
Monday 14 July 2008

I Asked . . .

I asked God for strength,
that I might achieve.
I was made weak, that I might learn to humbly obey . . .

I asked for health,
that I might do greater things.
I was given infirmity,
that I might do better things . . .

I asked for riches,
that I might be happy.
I was given poverty,
that I might be wise . . .

I asked for power,
that I might have the praise of men.
I was given weakness,
that I might feel the need of God . . .

I asked for all things,
that I might enjoy life.
I was given life,
that I might enjoy all things . . .

I got nothing that I asked for --
but everything that I had hoped for.
Almost despite myself, my unspoken
prayers were answered.

I am, among all,
most richly blessed!

~author unknown

Just a little thought this morning. I enjoyed it and I hope that you did too. This was something that I had read a long time ago and it stuck with me. I love little gems like these and find them very inspiring.

Something else that I find inspiring is the kindness of friends and I was thrilled this past week to, yet again, be gifted with some lovely awards from people that I have long admired and looked up to myself. It is so wonderful when the people you care about care back!

Susan of Not Quite June Cleaver has given me the "Kindness Matters" award. Coming from Susan, a lady who has a wonderfully homey page, this means a lot!

“This award is for those bloggers who are nice people, good blog friends and those who inspire good feelings and inspiration. Also, for those who have a positive influence on our blogging world. Once you’ve been awarded, please pass on to seven others who you feel are deserving of this award!”

My seven choices are (and trust me when I say it is awfully hard to leave it at seven!):

Lura of Grammy's News
Kind hearted, sweet natured, a lovely all round woman with a page that never fails to touch my heart whenever I visit it.

Sue of Comfort Suite
Relatively new to the blogging world, Sue's page has the promise of being a wonderful place to visit on an every day basis. It already has the feel of warm and cosy, and well . . . nice! We need more of that in this world!

Lynell of An Ordinary Miracle
Lynell writes about her life and family in a most inspiring way. Her page is both uplifting and heart touching. She is a real gem.

Misty of A Road Less Travelled
Misty is just Misty. I am always uplifted or inspired or made to think when I go to her page. Sometimes I even laugh. Visiting her is like visiting a good friend.

Mary Ann of Finding La Dolcevita
Mary Ann has one of the biggest hearts of anyone I know. Her page feeds the eyes, the tummy and the soul.

Tracy of Pink Purl
I know Tracy has received a Bazillion of these already but I couldn't resist giving her just one more! She's one of my favourite people and is also one of the nicest. Her page is lovely and her heart shows in every line, word, picture . . . well, you get what I mean, I am sure!

Erin of The McGibbon Family
It might seem like I am picking on one family here, but I can't help it. They are some of the nicest people on the planet. Erin is lovely, full stop and deserves this award as much as anyone does. Whenever I read her words I want to do better.

Actually all these ladies pages inspire me to want to do better and that's what this nice matters award is all about!

Secondly, my friend Erin, of Prudence Pennywise has seen fit to give me the Yummy Blogger Award! I love Erin's page. If a visit to that page doesn't set your toes a tappin and your taste buds a tinglin, I don't know what will!!! I am thrilled to pieces that she thinks I am a yummy blogger too!

Without further adieu I'd like to nominate the following Yummy Bloggers and if they want they can each pass it along to another five yummy recipients. There is so much yumminess on the World Wide Web!! (I am finding new yummies all the time!)

Nic of Cherrapeno
Nic is a great food photographer and a good friend. Her page always makes me hungry.

Carrie of Carrie's Kitchen Creations
If you don't gain 10 pounds from just visiting her page, somethings wrong!

Lindsey of Cafe Johnsonia
Lindsey's page makes me gain weight as well. I blame it on her!

Jan of What Do I Want To Cook Today
Jan is also a relative newcomer to blogging. Every day she posts what she is going to cook, well . . . today! It's always tasty and interesting and mighty good to look at!

Kevin of Closet Cooking
I have seen his page go from strength to strength from when I first started visiting it. His food pictures and recipes are fabulous and he's a Canuck to boot!

Whew! I think I gained ten pounds just writing that and thinking about all that yumminess!!! I think a good salad is in order. They're good for you right? (In case you are wondering, I got a good buy on some avocado's the other day and have been using them up!)

*Avocado and Apple Salad*
Serves 4

This salad is full of lovely flavours and textures . . . you get the sweet tangy crunch of Granny Smith apple along with the creamy richness of ripe avocado, not to mention the saltiness of feta cheese and the lovely tangy dressing and sweet mint . . . oh it is a lovely explosion of wonderful flavours in every bite full!

grated zest and juice of 1 lime
1 TBS white wine vinegar
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 TBS chopped fresh mint leaves
1 Granny Smith apple, peeled, cored and sliced 1/4 inch thick
1 avocado, peeled, pitted and sliced into 1/2 inch slices
1 cucumber, peeled, halved, seeded and sliced into 1/4 inch slices
4 cups mixed salad greens (choose a robust one with rocket and watercress in it if you can)
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
3 ounces of feta cheese, crumbled

Whisk the lime zest, lime juice and vinegar together in a small bowl. Whisk in the olive oil gradually, until all is incorporated. Stir in the mint leaves.

