hours would have been concrete and not loose like I have no and I would have been working on a military base. Ben and I both agreed if I was going to do all that I might as well find a new gig that paid more.

    I will e-mail you later though. :) May be tommorow morning, b/c I actually have to get something done at work! I'm so behind from all the drama!

  8. i'm not sure - did you like it? :) wonderful photographs, as always!

  9. Lovely brulee. So glad you're deflowered now and can enjoy all the pleasures of this sinful dessert.:)

  10. Marie, those look excellent! I have never made them, either, but have dreamed about doing so. I have eaten it in a restaurant, but I am sure it does not compare! Much love, Raquel XO

  11. Beautiful, Marie. I have eaten Creme Brulee, but have never made it myself. It seems to be a good excuse to buy a kitchen blow torch!

  12. I, too, had never had creme brulee.

    it is wonderful.

    I'll be making this again.

  13. Marie, I'm so glad I could introduce you to crème brûlée!! It really is the bee's knees! And there are so many ways to do it, one of my favorite recipes for crème brûlée is a dark chocolate-orange crème brûlée. To die for!

  14. Hahah, now that I read you blog I remember I also forgot to use clingfilm on top of the ramekins while they were cooling down and in the fridge!!

  15. Leave it to Dorie to forever alter our lives with desserts! SO glad you've been able to finally try creme brulee... and of your own creation! That makes it even better!

  16. What a great idea to use your grill! Your brulee looks wonderful, and I love the variety of dishes!

  17. Even after it was mentioned in previous weeks, I had to intentionally make the connection that grill = broiler :) They look fabulous!

  18. Oh, I am so glad that you loved the creme brulee! It looks like the broiler method worked wonderfully for you! I couldn't believe how easy these were to make, and this will definitely become a regular dessert in our house!

  19. aren't you glad you ain't a virgin no more. haha. I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Tuesdays are one of my favourite days of the week now too! Love tuning in to the many interesting renditions taken on by the TWD bakers!!!

  20. I can't believe you have never had Creme Brulee before! It looks delicious!!

  21. You did such a great job and it looks just perfect.

  22. So glad you got your first taste of creme brulee! That would definitely be one of my desert island desserts. Yours look scrumptious.

  23. Oooh, Marie, what a great experience for you; that first creme brulee! And you made it yourself. And perfectly at that. So pretty. I used the broiler also. It would have worked better if the creme level had been closer to the top...

  24. I am still on the fence but I am tempted to make the jump.

    Your Tuesdays With Dorie dishes always look so good.

    My only hesitation is I have more cook books than I know what to do with.... and I need to resist eating goodies...not make more of them...

    So....should I jump or just enjoy it vicariously through your post???? ummm I'm giving it serious thought.

    Love as always, Lura

  25. Marie this Creme Brulée is one of the most beauty I have seen!!!! Always want to do, maybe now I made your recipe, is lovely!!!Huggsss!!!!!! (Todd like it??? I think this is georgeous)

  26. oooooo Marie, that looks 10x better than any I've ever had in a restaurant!

  27. Hi Marie
    I sure am glad that you were introduced to creme brulee. It would have been a shame if you ween through your entire life never having tasted it. Creme brulee is my favorite dessert.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  28. Your creme brulee looks wonderful! I'm glad that you finally got to try it and love it!

  29. A brulee virgin. Me too. And I so wanted to try this, but.....

    Yours look awesome. Wonderful. And great pics. Glad you enjoyed.

  30. Hello again dear,
    It is Tues. night now.
    I would love to wait up and be one of the first to greet you on your new post...but is only 9:40 p.m. and I am so tired I think I will go to bed. I think my sorrow for Erin is exhausting. I know that I will not be able to stay awake 2 more hours to greet you.

    However, I did want you to know that I am doing better today than I was yesterday. This morn I had to care for little Austin and this afternoon I was busy doing a church assignment that involved a lot of calling and some running around. I felt like my feet were lead but as I forced myself to move in the service of others the knife wound in my heart hurt a little less and I could breath easier. I hope that my Erin is also breathing a little easier today too.

    Thanks again for your love and prayers. I appreciate you so much.Have a good day. Love, Lura

  31. yay for your first creme brulee!! :) it looks wonderful and i'm glad you enjoyed it!


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