
Friday 22 August 2008

Photographs and Memories . . .


Up in the attic
Down on my knees
Lifetimes of boxes
Timeless to me.
Letter and photographs
Yellowed with years
Some bringing laughter
Some bringing tears.
Time never changes

The memories, the faces
Of loved ones, who bring to me
All that I come from
And all that I live for
And all that I'm going to be.
My precious family
Is more than an heirloom to me.
~by Amy Grant

One thing that I have always loved to do, since I was a small child, is to look through old photographs of people and places gone past . . . Even now, when I travel home to visit my mother, within the first day or so of my arrival at her home, the old albums and boxes of photographs come out, and I am looking through them again.

And as I look, I ponder on these faces that I see. Great grandmothers and Grandfathers . . . Uncles, Aunts, Cousins . . . my mother as a young woman, no lines on her face, gazing adoringly up at my father . . . it's nice to see.

There are people still living . . . and people who haven't been alive for many years . . . their images captured forever within the framework of old black and white photographs. I wonder about these people. What sorts of lives did they live . . . were they happy, were they sad?? Did they have dreams that never came true, hopes and wishes, unfulfilled?? Secret sorrows and anguishes, pains and heartaches never told . . . gone forever but for the tell tale shadow of sadness in their eyes . . . the windows to their soul . . . they never lie. Did they know that down the road I would be peering into their faces and wondering about them?? And then my next thought is . . . how could they, for I had not even been born and did not yet exist here on this earth . . .

I look into their eyes and I see the same eyes looking back at me that I can see in my cousin's faces, the same mouths held in the same way, an all familiar stance or look. It's awesome to see how a nose, or eyes, carry on down from one generation to the next . . . it's helps to fuel the feelings of connection and of love and familiarity . . .

My mind is filled with stories about this one or that one, stories that my mother has told me time and time again, but which I never tire of hearing, and I struggle to remember them and to get my facts straight, and so I ask again, and she tells again, and . . . for a moment, the past and the present unite . . . the old black and white images come alive again, just for me, and they are real once more. Real people, with real lives and we are all linked together in a chain of blood and dna, a chain that goes back eons . . . all the way to Adam and then forward to who knows where . . .

One day that will be all that's left of me . . . just a few pictures in a box. Will someone wonder about who I was, and what I stood for, or will I have left a legacy that speaks for itself?? Will they look into my eyes and see the joy there . . . and the pain . . . and the hope?? Will they see all my yesterdays linked to their tomorrows . . . will the essence of my being be able to reach down through the passage of time and speak to their hearts??

There are precious few pictures of my mother's mother, my maternal grandmother. She was a shy woman who never liked having her photograph taken . . . and then I think of me. I am the same. I never like having my photograph taken either. I suffer it under duress though . . . I know how much a few photographs where I could see my grandmother's face in them would mean to me . . . and so I let people snap away, because I think one day my great great grand-daughter or grand son will want to see me and catch a glimpse of who I was, and wonder, and ponder the connection . . .

and so . . . I also paint pictures with my words. Words that speak volumes of who I am and who I was and who I want to be, and I hope that some day when these are read and the pictures are gazed upon . . . I will live on. This is my legacy and worth more than all the gold and silver trinkets one could ever have or hope to possess . . .

One thing I have always loved to do, since I was a small child, is to look through old photographs of people and places gone past . . .

Just my thoughts this morning . . .

Thanks so much for your feedback regarding my cookbook. It's been more than helpful and I think I know what I am going to do with it now, so stay tuned!

I was thrilled yesterday to see that my friend Tracy of Pink Pearl gave me this lovely Blogging Friends Forever award!!! Thank you so much Tracy. You felt like a long lost friend from the very first time I visited your page. It was that feeling and your gentle spirit that kept me coming back for more. I now have the great pleasure to pass this to some blog friends who have been here with me a long time, as well as giving this to a new friend also.

Please accept this award, my friends, in the spirit that it's given, and in turn, hand it out to others following these "rules":

1. Use the Twinks Bank icon
2. Nominate 5 other people only
3. Four (4) nominees have to be dedicated followers of your blog
4. One (1) has to be someone new to your blog and live in another part of the world.
5. You must link back to whoever gave you the award.

Here are my oldies, dedicated followers of my blog: Angie from Can You All Hear Me At The Back , Kath from My Simple Rhymes , Julie from Tulips Kitchen , Melody from Slurping Life . These ladies have been following me these past three years from when I first began blogging and followed me here to my new page from my old one and I love them to pieces. My newbie is Gloria of Canela Kitchen , who captured my heart with her very first comment and who is always so kind and faithful to me. You have all blessed my life in too many ways to count!

