
Tuesday 2 September 2008

An Ode to Peanut Butter . . .

I love peanut butter
it's very plain to see
that I love peanut butter
and peanut butter
sure loves me

I eat it by the spoonful
I eat it by the pan
I eat it in my bedroom
I eat it in my van

I like it in a sandwich
I like it in a pie
but better than a pie or cake
I like it in a . . .


(rats! I couldn't think of anything that rhymed with pie that had anything to do with cookies, tee hee! Yes, this is my corny attempt to write a poem about peanut butter!)

Well, after my rather feeble attempt to write a poem about Peanut butter and cookies . . . and knowing that this is Tuesday . . . the one day a week that I always play about with a bazillion other Dorie Greenspan baking fans . . . one could be right in assuming that the challenge this week had something to do with peanut butter and cookies!

Yes, this week's recipe was Chunky Peanut Butter and Oatmeal Chocolate Chipsters on page 73, as chosen by Stefany of Proceed with Caution .

I was really excited when I saw the recipe we would be baking for this week, because . . . well, I A-D-O-R-E peanut butter in any way shape or form and, well . . . I also happen to A-D-O-R-E cookies! The two together for me are a marriage made in heaven. Thanks so much Stefany for choosing this lovely recipe!

This was a pretty straightforward cookie recipe as far as cookie recipes go. A drop cookie it made very good use of basic and tasty ingredients. I love peanut butter (as you KNOW!) and when you mix it with the tasty nuttiness of rolled oats and butter and some spice and then stir in some chocolate, well . . . let me tell you, this is a flavour combination that can't be beaten!

Wait . . . yes, I think it can.!! How about if we stirred chopped up peanut butter cups and chocolate covered raisins into the batter instead of chocolate chips??? WOWSER WOWSER WOWSER!!!

I am a person that happens to love raisins as well as peanut butter. I also love chocolate covered raisins too, and when I read in Dorie's recipe that you could also put raisins in these lovely cookies I thought to myself, why not chocolate covered raisins!! So that's what I did and I was bowled over with the results.

My cookies smelled so good when they were baking. I could hardly wait until they came out of the oven and were cooling on my cooling racks. Crisp and buttery they were probably some of the best cookies I have ever eaten (or smelled for that matter!). Just when you think Dorie can't top herself . . . she goes and does it again. I have to say that the money I have invested in this baking book is the best money I have ever spent on any cookery book and that is not only down to the Tuesday's With Dorie group of bakers, but also down to Dorie herself and these fabulous baking recipes! If you don't have the book already, Baking, from my home to yours, I suggest you go out and get it right away. It's probably the best investment you will ever make for you and your family, and will provide you all with hours and hours of baking and eating enjoyment.

If you would like to see some of the other delicious creations this week, take a gander over at the Tuesdays With Dorie Blog Roll, and if you want the recipe then pop on over to Stefany's page. In the meantime you can look at what I did next . . .

Yes . . . that would be an ice cream sandwich made by sandwiching two of these lovely, peanut buttery chocolate raisin studded delights together with some of my homemade raspberry ripple ice cream . . . can you say . . . TO -DIE - FOR???

Next week's recipe will be Chocolate Whopper Malted Drops on page 85, as chosen by Rachel of Confessions of a Tangerine Tart . OH my goodness . . . I love whoppers!!! (Or Maltesers as we call them over here!) Just wrap me up and strap on some wings . . . I'll have died and gone to heaven before the end of the week!


  1. Dang. It's 3am and now I'm wanting cookies, and I dont have any. : (

  2. Oooh Yummy! They look delish Marie!

  3. Oooh, your cookies look so good! I do like your idea of adding peanut butter cups and chocolate raisins. I love these cookies and I can't stop myself from eating them! The batter really did smell heavenly. I can't wait for the whopper cookies next week :)

  4. My, my, my. Chocolate covered raisins AND peanut butter cups. Sounds and LOOKS amazing!

  5. Oh my God. Can I have the orginal recipe? I love peanut butter and love oatmeal. I need to bake these. Tonight. Seriously.

    How do you want me to do the Miss Pickles story? Do you want it to be a surprise and just draw the picture on what you know so far or for me to send it to you early?

  6. Marie what are you doing?????????? last night I ate a whole pack of milk chocolate raisins so there are none left for cookies. Guess I'll just have to get some more!
    love, Angie, xxx

  7. Lovin it! I love all of your innovations, as well as these cookies! They look great. Thanks for sharing! Much love, Raquel XO

  8. I agree with you we both LOVE Peanu Butter! YUM! Your cookies look great!

  9. Marie you and my husband must be soul mates - he loves peanut butter better than anyone I know. And he's very specific about the brand! blessings, marlene

  10. I love your add ins, and I'll bet they tasted fab in these cookies. I added pb chips, but I think the chopped pb cups would have been much better. I made some with raisins and cherries and they were yummy. Fun poem, btw.


