
Saturday 9 August 2008

Lighting Up The Woman Within

“My business is not to remake myself,
But to make the absolute best of what God made.”
~Robert Browning

It’s not always easy making the best of ourselves. It can be quite an enjoyable pursuit, but it also requires lots of patience, persistence and perseverance. I believe it is the reason we were sent here to earth and born, to become the very best selves that we can possibly become. This is a journey that requires a lot of prayer. It’s much easier to learn to live by our own lights when we turn to the Lord to help illuminate our pathway. It’s kind of like accessing “Spiritual Electricity” from a Higher Source of Power . . . a source of power that won't go out when it gets hit by lightening, or knocked over by a runaway car . . .

It’s easy to ask for help when you are desperately in need. Take for instance, those times when you have no where else to turn, when all on earth has let you down and you have let yourself down. Most of the time though, we try to do things on our own steam, with no extra help at all. That’s kind of like living in a house with electricity, but only turning the lights on when it’s so dark you are stumbling around and falling over obstacles in your way. No wonder we fall down so often or so frequently bump into things . . . we're stumbling around in the dark!

Prayer is a very big part of my daily life. When I am in daily communication with my Heavenly Father, I can walk in the light . . . with Him, as my constant companion. When I am not in daily communication with Him, I am in the dark and on my own. Where there is light, I can see clearly and with clarity. Where there is dark, I am lost and fumbling around. The clarity we see with when we walk in the light, and when we look deep within ourselves, is the Soul made visible . . . the woman within, or who we really are. (or the man as it were)

Our lives are truly wasted if we spend them trying to make ourselves into something we just aren’t or cannot be. How much better it is to just try making the best out of what God made. That starts with nurturing our souls and that journey begins with turning on the light . . .

I had a lovely e-mail yesterday from a reader I have had for a long time. She never leaves comments on my journal, but every once in a while she will shoot me a little e-mail. My face always brightens when I see her name. She mentioned that my entries are always calming and delicious, although she knows that there must be pressures in my life that I don't always talk about . . .

I guess, like anyone, I have my down moments, and no . . . everything in my life doesn't always run smoothly. I miss my family a great deal and often . . . I need to lose a bazillion pounds . . . my feet hurt quite badly somedays after being on them all day at work . . . my pay cheque often doesn't stretch far enough from one pay day to the next . . .

I try not to dwell on the negative things in life though . . . after all, everybody has them, and some have more than their fair share! I find it's much better to dwell upon the good things, the many blessings I have which are abundant and overflowing. I guess what it boils down to is this . I know God has a plan, for me . . . for you . . . for everyone . . . I know that wherever I am, whatever I am doing . . . right now . . . it's what He wants for me. I trust in that and I accept that and I just make the most of whatever opportunity comes my way from one day to the next. Life is good.

Here's something else that's good! Don’t you just love the salad days of summer? By that, I don’t mean endless days of eating nothing but lettuces and tomatoes, I mean making the most of all the glorious bounty that summer gives us to enjoy. One of my favourite vegetables are green beans and this is a lovely way to prepare them.

*Green Bean, Olive and Pine Nut Salad*
Serves 4

I could eat this salad until it comes out my ears and never tire of it! It combines many of my favourite flavours … crisp and summery green beans, sweet and tangy sun dried tomatoes, salty black olives and Parmesan cheese, all topped off with the nutty crunch of freshly toasted pine nuts. What’s not to like!!!

50 grams pitted black olives (I like to use the dry cured ones)
2 sun dried tomatoes marinated in oil, drained well
25 grams of good quality Parmesan Reggiano, coarsely grated
1 TBS extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp balsamic vinegar
300 grams fine green beans, trimmed and cut in half
50 grams pine nuts
A few whole olives to garnish

Take the olives and sun dried tomatoes and finely chop. Put them into a bowl along with the grated cheese, olive oil and the vinegar.

Bring a pan of salted water to the boil and add the green beans. Bring it back to the boil and cook them for three to four minutes, or until just tender. Drain them well and run some cold water over them for a few minutes to stop them from cooking any further. Drain well again and then add them to the bowl.

Heat a small frying pan and dry toast the pine nuts in this until they are golden brown. Add to the bean salad and toss all together well. Garnish with the whole olives and serve immediately.