Combine the apple, avocado, cucumber and salad leaves in a larger bowl. Drizzle with the vinagrette, season with some salt and pepper, and gently toss together to combine. Divide amongst individual plates and sprinkle with the feta cheese before serving. Delicious!

Some of you have asked what those lovely blue pom pom like flowers were in my pictures the other day. They are Globe Thistles (Echinops Ritro). These lovely perennials grow from between 2 and 5 feet tall and are a lovely and unusual addition to any garden if you have the space. They have those wonderful round flower heads atop ribbed stems and spiny edges leaves that are white and wooley underneath. I just love them!

The Pink dangling ones are called Angel's Fishing Rods. Don't you just love the name!

The other ones were taken at Sissinghurst when we went there the other weekend and I am not sure what they are, perhaps pink puff balls? I'll ask the gardner up at the big house. He'll likely know for sure! He knows everything about plants and flowers!

PS - Don't forget to comment on my giveaway post. I will be drawing it on Friday before I go away on holidays.


  1. Sweet Marie, how dear you are to me. Thank you for the lovely award for me and my girls. It is almost midnight. I am tired from having my 3 little grandchildren all day. As wonderful as they are.(Mindy and Ernie are on a three day get-away)

    I almost didn't take time to stop by and say hi to you tonight. I am so glad that I did. I would have missed this great honor.... I might not have seen it for days since the children take up most of my time.... and my blog friend Holly is coming tomorrow from Texas. I am excited to meet her. I wish I could meet you. I just know we would be great friends. Are you still planning to come to the states for the special olympics. Wouldn't it be great if we could get together.... I would love it.
    Thanks again for the award. I will proudly post it as soon as I can get to blogging again.
    Love, Lura

  2. I do love pork loin but I've never had it on the bone like this. I like smoked pork loin too, with sauerkraut and potatoes. Keith adores crackling but I never make it for him. Well, he's the one who takes the cholesterol pills, not me!

    I like chocolate.....give me some chocolate........please????? My neice has a brown T-shirt with the words "I'm much nicer if you give me chocolate". Yup, I can go along with that!
    love, Angie, xx

  3. Hello, sweet friend! Congratulations on your awards--couldn't happen to a more wonderful peron! And thank you for sharing one with me--you are a sweetheart! I'd not seen that foodie award yet--that is fun! The avocado/apple combination intigues me...not one I might have thought of befre--looks great! So sorry not to get to chat with you yesterday. I was on the phone with my sister! Hope we get a chance to catch up during the week--Wedneday maybe? Look forward to it! Miss you lots...((BIG HUGS))

  4. Yum!

    By the way, I found the Chai cookies on Etsy. ;)

  5. Thank you Marie for the yummy blog award! I'm not sure I deserve it but thank you - I will pass it on.

  6. Oh, Marie, you definitely deserve those awards . . . and many more! Lovely poem, too! That salad looks so intreguing (sp.)! I would like it, just not sure if anyone else would! Hope you are relaxing a bit! Much love - Raquel XO

  7. Congradulations on your awards! If anyone deserved them, it would be you. You're one of the kindest and most generous souls I know, and you make me strive to be a better person every day. It's an honor to be your friend.

    In food news, Ben loved the salad. He loves avacados and even planted one of the seeds in the back yard. It sprouted and now we have a tiny avacado tree! In ten years, I'm sure I could make some guacamole. :)

    Are you coming to the States? I saw Grammy's comment. If you do, we could meet! I believe the olympics are being held in San Marcus, and that's 30 minutes from where I am! I could be there in a heartbeat! (wiggling in excitement.)

  8. I don't know why but for some reason I really needed you today. I too had read that poem before but today it has a whole new meaning. Life doesn't always go as we plan but it is nice to know that God has a plan for us.

    Then I read on to your awards. Thank you for your kindness. You have touched me and for you I am so grateful.

  9. I've just been given my first award by Raquel, and funnily enough I choose Kevin at Closet Cooking as well.
    Have a great holiday Marie and Todd you certainly deserve it.

  10. Thanks so much for the award, I've not seen that one before!
    Hope you have a super holiday!

  11. I think I gained ten pounds just reading this post! I love chocolate and your poems were so cute.

  12. Congratulations on the awards! They are well deserved! Thanks for the award and the kind words!

    That avocado and feta salad looks good!

  13. are a sweety! Thank you, Marie :)

  14. Thanks, Marie! Sorry it took me so long to say so. :)

    I would give you one right back!!!


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