  11. Marie!!! These are outrageous!! You have put these cookies way over the top I love it!!! I'm sitting here invisioning all those goodies in one cookie, ohhhh how good these must have been!!! And to top it off you made them sandwich cookies!! I love you Marie!!!

  12. Marie, the chocolate raisins, the PB CUPS, the ice cream sandwiches, the ode to's all too fabulous. YOu and Dorie should form a partnership!

  13. I am thinking that I should've waited until I saw your post to make these because the chocolate covered raisins and chopped up pb cups sound wonderful! Yummy. Lovey ideas, Marie!

  14. Chocolate covered raisins! Brilliant! And that last photo has me drooling!

  15. Chocolate covered raisins, that sounds wonderful.

    My teaservice is a gift from my mother, she got it as a betrothal gift over 55 years ago. The company doesn't exist anymore

  16. We found the flavors competing with each other to much.

  17. Nothing better than ice cream stuffed peanut butter cookies...DE-LISH!! I just love peanut butter--in anything--LOL! Fantastic baking today, Marie! Thanks so much for your lovely comment at my place. I will miss you heaps while we're away soon...But we'll be online when we can, so we'll be in touch! :o) I've ust finished getting us packed & ready. We look forward to a leisurely evening to relax a bit before the long journey tomorrow--need to be up at 5am! Will talk to you soon...LOVE YOU HEAPS!! ((BIG HUGS))

  18. oh man, peanut butter cups, choc covered raisins AND raspberry ice cream?? brilliant! :)

  19. Wow, Marie, those look divine!

  20. Wow, you really went all out on these! Sounds even better than the original and the ice cream sandwiches are a perfect idea. Love it!

  21. Love the poem! These look great - I love your add-ins!


  22. Oh wow, chocolate peanut butter cups and chocolate covered raisins? That sounds so amazing!!!!

  23. They look sooooo good. How can you tempt me so when I resolved to start being on a diet today????

    Maybe it is better to eat what I want and be fat than live on salad and baked fish and just be over weight. Let's face it, no matter what I do I'm not going to look thin and pretty anymore so maybe I will just make and enjoy your cookies.

    Would this work for a last stanza of your poem?

    I like it in a sandwich.
    In a pie it is first rate
    but a cookie is my favorite.
    In COOKIES it is GREAT!

    Luv ya, Lura

  24. Marie, these look fantastic and delish!!! mmmmm! Gloria I love chocolate with raisins!!!

  25. Hi Marie

    Can you give me your recipe with the amount of peanut cups and chocolate covered raisins. Also I was reading some of the comments, what do you think about chocolatechic comment about the add-ins.

  26. Dear Anonymous. I would love to give you the recipe but do not know who you are!!! You can find the recipe on Stephany's page and I used it exactly, with the exception that I halved it as there are just the two of us. For half the recipe I used about 3/4 of a cup of chocolate covered raisins and 6 full size peanut butter cups cut into pieces. Hope this helps!

    Not all people are fond of all recipes. I didn't mind having the cinnamon and nutmeg in with the oats and peanut butter. Some people might find that a bit too much though, which is probably where chocolate chic is coming from. Personally, I really, really enjoyed all these flavours together!

  27. You know I gain weight from looking at your food images, right? Right?!

    Lee, my child who can't have peanut butter, loves your poem.

  28. These look amazing! I love what you did with the ice cream!

  29. oooh! Cookies and homemade ice cream? Yummy :D.

  30. yummy looking cookies! it's a great idea to use chocolate covered raisins!

  31. Hi Marie

    I'm adressing your comment you made to anonymous. Since I'm planning on using the full recipe do I need to double the amount of chocolate covered raisins and peanut butter cups.

  32. Love your idea of p-nut butter cups and chocolate-covered raisins.

  33. HI MARIE! It has been far too long since I have bothered to get on the computer at all. I haven't updated my blog or checked yours! I will update soon, and try my best to keep a somewhat regular schedule. Anyways, I heard it was Todds birthday maybe? I just wanted to say happy birthday! AND i can assure you that I will be making those cookies...they look incredible! I miss you loads!!!!

  34. Mmmmm, those look delicious! My husband loves peanut butter and also raisins. I think he would love those cookies! WOW.

    Thanks also for your nice comments on my blog - I am just getting used to "blogging" and really appreciate your kindness!

  35. Jackie, yes if you are making the full recipe you would need to double the amount of raisins and peanut butter cups. Enjoy!

  36. Chocolate covered raisins! What a great idea. And your ice cream sandwich looks delish!!


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