
Monday 11 August 2008

Small Packages . . .

"Just a little word of kindness,
Just a little word of love,
Just a little smile of tenderness,
Are all blessings from above.

Just a little thought of comfort,
Just a token that you care,
Just a little gesture of sympathy,
May be answer to a prayer.

Just a little smile of happiness,
Just a little song of peace,
Just a word of praise at eventide,
Will give the soul release.

For the little bit of kindness,
And the little bit of care,
The little bit of tenderness,
Are the essence of a prayer.
~author unknown

A lovely thought and beautiful little reminder to help begin your new week with this morning. Remember . . . you may be the answer to someone's heartfelt prayer . . . just a smile, or a kind word, or a little hug may be all that they need . . . or a prayer offered. I don't know anyone that can't use one and wouldn't be grateful to get one on their behalf . . .

Short but sweet, I know, but then again my mama always told me that the best things came in small packages. I think she was right!

We are just starting to see some of the early plums in the shops now. Here's a delicious way to use some of them up!

*Pink Drizzle Muffins*
Makes 12

Moist and studded with chunks of lovely plum and topped with the delicious crunch and a sweet drizzle of pink icing, These muffins are quite simply wonderful and so very easy to make and enjoy!

225g plain flour
2 tsp baking powder
75g caster sugar
½ tsp salt
1 large egg
200ml milk
30g butter, melted
180g of red or purple plums, stoned and diced (approximately 4)
The finely grated zest of one lemon
75g of macadamia nuts, chopped coarsely
Pink writing icing*(see below)

Pre-heat the oven to 180° C/350° F. Generously butter a 12 cup medium muffin tray or place a paper muffin case in each cup. Set aside.

Whisk the flour, baking powder, sugar, lemon zest and salt together in a medium sized bowl. Melt the butter in the microwave. Whisk together the egg and milk in another bowl and then whisk in the melted butter. Add the liquid mixture to the dry mixture all at once and mix together mixing only until the dry ingredients are all moistened. Fold in the chopped plums.

Divide the mixture evenly amongst the prepared muffin cups. Scatter the chopped macadamia nuts over the top of each one. Bake in the heated oven for 17 to 20 minutes until well risen and lightly browned on top.

Remove from the oven and transfer each muffin to a wire rack to cool slightly before eating. Drizzle the tops with pink icing before serving. (Not a necessity but lovely to behold and a nice sweet touch against the savoury nuts)

*Pink Drizzle Icing*
Makes about 1/2 cup

1 cup icing sugar
drop of vanilla essence
drop of red food colouring

Sift the icing sugar into a bowl. Whisk in the vanilla, food colouring and enough milk to make a smooth icing, thin enough to drizzle. (usually about 1 1/2 TBS)


  1. Hello dear blog friend,

    After enjoying the poem and the pink drizzle muffins for a minute I had to go down to your last post and drop in for another visit. I hope that you don't mind me dropping in to visit twice in one day... I don't want to be a pesty guest but I just couldn't help coming back to your cozy kitchen..especially since those cookies are still cooling on the counter... I wish that I could hop across the pond and really come by to give you a birthday hug next week... I grow to love you more each day

  2. Yum, Yum, Yum! Those muffins look great! Small packages, indeed. I live for the small gestures! Much love - Raquel XO

  3. That's so cute! I love anything pink!

  4. Author unknown always writes the best poetry! ;)

    Sorry I haven't been a good blog friend. Time just seems to slip away so quickly.
    Please know that your comments always put a smile on my face.


  5. Very true about kind deeds. In the giving and the receiving. The recipe looks great, going to give it a try this coming weekend I think. Blessings* Teresa

  6. You know, Miss Marie, I'd like to pop myself in an envelope and mail myself to your cottage. Then, after you let me out, I'd sample all your lovely yummies that you create!

    Thanks for your kind words to me!

  7. I'm a fan of anything pink :). What a cute way to spice up a fun treat.

  8. That poem was just what I needed to hear this morning as I am feeling very alone - it made me feel so much better!

    Bless You!


    And the muffins look incredible!!


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!