
Wednesday 27 August 2008

A Moment In Time . . .

"He climbed onto the seat and positioned his feet on the pedals, his hands on the handle bars.
"Don't let go," he ordered.
"I'll be right next to you," I assured him. "I won't let you fall . . . "
I thought of the days ahead . . . of times when I would show my son balance, when I would run along side him, when I would be there to hold him, and when I would have to let go again . . and again."
~Matthew Norquist

Back in 1999, I gave my children a gift I had never wanted to give them . . . the gift of a broken home. Your father and I will never get divorced . . . I can't remember the number of times I had said those words to them through the years, and believed them myself, and there I went and then, for whatever reasons . . . we did. Since that time I have not been allowed to be a mother, not really, except from afar. These babies that I had held in my arms and my heart for every day of their lives, were scooped away . . . there would be no more Christmas's spent together, no more birthday celebrations with cakes and candles and hugs . . . no more of those special moments that make memories and lives as wonderful as they are. It all changed and would never be the same again . . .

Life is like that.

It can change in a moment . . . in an instant . . . and never be the same again . . .

On Monday my youngest son was in a car accident, through no real fault of his own. His car was hit and driven through an intersection and turned around by 180 degrees, written off. Thanks be to God that he walked away without a scratch . . . except for some whiplash. This story could have had such a different ending, and I am ever mindful that it didn't, and I am so very grateful that we still have him with us.

Take time to hug a loved one today. Hold them closer, hug them a little tighter, and tell them that you love them. Let them know how special they are to you. Whether they be close in distance, or they be far away, say the words you need to say and let them know you care, that they are important, that they are in your hearts. Mend those fences . . . build those bridges . . . climb those mountains. Don't let another moment pass . . . don't let pride, or fear, or anything else that may be blocking your path stand in the way. I have a daughter that hasn't spoken to me in several years . . . it's time I worked that out, and made that better . . . in whatever way I can.

Your life can change in an instant, and then it may be too late . . .

We have a tie with the Make Me Bake Challenge this week . . . it's a toss up between Lemon Cranberry Friands, or Coconut Pineapple! Tell me in your comments which one you would prefer and then I'll bake whichever one you decide on! They're both delicious so it doesn't really matter. I'll put a new poll up later today.

Here's a lovely way to use up some of those tasty leftovers from your Sunday lunch.

*Bubble and Squeak Fritters*
Serves 6

With there only being the two of us I invariably have vegetables leftover from our Sunday lunches. It's the same story when we have the missionaries over for their tea. I always cook enough to feed an army. This is a tasty way to make sure none of those leftovers go to waste!

1/2 cup leftover shredded and cooked savoy cabbage (I like to chop it up)
1 1/2 cups leftover mashed potatoes
4 ounces of sharp cheddar cheese, grated
1 tsp Dijon Mustard
1 large egg, beaten
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
a bit of cooking oil

Mix together the cabbage, potatoes, cheese, Dijon mustard. Add salt and pepper to taste, then taste it and see if you need any more. Adjust as needed. Beat in the egg.

Scoop out handfuls of the mixture and shape into flat patties, then coat them completely in flour, shaking off any excess.

Heat a large skillet over medium high heat. Add some oil and when it is hot add the potato patties and brown them for 3 to 4 minutes on one side before flipping them over to brown on the other side, another 3 to 4 minutes.

Serve hot!

*Note - you can add a couple of chopped spring onions if you like, which is a very tasty addition.


  1. I am so glad that your son is o.k.
    what a blessing that he was not seriously injured in such a bad accident. Thank goodness.
    I am sorry that you have had so much sorrow and challenge in your life. I can't even imagine having my children taken from me. I don't know how you stood it. I am sorry about your daughter too. I will pray for both of you. I know that you must miss her terribly and she is missing out on so much not having you in her life. It is such a heartache when your child is mad and upset with you. My prayers and best wishes will be with you.

    I am sending you a great big hug... can you feel it? Love, Lura

  2. Good Morning, Marie,

    I, too, am relieved that your son didn't suffer any major injury. How fragile life can be. . .I keep remembering that as I think about the mundane things that fill up my moments.

    I have a lot more to say, but I'm being called by a hungry baby. I'll try to email.

    Hugs to you!

  3. Oh, Marie!! I am sooo glad, so relieved and joyful your son is alright!! Without a scratch...a miracle! One of those moments when we realize a-new how precious life is...Such a tender post today, my friend. I can tell you have a lot of on your mind, especially since Monday. May we all hold our dear ones ever more closely--in our mind, in our heart, in our arms...Thinking of you and sending the ((BIGGEST HUGS))...Hope we get to chat...Maybe you need a good gab? ;o)

  4. Marie thank goodness your son is okay - what a worry for you and his family. It goes to show how things can happen out of the blue. I'm just glad he is alright.