Ever since I was a young girl and I read the book, "Chicken Every Sunday", I have been intrigued by the delicious intricacies of Roast Chicken. There are as many ways of roasting it as there are days of the week. A perfectly roasted chicken is a joy to behold and a pleasure to eat . . .

*Perfect Slow Roasted Chicken*
serves 4

Slow roasting is a wonderful way to keep chicken moist and flavourful. This recipe has the added bonus of some lovely and buttery, lemony roasted potatoes to accompany it.

softened butter, for greasing the pan and chicken
1 medium to large sized corn fed organic chicken
4 ounces of roasting potatoes
(peel and halve or quarter, depending on their size)
2 heads of garlic, halved crosswise
sea salt and cracked black pepper
3 1/2 ounces white wine
3 1/2 ounces chicken stock
2 springs of fresh rosemary
6 bay leaves
1 lemon, cut into 4 wedges

Pre-heat the oven to 325*F/160*C. Grease a large roasting tin with softened butter and then rub the chicken all over with some more softened butter.

Place the chicken in the tin and scatter the potatoes around it. Place the halved garlic heads in as well. Sprinkle it all with some sea salt and cracked black pepper. Squeeze the lemon wedges over all and then throw them into the pan as well. Mix together the chicken stock and white wine and drizzle it over. Cover everything with a large sheet of aluminum foil, sealing it tightly, and then place it into the pre-heated oven.

Roast for one hour. Remove it from the oven and take off the foil and discard. Add the rosemary and the bay leaf. Return to the oven and roast, uncovered for another 50 minutes.

Turn the oven temperature up to 425*F/220*C. Roast for 30 minutes longer. Remove from the oven and remove the chicken and potatoes to a platter. Cover loosely and let rest for at least 10 minutes before serving.

Serve the chicken sliced and placed on hot plates with some potatoes. Spoon some of the pan juices over all and enjoy!


  1. That chicken looks delicious Marie, it is the only roast dinner I make and that would be a wee change from the usual way.

  2. Good Morning to you.
    It is midnight so good night to me. We just got home from another wonderful Thursday at the temple....tired....but thankful we have the opportunity to work there.

    I enjoyed seeing the old pictures you put in this post. I wish I had more old family pictures. Like you, I think they are so thought provoking.
    I hate seeing my self in photos but again like you, I let people take them for my children and grandchildren....and so on.

    From your last post... could you put in just a few pictures in your cook without raising the cost too much? For all the years I taught home ec. I was a contributor to a Home Ec. Teachers Cook book. We sold it each year as our biggest fund raiser. We asked our students to help sell it to their families and friends. We found that we could sell it much better if we showed a few pictures to people. Each year our book was 6 by 81/2 inches, with about 150 pages, 8 colored photos and had a glossy soft cover with a spiral binding which we sold for $10. We found we could sell a lot more if the price relatively low. We only made about $3 or so profit on each one but because we sold a lot it added up pretty fast. I don't know if this is applicable to your book.... I wish you the best of luck.

    Have a great day. Love, Lura

  3. The name of the recipe says it all I think, Marie. You're chicken does indeed look perfect.
    Like you I love looking at old pictures and wonder about the people and the stories in them.

  4. What a lovely post! I am like you, I hate having my picture taken. That chicken looks fabulous! Much love, Raquel XO

  5. Dear Marie I was lost in my thoughts reading you because when I saw your pictures I remember too my Grandma and othres, My mom always show me antiques pictures,she has boxes and boxes and show me many people that I don't know but is so funny know are your family too, she has pictures of England too of the family of my grand Pa that come from England Maurice Baker, I smile when I saw their faces thy are the most blondes and I formy part of Spain I have brown hair and brown eyes, ooohhh! I would like the Grand Pa eyes (Blue) my Mom has green, is strangue because we are family too, know in December come a cousin from England to stay at my house Im really happy, they come once but they were in Mom'sHouse and now come to mine. I love your post (sometimes we are how sister) and read you give me other award, is so nice many thanks Marie, I will make a special post soon to give the awards, Marie you know you are special to me, I said Mom, Marie is how my Spritual director (I have one but I never see know) and Mom smile, she understand me a lot.
    Marie if I think in this year one of the best thing was discover your Blog and is not about recipes (That I really love) is all we talk about life,God,family and love in this day I thanks a lot to you Marie, Huggssss!!! Gloria

  6. Oh, tears in my eyes! Thank you for your lovely words, I feel as you do--that to have found you was to have found a very kindred spirit that had been waiting for me! And as you speak so beautifully of family here today, well...YOU are like family to me! :o) So I was so happy to pass on this award to you, my sister-friend! So much enjoyed your sharing of family memories here. I love looking at old family photos and albums--seeing everyone past & present. My hubby would love your recipe today...he was asking about chicken...LOL! Very excited to see what will happen with your cookbook now! Wishing you & Todd a lovely weekend ((BIG HUGS))

  7. i love looking at old photographs and i wonder the same things about these faces from the past. i wonder someday what my great great granddaughter will think about my blog! :) (once i get it printed into a book which i plan on doing yearly through she'll probably think i was nuts.

