
Monday 1 September 2008

The Simple Woman's Day Book . . .

For Today . . .

Outside my window . . .
The birds are singing but the earth is showing the tell tale signs of autumn. Everything is looking decidedly tired and I know it won't be long before the leaves begin to fall and the branches become bare. Autumn is one of my favourite times of year. I love the colours, the smells, the sounds . . .

I am thinking . . .
how blessed I am to be sitting here this morning with no real worries and a fine roof over my head. There are so very many people in this world that are not even half as blessed and indeed my mind turns to all those people in New Orleans and the southern US who are once again girding their loins to face another huge hurricane. My heart and prayers go out to them.

I am thankful for . . .
my church family. I go there every week and it is like coming home after having been away for a whole week. Their friendly faces and hugs and words . . . I truly am lucky to have this place to go where I can feel the spirit as strongly as we do and also the freedom to worship God in the way that I do. I know throughout the world there are still people that don't have this same freedom and we must never take it for granted.

From the kitchen . . .
once again I have been gifted with some lovely beetroot from a good and generous friend's garden. I just love beets, and indeed they are one of my favourite vegetables. I wonder shall I roast these? make a delicious soup? or just eat them boiled and doused in some butter, salt and pepper . . . so many lovely ways to enjoy them. I can't make up my mind!

I am wearing . . .
my pajamas. No surprise there! I am always in my pajamas at this time of the morning. Actually I would live in my pajamas if I could. They are my favourite article of clothing, although I don't think somehow they would appreciate it if I turned up at the grocery store in them . . . mind you in Michael Jackson can get away with it, why can't I?

I am reading . . .
I am still working on A New Dawn by Stephanie Meyer. It's a very thick book and I am a slow reader these days. All the latest issues of my food magazine subscriptions have come as well so I am busy devouring them when I get the chance, not to mention the latest issue of the Ensign.

I am hoping . . .
that we get some sunshine this week, instead of all the cloud and gloom we have been having. It has not been much of a summer, We did have a glorious sunny day on Saturday and we went down to Hastings to enjoy it by the seaside. So did every other person in our county, or so it seemed, and who could blame them!!! In this country you really do have to make hay while the sun shines!

I am creating . . .
some calender girls with my artwork. I want to do a calender for next year. I'm not sure how I am going to go about it yet as I haven't thought that far ahead, but I have all the sketches done and they are so sweet. I wish I didn't have to go to work this week and that I could just work on it and get it done!

I am hearing . . .
the earth awaken . . . the birds singing in the hedgerows and wonder of all wonders there is a magpie who comes and taps at our window as if to remind us to put out some goodies for him. He's far too big to manage the feeder. We always put out some crusts and stale bread and cookies or cake for the larger birds each day. Sometimes there is lots and other times there is a meagre offering. They are always grateful and I am reminded once more . . . I am so lucky, there is always plenty on my table. Blessed is the man who has so much that he is able to share with those around him.

Around the house . . .
ironing, sweeping, dusting . . . there is always tons of that to do!! If someone would please invent a self cleaning house and clothes that take care of themselves, I would be most appreciative! I don't know how I ever managed when I had five growing children and a huge home to care for? I guess there is a reason that we have those things when we are younger . . . when we get older the time seems to pass ever so much faster and it seems to take twice as long to get anything done, or is that only me???

One of my favourite things . . .
is hearing the wind chimes that hang on the eaves at the end of the house. Their little tinkle is so magical and heart warming. I don't know why . . . it just is and it makes my heart merry.

A few plans for the rest of the week . . .
Our Young Women's starts up again Thursday night after having had a break this past August. We are having a movie night which I am in charge of. We're going to watch the film Enchanted and everyone has been instructed to show up in their best "Fairytale Princess" gear! I think I will bake some fairy cakes and make some pink popcorn for the girls that night. I bet they'd really enjoy it. Then on Saturday we have two Baptisms at church and I am hosting a tiny Birthday Party here for my Todd! I can't wait! I just love celebrating his birthday and having friends over to help me do it. He's turning 70, which is quite a milestone, hence the party!

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you . . .
Early Saturday morning I was out in the garden crawling around the grass taking pictures of the Dew. Isn't it magical??? All those little drops of promise, little bits of manna . By the way I found out what the word Manna means recently . . . "Something unexpected and delightful." This certainly is that!

Don't forget to hop on over to the Simple Woman to see some of the other Day Book entries for today!

I did my Make Me Bake challenge winner yesterday afternoon after church. My goodness but these are lovely little bites of buttery yumminess! I love friands. Just a tiny little cake, but so much flavour and goodness inside. Todd loves these. You can bake them in an ordinary muffin pan if you don't have a friand pan. Just use one with medium sized cups . . . I think I know what I am going to have for breakfast now . . . I know it's naughty, but it's not every day I have some of these around . . .

