
Sunday 6 July 2008

Nifty Nifty Looks Who's Fifty!

"To the outside world we all grow old. But not to brothers and sisters. We know each other as we always were. We know each other's hearts. We share private family jokes. We remember family feuds and secrets, family griefs and joys. We live outside the touch of time."
~Clara Ortega

Fifty years ago today my mother brought home a little bundle of joy called a sister and I promptly told her to take it back to the hospital as I did not want it around. My mother carefully explained that if she took it back she would have to go and stay with it . . . because this was a baby and very helpless and needed someone to take care of it. I thought about it for a few minutes, and then . . . because I loved my mom and I could not live without her I decided that the baby could stay. That was the beginning of a beautiful friendship that has lasted our lifetime, through many ups and downs . . . through thick and thin . . . in good times and in sad times . . . forever and ever.

What is a sister? A sister is a special person, a gift from God. Nobody else on earth knows you in quite in the same way. You share a history together that only you two know about, and only you two can understand. It's like being in a special club, with just you two as the members. They've been where you've been and even though thousands of miles may separate you, they are never more than a heartbeat away. You know you can call them any time of the day or night, and share your joy or your sorrow, and they will listen no matter what. A sister is more than just family. A sister is a unique friend, a friend that nobody else can replace. You may fight like cat's and dog's from time to time, but the closeness that you share from the laughter and tears of a lifetime is the deepest that you will ever know. Love . . . mixed with friendship of the most beautiful kind. She is one of the most precious people in the story and fabric of your life. Confident, counselor, friend . . . she is many things and all things. She is a gentle reminder of all that is good about this world and this lifetime and the close bond shared by family and no-one else. Sharing secrets and dreams, there is no one else in the world that comes from the same place and has experienced the same history as you have, albeit with a different view, but somehow the two halves and views make a whole, in a most beautiful way. You wonder each and every day what ever would you do without her in your life and you are awfully glad that your mother brought her home and that you decided to let her stay . . . life would never have been quite the same, or as beautiful without her in it . . .

Happy Birthday Cindy! Life begins at fifty you know! Trust me . . . been there, bought the tee shirt and am happily still wearing it!

I had a lovely day with Tracy yesterday. I've not had time to down load any photos yet. We never shut up the whole time she was here and Todd and TJ got on like a house on fire. Tune in tomorrow for the whole story!

A sister's birthday calls for a celebratory cake of the most special kind. I can think of no better cake than my Golden Jubilee Cake. This was a recipe developed by Good Food magazine for the Queen's jubilee back in her jubilee year. This is the cake I crack open for any celebration and this is the cake I'd make for you today if you were here my special friend, my sister.

I have to say that these pictures I cannot take credit for the first one is by my friend Friedel Grant of Travelling Two . She and her husband are busily bicycling around the world right now. Several years ago I hosted a recipezaar tea party get together at my home. This is the cake I made for us all, and she most graciously took this delicious picture of it. The second one is a photo by another recipezaar friend Sylvie of A Pot of Tea and a Biscuit. The last one is by my good friend Julie of Tulips Kitchen , whom I also met on recipezaar. All great ladies, all great pictures, a very yummy cake! (Can you believe that with the many times I have made this cake myself, I have never actually gotten a picture of it myself!!! I'll have to remedy that real soon! )

*Golden Jubliee Cake*
Serves 12

How can you describe a deliciously moist sponge, studded with fresh raspberries and then filled with more rasperries and clotted cream . . . heaven is the only word I can think of, and this is all that and more! If you can't get clotted cream you can use whipped cream, thickly whipped. It will taste almost as good as the clotted cream, but as any one knows who has had clotted cream . . . there is nothing quite as delicious as the real thing!

6 ounces golden caster sugar (3/4 cup plus 2 Tbsp)
6 ounces butter, softened
4 large eggs, separated
4 ounces self-rising flour (3/4 cup plus 2 Tbsp)
1 teaspoon baking powder
4 ounces ground almonds
3-5 drops almond extract
125 g fresh raspberries (about 1 cup)

1 (227 g) container cornish clotted cream
125 g fresh raspberries

fresh rose petals, free from pesticides and totally edible
2-3 ounces golden caster sugar
1 egg white, lightly beaten to a froth
4 ounces icing sugar

How to make the frosted rose petals: (I make these the day before) Separate the petals and spread the castor sugar over a plate. Holding one petal at a time, lightly paint both sides with egg white. Spoon sugar over it, then using tweezers, shake off the excess. Dry on parchment paper for a day.

Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F). Butter two 8-inch round cake tins and line their bases with parchment paper. Set aside.

