
Thursday 25 September 2008

Friends . . .

"Once in awhile a friend is found who's a
friend right from the start
Once in awhile a friendship's made that
really warms the heart
Once in awhile a friendship's found to
have a lifetime through
It really does happen, just once in a while -
it happened to me and you."
~Author Unknown

Yesterday I had the most wonderful experience of being able to talk to a very special lady via the telephone. Lura of Grammy's News . I was so excited to finally be able to talk to her and her husband John, that I was doing the happy dance all over the kitchen afterwards. She was just as lovely on the telephone and had such a sweet voice, exactly as I had imagined. Every once in a while you meet someone, either real or an invisible friend, like I like to call you all on here, and you just connect in a very special way. So it has been with Lura since she first left a comment here on my page. It was so very nice to be able to connect with her now in real life instead of just the written word.

I've made ever so many wonderful friends through this medium we call the Internet. Real women, with wonderful soul . . . women who touch me daily with their hearts and their words, who are not afraid to share that which means the most to them in their lives . . . with me and with the world. It's really special, this online relationship, this special connection we feel with one another.

I live a pretty isolated life here at Oak Cottage. We are quite separate from the village up here, and in fact I can say with all honesty that in all of the five years I have been living here I have not met one person from the village, so there have been no friendships made. It is somewhat of a bedroom town. Most who live here work elsewhere and in truth we all lead such busy lives today there is not a lot of time for standing around and making each other's acquaintance. I work long hours and so I don't really get out and about much anyways. My main social time is early in the morning when I get up and come on here and pen these words, write and answer e-mails, chat a bit with my family and friends.

I have church friends of course, dear ladies that mean the world to me. We don't get to see each other very often though. Mostly on Sunday's I'd say, unless we make special arrangements to see each other at other times. Because of the hours I work, I don't often get to go to Enrichment evenings or activities. For some reason, most of them are held on the nights I have to work, or during the daytime when I am at work as well. Our church Ward covers a really large area and so we are also quite spread apart distance wise and it's not that easy to get together during the week unless it's for something special. It's not like we all live in the same community within an arms reach of each other. On Sunday mornings though, that church hall is full of chatter and friendly faces and welcoming arms. It's pretty special.

“We are all in this together. We need each other. Oh, how we need each other. Those of us who are old need you who are young. And, hopefully, you who are young need some of us who are old. It is a sociological fact that women need women. We need deep and satisfying and loyal friendships with each other. These friendships are a necessary source of sustenance.” ~Marjorie Pay Hinckley

I cannot remember my mother having very many friends when I was growing up. I expect that she was too busy taking care of the home and us children, until she started back to work again, and then it was her job that took up most of her time. I have always surrounded myself with friends. I am a woman who enjoys the company and companionship of other women. I’ve had many good friends through the years, some younger, some older, all dearly loved by myself. When I make a friend, I make them for life and I cherish each one of them for what they are and who they are. Friends are indeed family you get to pick for yourself.

I have often heard it said that in order to have a friend, one must first be a friend, and that is so very true. There is nothing less satisfying than having a relationship with someone who only takes and never gives anything back. There is something very special about the easy camaraderie of two people, who know each other well, and can give and take with the ease of knowing the other’s faults and yet loving the other anyways, despite their shortcomings. I expect people to take me as I am, and so, I accept them for who they are in return.

I look upon other women as fellow sisters and companions in this great adventure we call life. We are not in this to compete with each other, but instead to uphold, cherish and love each other. When we see one of us beginning to falter and fall back along the way, we have a duty as a beloved sister to grab hold and help the other to come forward and to support and uphold her in every way possible. You never know when you might need the favour in return. At the end of the day, I could live without the companionship of a man, but I would dreadfully miss the companionship, understanding and friendship of other women. We’re really are all in this together. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give, and I thank each one of you for all that you give to me each day with your lovely comments and caring words. They truly do mean the world to me.

I did a little Christmas Painting late yesterday afternoon. I have in mind to do a whole series of nativity paintings. This is the first boy I have done. What do you all think of him? I'm not sure what I am going to do with him yet. Perhaps turn him into a Christmas ornament?