  1. Marie,

    I love to read your posts. You are so insightful and I love that you have such a positive message to convey. Thanks for all of your insights and wonderful recipes!

  2. My goodness...what are you doing up so early???

    I just made a comment on your last post a bit ago.... then I stopped to watch the fantastic opening ceremonies of the Olympics.... I love the olympics... I always have.. I am a total klutz and have no athletic abilities I stand in awe of those who do...

    anyway, I started to turn off my computer after watching the ceremony (it was great...did you watch it?) and saw that you just published a new post.... wow... I am lucky... I got to read two posts from you in one night.

    Your email friend is right... your posts are always "calming and delicious" ... I always "eat" them up ... and I'm not talking about just the recipes.

    I needed your last post.... I've been a wee bit down lately. I've got my feelings a bit hurt over something that shouldn't even matter to me...I know that I am being silly...dumb actually... I need to get over it..I'm sure that I will soon... but I thank you for your post... you are right in all that you say.. as always

    Have a good day.(((hugs))) Lura

  3. Thank you very much for this post. I read everyone and each touches my heart... but this one went deeper... Thank you!

  4. Love that green bean salad Marie! I don't know how you think of all these wonderful salads. Looks delish.

  5. What an inspiring post! I agree with every word you said and like the analogy of walking through a house with the lights off. How true is that? It's encouraging to see someone being so sincere on their blog :). This is something everyone can relate to, and we'd all be better off if we took some time to pray each day. Thanks for reminding me of that :)!

  6. I think your positivity is one of your greatest gifts. You have such a good attitude about things even when you have every reason not to. That's why people flock to you--you just radiate joy, compassion and kindness. Good for you for focusing on the good instead of the bad!

  7. Hi Marie, Thanks for visiting my journal and leaving a comment and your url to this page.
    I wondered where you had gone, as I don't get alerts from you anymore.
    My neighbour just gave me a big bag of her home grown beans, so your recipe is very timely :-)
    all the best

  8. Marie I always enjoy your posts,they're always a gentle reminder for me. Your recipes are wonderful! You have so many ways of making summer meals taste fantastic!

  9. What you've written is very true.. and thank you for writing it. I'm glad your friend wrote you, I do the same when someone out of nowhere writes me and lets me know they are there or if I get snail mail. Blessings** Teresa

  10. I enjoyed your post today and the salad looks yummee. Noticed the picture of the Chrysanthemum Silver Princess I think it is mine hase been battered down with all the rain and is looking so sorry now it was nice to see it as it was a week ago. Have a lovely weekent feet up. Love Joan

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Give me your five Marie!!! When I dont pray (sometimes) Im lost absolutely !!! so beautiful post Marie!! I love a christian song that we have, I will place here (i dont translate because some things I dont know but you may help you with a diicionary or at Geoogle)

    "Jesus yo quiero abandonarme en tus manos
    como el barro en las manos del alfarero,
    toma mi vida y hazla de nuevo,
    yo quiero ser, yo quiero ser
    un vaso nuevo"
    OK.Ok I wil try for all of your here Igo:

    "Jesus I want to give up in your Hands, as the clay in the hands of the potter,
    take mi life and make it again, I want to be, I want to be a new vase"
    Look is not the best translate but is so similar, I hope Really Good with all of you.
    This songs look God as a nice Potter we have here many people that work with their hands in clay making pots,vases etc. xxxGloria

  13. This was a message I really needed to hear today. Thank for you. By the way, that salad looks mouth wateringly delicious.

  14. Love the Robert Browning quote...I can relate to that. Life is you I choose to accentuate the positive! :o) Like salad days...I'm hoping to share some salads soon at my place...this bean recipe of yours is wonderful! I just love how you share so much here--a little bit of everything. Each post is a cozy visit...Miss you my friend. Seems ages aleady since we were there! Happy weekend to you & Todd ((BIG HUGS))

  15. Sorry Marie, I saw know (I will see the translation) and I repeat twice the messages if you like you may eraser one! good weekend!!xxxGloria

  16. gosh, you have a way with words marie. i am always so inspired by your posts. a positive outlook on life is so important, focusing on the good instead of the bad, makes all the difference in happiness!

  17. Im ready Marie, I post that you Tagged me. I publish in the blog now if you want to see and read, I think was a wonderful Tag, make me think, Tell me what you think of your crazy friend, me. xxxGloria


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!