Tip the sugar into a mixing bowl and add the softened butter. Beat for a minute or so until pale and fluffy, then beat in the egg yolks.

Sift together the flour and baking powder, then sift over the cake mixture. Fold in as lightly as you can using a large metal spoon, then fold in the almonds and extract. Stop folding as soon as the flour traces have gone.

Whisk the egg whites until they just hold their shape. Gently fold in a third of the egg white into the cake mix, using a whisk. Repeat with another third, then the final third. Take care not to over mix and lose the lightness of the egg whites.

Lightly fold in the raspberries. Divide between the prepared tins and level the mixture using a round bladed knife. Bake for 30-35 minutes.

Cool in the tin for 5 minutes, then turn out, peel off the lining paper and leave to cool completely.

Set one cake on a serving plate. Spoon the clotted cream on top. Scatter the raspberries over and put the other cake on top.

Blend the icing sugar with 1 to 1 1/2 Tbsp cold water until it is smooth and coats the back of a spoon thinly. Drizzle the icing over the cake. Scatter the rose petals over and around the cake, dust with icing sugar and serve to some very lucky people.


  1. That cake looks divine! But how do I come by cornish clotted cream for goodness sakes! I love your tribute to your sweet sister. Being an only child myself, you really make me feel that I missed out on that one with your sentiments. I wish you could be here Tuesday for a tall cool refrehing pink lemonade! Have a lovely Sunday!

  2. thanks sis for the lovely wishes. wish i could have a piece of that cake....i've always thought the pic is so delicious! if i ever make it to england i would request that you make it for me. you are my dearest friend and i'm glad you let mom bring me home! much love to you. cindy

  3. happy birthday cindy! marie the cake is amazing it truelly is fit for a queen! i have the same question marie about the cornish clotted cream, can you make it??

  4. oh, I wish I had a sister! Happy birthday to her. I hope she liked your cake. I'm drooling over it!

  5. Good Morning Marie, (my time)

    I wish your sister much happiness on her Birthday today!! May you all treasure this moment in life, I was going to say "milestone" but don't know if turning 50 is considered a milestone?

    "Lovely Post to your Dear Sister Marie..."

    Thank you for your visit to "In Her Shoes", I appreciate your thought and words.

    Love, Jeannene

  6. Beautiful post. My mother said the same thing to her mother when she brought the new baby sister home.What a special bond you both have.And that cake looks delicious.

  7. Happy Birthday to your sister!!! Dear Cindy I really think the life begin (again) at 50 (I know waht are speaking you) have a wonderful time and happy days!!!!!
    Beautiful Cake, I want a piece please!!! xxxxGloria

  8. Oooooo...a new birthday cake for my repertoire.... Yum!

    Happy Birthday Cindy!

  9. I have two sisters... one died eleven years ago, my baby sister. She was 31. The other is 18 months younger than I... and it is like you describe here. I don't remember my mother bringing her home, of course, but there were six other siblings that came home, one after the other, and those I do remember. Through all the turmoil, all our differences, our separation (we have never lived less than 400 miles apart since our adult lives began), our disagreements... we're still very close. Forgiveness and understanding is so very strong between us. What you have written very much describes how I feel about my sister... and I am so thrilled to tell you that in less than two weeks I will be spending a week with her and her kids/grandkids. Can't wait to share that story with you! Happy Birthday to your sister! The cakes look divine.

  10. Friends come and go but sisters are forever. I will turn 50 myself this year with my sis 2 years behind me.
    aybe we can celebrtae virtually with some Jubilee cake:D

  11. Happy Birthday to your sister. I have seven sisters and they are all my dearest and closest friends. I can't say it was like that when we all lived together, but now we enjoy each other so ver much. The cake looks wonderul. I love raspberries in baked goods-wow!

  12. I have 2 younger step sisters and they are the best, we have a very close relationship, I love them to bits.
    This cake is the best celebration cake ever...I have made it lots of times and it never disapoints.

    Answer to the question..."can you make clotted cream?" Yes you can I have made it once before, it take a while but it tasted like the real thing. The recipe can be found on recipezaars.

  13. Clotted cream - Recipe #24594

  14. Happy Birthday to your sister, I have two so I know how special she is to you.

    Nice cake too.

  15. i hope she has a wonderful birthday(good thing you let her come home:) i have one sister and i agree completely. you have your ups and downs but overall, you are the dearest friends!

    and my oh my, that cake looks like something i need to eat right now. i'm going to go and raid my pantry and see what i've got. i am now craving something sweet, but too bad i don't have that cake anywhere here. darn. :)

  16. Happy birthday to your sister.Wish I was 50 again and know what I know now. Oh my that cake looks good. Linda in WA


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