I made the most delicious little mouthful's the other day. I have always been a fan of Amaretti Biscuits. I just love almonds and these are truly an Almond Lover's delight. Slightly soft and crumbly these are not like the crisp amaretti biscuits you can get which are also very good. They're also very easy to make. I'll never buy amaretti again . . . these will definitely be on my Christmas Baking trays this year!

*Soft Amaretti*
Makes about 36

Slightly crisp on the outsides with a soft and crumbly interior these are full of delicious almond flavour. Little bites of almond pleasure . . .

1 1/2 pounds of ground almonds
(Make sure they are ground as fine as possible without becoming paste)
2 cups fine white sugar (440g)
(not powdered)
pinch of salt
4 large eggs
1/2 tsp of pure almond essence
(Make sure it's pure and not the artificial)
icing sugar for dredging the finished biscuits in

Pre-heat the oven to 350*F/180*C. Line two flat baking sheets with parchment paper and set aside. Make sure your oven rack is on it's lowest level.

Check to see if your almonds are fine enough by passing them through a sieve. If not, give them a quick whirl in the blender. You don't want an almond paste, but you do want them very finely ground.

Place the almonds into a large mixing bowl along with the sugar and a healthy pinch of salt. Whisk together well. Mix together the eggs and the almond essence and add it all at once.

Using two teaspoons, scoop out balls of the dough and drop them onto the prepared baking sheets. They will be somewhat irregular in shape, but that's ok. It only adds to their charm. Leave about an inch between each.

Bake in the pre-heated oven for 10 minutes. Remove from the oven. Raise the oven rack to the middle position. Return the biscuits and bake for an additional 5 minutes. Remove from the oven and let cool on the pan for another 5 minutes, before removing to a wire rack to cool completely. Repeat with the other baking sheet.

Sieve the icing sugar into a large bowl and dredge each cooled biscuit completely in it. Store in an airtight container. If anything, these taste better as the days pass.


  1. What a joyous thing getting to talk to your good friend, Marie--Hooray! Nothing like those special connections...Girlfriends are sister-friends! And don't we know ;o) I was so very glad to get to talk to you yesterday--always a highlight of my week when we get a chance to chat like that. Like yourself, we live in a small town. Moving here from the city I imagined it to be easier to make friends, it hasn't turned out so. And as I live overseas, I am far from family & friends from my homeland. So blogging and the friends I have made through it mean the world to me! They are as important to me as any "real life" relationship, and I nuture and care for them with much happiness. Just LOVE your Christmas is sooo charming! I love the bathrobe look ;o) and the cute sheep! Christmas is coming soon--can't believe it! Those cookies look just the thing for the holidays...mmm...Happy Day, dear friend--LOVE & ((HUGS))

  2. Some of my most precious and dearest friends are internet friends. I actually don't have any real life friends, which is a bit sad for me, but I've found that my internet friends have been there for me through thick and thin. I honestly dont know what I would have done if I hadn't discovered this wonderful world of blogging.

  3. Ooohh! A series of paintings would be so cute! You should do them. Awww, that's really sad you don't have a lot of friends in a village. I think things are the same in a super big city like we're in, too. Unless you get involved with things, you won't meet people. Everyone just goes back and forth to work, maybe out to the bars. I'm so glad you got to talk to your friend! :) Maybe we can talk someday!!! :)

  4. I'm without many real life friends these days too. Living life just seems to suck up all my time. If it weren't for my blog friends and the constant parade of teenagers in and out of my house, I'd have no fun at all.
    I was so close with my friends in high school and sometimes really miss those special relationships. There's nothing like it.

    (love your little sheperd!)

  5. I have to share a funny thing that happened the other day. When the kids come home from school they always ask "What's for Dinner?" They sometimes want to know details if they are unfamiliar with the menu. Your name comes up every now and again and so now when I say, "One of Marie's recipes" they say "OOOH!" After finishing a serving of your Chicken and Squash Casserole recently, my daughter says to me, " You know Mom, you should get to be REALLY good friends with this Marie and maybe she'll come over and cook for us"
    "Isn't it enough I cook her recipes for you?" I ask.
    "No. You really have to have her over"

    Hope you have a great day.