    I love those fritters!

  5. Marie, I was so pleased when I heard that your son is okay.
    I love fitters made from leftover mash.

  6. Oh my dear, what a scare for your son and for you as well. There is nothing like those moments that take our breath away and remind of what is really important. Our Family and loving them can be such a tricky thing, but you have great insight and wisdom, and I know you will do your best with the Lord's help to mend with your daughter. Once again a mouth watering recipe that I can taste before even stepping into the kitchen. they would be worth making fresh mashed potatoes for. Your idea of a Sunday lunch is just perfect! Prayers for you today!

  7. So glad that your son is okay. I know what a burden it must be for you. ((((HUGS)))) Those fritters look fabulous and I would like coconut pineapple friands, if you please! Much love, Raquel XO

  8. so glad your son is alright marie! its so true how things can just change in an instant. we need to make sure we forgive and forget quickly when we have a conflict with our dear family members or friends. you never know what might change from one day to the next. thanks for the reminder to treasure the important people in my life and love them as much as i can each day!

  9. I'm glad your son is ok! How terrible for you! I hope you are still shaken up.

    My vote is for coconut pineapple, please. :)

  10. Hope you aren't* still shaken up. Sorry for the typo!

  11. This is such a moving Post Marie,

    Thank you for sharing your heart and this story. You are so the end all we have is God and our own family!! We need to always remember, how fragile and important life is and those around us!!

    I am so relieved to hear your son is OK, and walked away (by the Grace of God) without a scratch!! Angels watching over him and so was the Lord with all his Love!! You will speak to your daughter again and restore that relationship, prayers will be answered!!

    Love you, Jeannene

  12. Marie
    My father died of cancer when I was 18 and I was taught the lesson to not take time with loved ones for granted the hard way. I've been close to my mom all these years despite not living nearby. In April she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. What the future holds for us, I can't say to know. But regardless, I know how much my long-distance support means to her every day.

    The special bond that exists between mothers and their children is a tough one to break - whether by death or life's circumstances. I hope that you're able to restore your relationship with your daughter. Life is fragile and we never know what's going to happen on the road we travel...

  13. Oh Marie - what a relief to hear he is OK - you are so right about living for the moment and not loosing sight of the fact that everything can change in an instant. Bake to baking but know that our thoughts are with you

  14. Oh, what a scare! I am so sorry for all of your trials. I am going to back and re read your post. It is so touching and poignant. I am sending you big prayers.

  15. I'm so glad your son is ok. You are so right about life being taken away in an instant. Last October my partner had a seizure (never had one before) and was driving on a busy interstate when she had it. She was also talking to me ok the cell when this happened. The phone sounded like it was in a dryer. She never uttered a sound. I was called an hour later from the Level 1 trauma center, and told of her accident but they didn't tell me how bad she was. She was three hours away from me, and I was scared to death. When I got there she was covered in blood, had on a big Aspen collar, and her left arm was covered in blood soaked bandages and still dripping on the floor.
    Luckily no one was injured but her, and an angel who works at Subway stopped and put a tourniquet made out of her apron around her left arm because she had a spurting artery. She had nearly torn her arm off.
    She's had 14 surgeries, and still has a few more to go, but I am so grateful that she is still with me. So I do know how precious life is, and I do know it can all be taken away in the blink of an eye.
    I try very hard to let the ones I love know it. Sometimes I get angry at them, but not for long because of the "what if's"

    So many of us take life for granted. I was one of those people. I'm not anymore.


  16. Dear Marie, Im happy your son Thank's God is OK, oooohhh! IU understand you absolutely, when is late and Hubby and childs sometimes dont arrive I m really worry and in this parts sometimes the celullars dont work, of course I understand your ssorrow.

    Dear And when you have to separate I think you was so brave, is so diificult take the decision, the other day Mom was remember these times she wants to separated from my Dad and I understand so,was difficult times, now he is more old (have 80) is sick, so is more easy but is hard to Mom stil. I think you was so brave and is lovely you have Todd today. Blessings to you and your family, my dear!!! xxxxxGloria

  17. Marie ,

    I was so happy to hear that your son is ok. What a terrible feeling it must have been to hear the news of his accident.

    Wishing you a wonderful day! Those fritters look very tasty!

  18. Your post is more touching then you know, I too have a daughter like that. I'm so sorry for you - I understand that kind of pain, mine also involves 2 granddaughters, so the pain is worse.
    Thankful your son is OK - those things do shake you up.