  8. What a lovely post!

    Thank you for sharing your yummy looking chicken recipe.

  9. Nothing like the blessing of photographs. I love capturing family and friends for posterity as well as looking at the faces that helped to make us who we are. Amazing gift. Thank you for your words which always send my thoughts to new and higher places.

  10. What a perfect Sunday dinner. I love the old photos, there's something so lovely and nostalgic about black and whites. So much more precious that they are really your family. Congrats on the award. You deserve all that and more.

  11. Another post that has brought tears to my eyes :-) You have such a way with words! I am in love with the past and over the last few years have traced most of my family tree lines to the 1700's. These people are so important to me and I long for the day when I will get to meet them :-)

    I have Amy Grant's book "Mosaic" out of the library at the moment. Have you read it?

    I will try my chicken your way next weekend! I usually put it on 350 for 1 1/2 hours and par boil my roasties before I add them to the oven.

    Thanks for your wisdom of the day!

  12. That chicken looks wonderful! Congrats on your award! You deserve it!

    I think more people will remember you than you think, photo or no photo. You touch everyone who is lucky enough to know you.

  13. Hello Marie, It's funny that you posted this entry when I've just spent hours & hours looking thru old photos. And as you know I posted the picture of the house my grand parents lived in when I was little. The house that I would love to be able to duplicate. I was up the last two nights until after 1am looking at pictures. Great entry, Linda in WA

  14. Wonderful post Marie! I think it is so important to know our history and the lives of our ancestors. My dad passed away three years ago and I keep his memory alive for my children by showing them pictures of their grandpa and reading to them from his journal. My son is starting to look so much like my Dad and it is wonderful to see my dad's face everyday through my son. You touch so many people through your wonderful posts! I think I will make that chicken on Sunday -- can't wait to get a copy of your cookbook!!!

  15. Dear Sweet Marie,

    Thank you for always visiting me!! You are such a faithful visitor of my blog and I treasure you with all my heart!! Thank you for leaving me comments. I love coming always make me think a little deeper, and smile and whole lot bigger!!

    Love you,

  16. Hi Marie,Sorry I havn't been around to comment of late but I have had problems with the google account section.At last I am through.Making a new one.I love your old photo's they are wonderful.You havn't changed at all.I too hate my picture taking so snap LOL!!Family play pop as they say they will not have many to look back on.Your Mother is a very pretty lady.I do hope your cookbook is a bestseller I have no doubt whatsoever it will be.Thankyou for the mention today and your kind words.The chicken looks delicious as usual.Take Care God Bless Kath.

  17. Ooooo I have really enjoyed your blog...I am going to read more but first I wanted to say Happy Birthday...late sorry....found your through Grammy Staffy!!

    Take care and have a wonderful weekend!!

  18. I also love your old photo's..
    I have shown some old photo's on my blog also, and have just started doing a Family History Friday.... I do have other old pictures on my blog before that.
    I LOVE everything you write about and always feel inspired.
    I also have my own family history website
    Anyway, sorry for going on... keep up the great work you are doing on here.

  19. Thank you my blogging buddy..I will pass it on soon.
    As for the chicken, Bex has requested a chicken dinner tommorrow so I will follow your recipe exactly take some photos and post them on Monday. I'm sure it will be a hit.

    I love all your old photos, my mum lived in canada for 5 years with my brother who is about your age, so it reminds me of all the old photos we have of that time...same styles of furniture etc...very different to her photos in England.

  20. I always read your posts... sometimes it takes me awhile to catch up since life can get busy. I wanted to tell you how very special this post was for me... made me really think and brought tears to my eyes. I am going to post a link to it on my blog so others may come and read it too.
    Thank you for sharing this and all the other wonderful posts you have created!

  21. What an absolutely beautiful post! I came her from another blog when I was surfing and she had part of this post listed. I thought to myself, "how insightful" I want to read more. Then as I looked over your blog - I discovered that you share my faith. This has been a year of incredible loss for our family and I have discussed quite often the importance of cherishing the moments you have because you never know when they will be gone!

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!