
Monday 25 August 2008

Best Shot Monday

I love Sweet Peas. They are my absolute favouritest of all flowers. They smell heavenly and look like lovely little ladies purses to me. They are one of the best things about summer. Every year we plant them just under one of the windows in our kitchen. That way when they really get going in late summer I can just look over at my window and see their pretty little blooms dancing in the breeze, and when we open the windows of a warm summer evening, the scent wafts in and gifts us with it's presence. They're just so lovely . . . simple blooms, for a simple girl. If I had to pick a wedding bouquet now that I'm older, it would be sweet peas . . .

This is my entry in this weeks, Best Shot Monday. Now hop on over to Mother May I and see some of the other wonderful entries for this week!


  1. Hi Marie! My moms fave flowers since she was a little girl are sweet peas. Thank for bringing her into my mind and heart.

    Gorgeous shot, too :)

  2. I love sweet peas they smell gorgeous my grannie always had them at her cottage.
    Hugs Mary.

  3. Sooo pretty...I love sweet peas too! Your photo is lovely, Marie...I like who the background fade, making the sweet pea "pop"...Happy Day, my friend ((HUGS))

  4. Beautiful pic. Sweet peas, alas, are the one flower that we cannot seem to get to grow in this yard. We had one solitary bloom this year. Much love - RAquel XO

  5. They are so beautiful and delicate! I love them, too.

  6. that is an exciting picture, as my friend just gave me a bouquet of sweet peas yesterday. they smell so pretty

  7. Hi! Just came to your blog from The Simple Woman and saw your lovely pic of sweet peas. I have some sweet pea seeds to plant (my mom talked me into getting them), and now I'm inspired to give them a go---sometime.....will have to figure out the best time to plant them here in Florida. Anyway, your blog is gorgeous! :)

  8. How pretty! How did your speech go? I bet you did great!

    I ordered a test book off of lulu last night to see what the LFB would look like. As soon as I get it I'll take pictures and send it to you! One month and counting....

  9. Sweet Peas were my mom's favorites too! You blog is always so lovely and just a wonderful place to land in the mornings with my coffee!

  10. Sweet peas and morning glories, I love them both becasue I dont have to plant them. God just sends them along to us with His love!! I hope you received the recipe I commented to you last night on a previous post! Blessings! Carolyn

  11. So pretty and delicate! Have a beautiful day Marie!


  12. As you know from an earlier post of mine, I love sweet peas too. I plant them in a flower box beneath our bedroom window. I love looking out the window first thing each morning to see their lovely blooms and smell their sweet fragrance.

    Unfortunately, mine did not last long this year. In spite of giving them loving care they withered and died.... the man at the nursery said it has been too hot this year for them to do well. We have had temps in the 90s and 100s since May with almost no moisture.(I wish we had a little of your rain).

    Now I have planted bougainvillea in their place. I enjoy the pretty bougainvellea blooms but I miss my "sweet" sweet peas.

    Have a wonderful, sweet pea day

  13. I love sweet peas too! They are so pretty.

  14. Very pretty and wonderful colors! Thank you for sharing!

  15. Sweet peas make me think of my weeding day. My bouquet was filled with the dark blue ones, with some fall foliage.

  16. Sweet peas are one of my favourites too Marie.My father never failed to grow them.I took many bunches to school for the teacher when I was a girl.They are so prety and the most delicate beautiful colours.Ahhh I can almost smell them here now.Lovely posting.Take Care God Bless Kath

  17. I love sweet peas as well. I love your description of them as being like a womans pocket book or purse. Your photography is gorgeous.

  18. I found you last week (or the week before) during MBS. For some reason, I didn't book mark you, but I sure wish I had. Your words, your pictures, the idea of living away and cooking, appeals to me so much.

    I love that you are able to do things for yourself that really bring you joy. You have a lesson to teach the rest of us.

  19. I love these, but I never knew what they were called. And I love your shot of them - I can almost smell them from here!

  20. Very pretty! I wish I could smell some right now. I don't think I ever have. I enjoyed your post.


  21. Sweet Peas are beautiful. I've seen pictures of them, but I've never had the pleasure of smelling them. Maybe I'll try planting some next year. My flowers that I plant each year give me so much joy. This year I bought some perinnials (sp), Calla Lillies,and Giant Begonia's. I also bought a Meyer Lemon tree. That tree has grown so much, and is absolutely beautiful. The Callas were gorgeous...I had yellow, and the most beautiful rose colored ones. For my annuals I usually choose impatiens. They are so pretty!

  22. what lovely flowers- and a great photo of them too!!

  23. Nice pic - I'm sure it smells lovely :)

  24. ooohhh, those are gorgeous! Lovely shot!

  25. Living in a condo I no longer have a garden but sweet peas are the perfect find at the farmers market...the best $2 ever spent!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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