  19. Kath astoriasand August 2008 at 22:24

    Dear Marie,
    how sad I was to read this post tonight about your sons accident.I pray he doesn't suffer any after affects from it and that you do not worry too much.Life is so short and no we never know whats around the corner.Some of todays generation though do not see things like we do I feel.I tell all I love them whoever I see each day.As long as I can I will and friction with family is a big worry I understand where you are coming from on that one.I have been there many times.Still God is good and he knows why these things are sent and I always say they are for a reason he only knows why.When he thinks the time is right it will happen if not then he doesn't feel it should.I love bubble and squeek LOL!! Thanx for tempting me once again I will never slim Heeee!!Take Care God Bless In my prayers always HUgs and love to Todd too. Kath

  20. Wow!Life is crazy with it's twists and turns. Thanks for the reminder. Hugs to you and to your son.

  21. Dear Marie,

    This is my first time to comment as I have just finished reading through all, yes all, of your past blogs. It was delightful, but did take me several days as I could only read a few a day.

    I of course, now feel that I know you well. I adore your cottage, your beautiful photos, your even more beautiful paintings, your darling dog and darling husband (oops, sorry Todd I should have put you before the dog, haha)your heartfelt writings, your tender faith and oh those delicious recipes!!!!!!!

    I don't even remember how I found your blog, but I know there are no coincidences in life. I don't have a blog myself, but hope to some day.

    I too, am so thankful your son was ok. My daughter fell asleep at the wheel a couple of weeks ago and ran over the median into oncoming traffic. She too was miraculously unharmed. Can't say the same for the car. Not that I'm complaining, I'm am ever so thankful and I know you are too.

    Thank you for your wonderful blog and sharing yourself with us.

  22. Marie,
    I just had to tell you how much I enjoy your blog. I find myself coming here when I need an infusion of the spirit. Even your blog today, which tells of challenges in your life, was strengthening to me, because your courage and trust in Heavenly Father shines through. Of course your recipes invariably look so good (and I've even tried a few!), but best of all I know I'll always feel uplifted and edified by your thoughts.

    I love to see who's logged on, often it's an international group, and I think of the bonds of friendship and sisterhood women share.

    Thank you for sharing your gifts with us. Oh, and please bake the Lemon Cranberry recipe! Can you really get cranberries in England? Or are we talking canned? And what are Friands? I"m dying to find out!!

  23. Thanks for your honest and heartfelt words... touched my heart.
    I appreciate being able to come on here every day and reading what you have written..... always it lifts my spirit.
    I also want to know what Fiands are ?

  24. You are not alone in the hardships of life!! I was not divorced...but staying married has costs too...
    just different ones. Our marriage is good now...basically due to the faith path we began about a decade ago now. But we have had one child estranged too, though we have more communication with her now than we have since she left home, over 12 years ago. Things in this life simply do not work out well sometimes. I do not know how I could stand many parts of life were it not for my faith in God and a life to come after this one. A time when ALL things will be restored to how HE meant them to be in the first place.

    I do hope that GOD will show you what you can do, if anything, to make some bridges with your daughter. Prayer is the best thing we have!! My daughter is just pregnant for the first time. We have a lot of hope for the good this will bring to us all!! Once we become parents we realize that the choices in life were sometimes impossible ones...some I had to make, I do not know to this day that any choice I had would have been the right just do the best you can. And try to view the cup half full, rather than half empty.

    And hugs to you, dear...and I am glad that now you have a wonderful husband to live with!! It is so hard to live in a virtual hell on earth situation!! Life is too short.

    Thanks too for all the yummy recipes you share...such comfort food!!

  25. Dear Marie,

    It must have been so hard.. so painful those years when you could not have your children with you especially when in their tender years.. I can only imagine the heartaches and sometimes, maybe even the guilt that sometimes comes along with it.

    Being a mother is such a joy as well as the heartaches that only a mother will know. I hope and pray for reconciliation and healing between you and your children especially your daughter. Sometimes, children don't realize how parents love and worry for them.. the folly of their youth taking loved ones for granted. Probably some of us too were like that when we were younger ;).

    Thank God your son is ok. I hope your children realize how much you love them.. it's so evident in your blog/postings.. and to forgive you if they feel you had in any way 'hurt' them. I tell my children that we, as family, must forgive each other for the times when we hurt each other because, sometimes, we do wound each other.. each of us with our own limitations / weaknesses. We also need to learn to forgive ourselves (which is the hardest)!

    Love & Hugs to you,
    Angela KL

  26. I'm with Grammy Staffy in the hugs department! I think you need to be hugely cuddled. Your daughter is probably also wondering how this rift can be fixed. I know you can do it.

    I'm too late probably, but I would have voted for the Coconut Pineapple Friands. I can't have cranberry anything because of my DVT medication.

    love, Angie, xx


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!