  6. Great post! Love your christmas picture. Sweetness,innocence, beauty and glory.

    The recipe is glorious. I now have a "Marie' recipe file! My husband is happy to have really good home cooking again and all thanks to you.


  7. I love the shepherd with the untied tennis shoe! A friend- invisible or otherwise-is one of life's greatest pleasures.

  8. Love this post, Marie! Like you, my hours and job prevent me from making many friends. I do have one friend about 9 miles away, but the rest of my friends are on-line. They are very important to me. Love your painting and the cookies - I. LOVE. ALMOND. That about sums it up! I will definitely be making these soon. Much love, Raquel XO

  9. I loved this post, Marie!

    I've met so many wonderful women through blogging, too. You included!

    Your painting is darling. I would love to see a whole series of Nativity pictures. What a talent you have!

  10. How GREAT that you got to talk to your friend on the phone!! Your post meant the world to me....realizing how important all of my friends are! (Thank you, Marie!!) Absolutely love your newest fun that would be to see on a "card" or an ornament.

    Have a great day!

  11. how awesome that you got to talk to lura. i agree-her voice is so warm and kind! i am so grateful that i got to meet her in person-she is wonderful! :) blogging is the best, i have made so many new friends that i don't know what i'd do without-including you marie! i don't really "know" ya but i love ya!

  12. Marie, is so nice you talk with Lura is so nice lady I love her too. Maybe some day we can talk by telephone!! Is nice heard the voice of a friend!!
    Friendship with the years is the one of most important tome !! Maybe is I had a lovely friend (you really would like her) But she die of cancer two years ago was a really beat to to me she was how a sister and I laugh with her a lot. I miss her still alot!! She was married with a good man, a jew but she was catholic, so 1 year until she died they married by the catholic church and the Jewish Faith was the most lovely ceremony I was I never forget the songs we all sing, and I make a Cake (sache torte) to the wedding and others make others, she had 4 childs, so was so hard, but really I think she is in Heaven.
    Marie this recipe is so tempting!! xGloria

  13. Sorry,I forget two things to say. first I have now the BEST FRIENDS OF MINE in the Blog world, with them I talk about my daughter and son, when Im sad, about faith etc. and I thinking in you how of one of my best friends I have. and second I love your draw of the boy is how he is looking how Jesus come! is lovely!!xxGloria

  14. Well my dear friend, here I am sitting in the same chair, in the same nighty, still grinning from ear to ear over your phone call. It was so wonderful hearing your voice... it is full of warmth and love just as I knew it would be.

    Thanks once again for all that you do... you bring so much joy into my life through your words, your outlook on life and your love.

    I think the untied shoe lace on your little shepard is so cute... and I love the lamb. You are such a talented lady.

    Thanks again dear friend. Love Lura

  15. Love the painting Marie!
    I too have met loads of nice people through the Internet and blogging including of course, you Maire! RecipeZaar is where we met, remember.
    I also met my lovely husband and best friend Paul on the net - Aww Bless!

  16. Many friends I have had in my life Marie are past on now very sad to say and I do miss them so..I am afraid I don't go out to meet new ones nowadays and havn't done so for a few years now..I have always been a stay at home girl.I too feel lonely many times in my life and the internet has been a life saver at times for me.Love the recipe.Mmmmm.Have a lovely weekend and week ahaead as I go away again tomorrow for a week so I shall not be online to comment.Take Care God Bless.

  17. Those biscuits look yummmmy!

  18. What a fun visit! Isn't my mom great? Yeah... I think so!

    Thank you for the Hug on my blog the other day. We are doing well, but keeping our fingers crossed and saying a constant prayer in our heart that everything will work out for the best! It's in His hands.

  19. I think your shepherd boy is quite handsome and I am so glad you phoned granny as she is bursting her buttons- huggles me- Meme

  20. It was so exciting yesterday when my dad called and told me that you were on the phone. Isn't that cute that he would call. You sure have become a special part of all of our lives.

    I love your painting. An ornament would be wonderful.

  21. Hi Marie,

    Lovely post.. yes, I'm so glad to have found you and your blog (and the others too).. and even though I or some of us may be 'silent'.. we're enjoying the friendship, bond, inspirations, encouragement through your blogs. Isn't that great? 'Meeting' women from all over the world!!

    Angela KL


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!