
Friday 18 July 2008

We have a winner!

All my bags are packed, and I was just sitting here, when I realized that I had not drawn the winner for my latest cookery book giveaway yet! Oh dear! How could I possibly go away without doing that!

I had 31 comments on that entry and so I just said to Todd, pick a number between 1 and 31 and he said . . . 25.

After counting down all the comments (and it wasn't easy!) I have found the winner. Raquel of Kitchen Mysteries , you are the lucky winner and some chocolate goodness will be winging it's way to you very soon! I'll try to get it into the post before we leave tommorrow.

In the meantime, take heart my dear friends . . . knowing me, it won't be too long before I decide to send a little goodness your way again, and do another giveaway. My birthday's coming up in August and it sounds like the perfect excuse!


  1. Have a wonderful trip! I love the new background!

  2. How did you do that???!?! I tried and just deleted all my links so I have to put them back in. Bah humbug!!!

  3. Congrats to Raquel on the win--delightful book! Love the new look here, Marie with the new background--it's beautiful! Will be missing you while you're have the most wonderful time in Cumbria! I'll be thinking of you & Todd and sending happy day wishes your way! Until soon, sweet friend! LOVE YOU HEAPS!! OXOXOX ((BIG HUGS))

  4. Have a great time Marie!
    Congrats to Raquel!!

  5. Oh, now I am excited! Thank you so much, Marie! I will definitely treasure that book! Love the new look, tres Chic! We will definitely miss you, but hope that you have a wonderful time, get lots of rest! Much love to you and Todd! Raquel XO

  6. Have a lovely time Marie. And congrats to Raquel, you lucky girl.

  7. Dear Marie Have a lovely and nice trip with Todd, enjoy and relax, we will wait for you dear, a big hug!
    Congrats to Raquel sound how a really lovely book!
    I love your new look at the Blog is lovely, xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Gloria

  8. have a great trip marie and take lots of pictures! congratulations raquel!!

  9. Dear Marie
    Hope you have wonderful holiday and good weather.
    Rhondi xo


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!