*Coconut and Pineapple Friands*
Makes 12

These lovely little cakes are so absolutely delicious. Just a few mouthfuls, but each one is so perfectly moist and just exploding with wonderful tropical flavours!!!

6 egg whites
(Use the yolks, along with a few other eggs to make a frittata for your lunch!)
185g of butter melted
1 cup ground almonds
1 1/2 cups sifted icing sugar
1/3 cup plain flour
3/4 cup finely chopped glace pineapple**
( I actually used a tropical fruit mix yesterday when I
made these, so there are also little bits of mango and papaya in mine)
1/2 cup shredded coconut

Pre-heat the oven to 200*C/400*F. Line a 12 hole (1/2 cup) oval friand pan with paper cases. Set aside.

Place the egg whites in a bowl and beat them lightly with a fork until a bit frothy and combined. Add the melted butter, almonds, icing sugar, flour, pineapple and 1/3 cup of the coconut. Stir to combine well. Divide the mixture amongst the pan holes. Sprinkle the reserved coconut evenly over top of each.

Bake for about 20 minutes until nicely browned and just set. Remove from the oven and let stand for five minutes in the pan before turning out and standing upright on a wire rack to finish cooling.

**You can vary the type of glace fruit used here. Try using some chopped glace peaches, cherries or even both. Delicious!

PS ~ Don't forget to vote in the new Make Me Bake Poll. This week it's savoury bakes!


  1. As it is Monday morning for you, it is Sunday evening here. My son Grant and his wife Julia were here this evening and we played Phase 10, and enjoyed each other's company. I then came to see if you had posted yet. I love to read your thoughts, and today to just enjoy all that is peaceful, daily, and Home, creates great thankfulness in my heart.
    My Russell will love a try at your tropical cakes...I thank you in advance. I just may have to make them for tomorrow morning, as we are off work for "Labor Day" here. Have a great day!

  2. Marie love these comments of Monday about The simple woman,, and about you talk is so similar that I have to do. I have to go out (Im dont want) I have to go to the Bank, see my count brrr!!! I have to iron (last night iron a lot but you now the childs) I have to make something to cook (the best) and Here Im in payamas too in the PC look my mail and Blog and reading you, well I think after a shower right now the wprld is better but Im thanksfull too all have thinks to thanks. Have a Lovely day! xxxxGloria

  3. Marie- the friands looks lovely..I need to try them...How do you make pink popcorn? Chef Kyrie would be enthralled!
    loved your daybook..I am almost done iwth the cookbook so hope to come visit more again... :)

  4. Lovely post Marie! Those friands look great, I love the tropical flavors! Have a great week! Happy Birthday to Todd! Much love, Raquel XO

  5. I love wind chimes too. I'm so thankful we live somewhere they are "useful." We used to live in an area where we had wind only once or twice a year. Seriously, not even a breeze. It was very smoggy & depressing.

    Hope you get some more sunshine too. I'll see if I can bottle some up and send some, and you send us a bit of rain, won't you? We are getting rather dry over here. :-)


  6. Lovely entry today hope Todd has a lovely birthday and a great party. Love Joan.

  7. Nice shot of the dew. Those Friands sound good. Nice combo of flavours.

  8. Oh I can't wait to try these, I am one of the ones that voted for them LOL

    BTW, I made your Cheese and Onion Pastie Pizza yesterday, it was a huge hit :)

    Have a wonderful day,

  9. oh, how i wish it was feeling like autumn here. nothing but blazing heat and sunshine-wish i could share it with you! :)

  10. This is my first time to your blog but I love it! Is the home at the top of the page for real or just superimposed? That is gorgeous! Someday I will go to England, to the countryside and take lots of pictures of those fairytale cottages.
    I agree with you about feeling blessed to have a roof over our heads. It's important to recognize the blessings bestowed upon us daily and be aware that others have so little, while we have so much to give thanks for.
    Blessings to you over the pond

  11. Marie my husband is going to love these little gems, he loves pineapple! Thank you!

  12. What a beautiful day book! Thank you for inspiring me to do better next week.

  13. You are ever so inspiring and I love that you are so willing to share with the rest of us. Thank you for you and for allowing us to be us.

  14. These sound WONDERFUL. I love all those tropical flavors.

    You have a beautiful blog! I fully intend to scroll through and read more of your posts.

  15. Oh yum! These look and sound delicious! I'll have to try these sometime soon.

  16. I'm visiting from The Simple Woman and enjoyed reading your Daybook entry. Sounds very peaceful at your house. ;)

  17. I love the drinks of fall, when it's cool enough for coffee to taste really good or hot apple cider. Mmmmm.


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