
Wednesday 25 June 2008

Spreading Love

I am but one amongst millions and billions of people on this planet. Even though I be only one, I can be a powerful force for good or evil. Every single thing on this earth has a purpose for being here, a reason d'etre . . . an effect. Just like a pebble thrown into a pond, every single thing we do, every action we take spreads out in ever widening circles, hugging and embracing, engulfing everything it touches . . . no matter the action taken, be it for good or for bad . . .

That concept . . . that idea of all things being connected to one another . . . that whatever happens to each of us affects all of us in a very real way, however large or small . . . that idea can be somewhat difficult to concede . . . to understand. This means that whatever we do, whether good or whether evil, it's not really a private affair. It means something to us all.

As long as we live in a world where there is pain or suffering . . . loneliness . . . hunger . . . people doing without, cruelty to others . . . whatever the need or loss . . . it is our responsibility. As a member of the human race we have the responsibility and the power to change the lives of the people we love simply by caring and by giving, and in doing so . . . we have the power to change the world . . .

Someone shared some love with me the other day. When I found out about it I grew two inches in stature, I kid you not! It made my heart sing and my toes tingle. It made a smile break out on my face a mile wide! Melody of Slurping Life shared her love with me in the way of a Sharing the Love Gift. Melody is a gal with a heart as big as life itself and that she would think me worthy of this type of thing really amazed me! Like a pebble in the water this gift ripples out and spreads, hugging each person that it touches and I would love to touch . . .

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage
Rhondi of Rose Colored Glasses
Lura of Grammy's News
Erin of The McGibbon Family
Schotzy of Winging Upward
Angie of Can You All Hear Me At The Back
Jeannene of Love Conquers All

I hope this gift of love touches them in the same way it touched me, and the way I am touched each and every time I visit one of their pages. Can you feel the warmth of the love water lapping at your heels ladies?

Who wouldn't love to share these delicious little cheesy baskets with people they care about?? Quick, easy and perfect for sharing, these delicious little babies are wonderful!

*Cheese and Chutney Basket Melts*
Serves 2 (but is easily doubled and multiplied)

These wonderful little bread baskets are so easy to put together and so delicious when they are done. They're perfect for light and cosy little meals a deux or for a light meal for friends. All you need is a lovely leafy salad on the side and you have perfection. If you keep fresh crusty rolls and cheese in the freezer and a jar of chutney in the larder you have a delicious meal ready anytime just at the drop of a hat.

2 large crusty bread rolls
1 TBS olive oil
2 heaped TBS chutney (I used Apricot the other day but any chutney would be delicious. Fruit and cheese and spice go together very well)
2 small rinded goat's cheeses
2 sprigs of fresh thyme
Sea salt, freshly ground black pepper

Pre-heat the oven to 190*C/375*F. Get out a small baking tray.

Take your bread rolls and cut a deep hollow in the top of each roll, just the size to drop the cheese round inside. Remove the bread from each centre and brush the insides of the rolls with the olive oil. (Share the love and give the bread from inside to the birds in your garden) Season with a touch of sea salt and some freshly ground black pepper. Place them on the tray and bang them into the oven for about 5 minutes, until lightly crisped.

Remove from the oven and spoon a tablespoon of chutney into each hollow. Remove the rind from the top and the bottom of each cheese round and drop one into each hole, on top of the chutney. Press a spring of thyme into the top of each and then season with a bit more freshly ground black pepper and a light sprinkle of sea salt.

Take some foil and scrunch it around each roll, covering the bread, but leaving the cheese exposed. Bake for a further 15 to 20 minutes until the cheese is bubbling and golden. Remove the foil for the last five minutes of baking.

Serve with a mixed and leafy green salad on the side.


  1. This principle also stands to be very true about how we parent our children, we are shaping the legacy that is to follow us.

    Wonderful award. Cheers to you.

  2. My dear friend Marie,
    Thank you for sending love to me. My heart is singing...can you hear it?
    From the time my Lynell got me to go to your blog, I've been amazed that one as talented and busy as you would take time out of your busy schedule to be my friend. I have felt your love every day since that time through your sweet supportive comments and your wonderful inspirational posts. You are amazing and I likewise send love back to you. Thank you so much and thank you for sending love on to my daughter Erin also.

    I will try to pass that love on.

    You are special to me. I hope that one day we will be able to meet.

  3. Goodness, do those ever look tasty! You are so amazing!!! Thanks for you kind post on my happy day yesterday and found and posted the recipe for the pina colada cake on the original post if youre interested! Have a sweet day!!

  4. Tahnk you so much Marie for your loving thoughts. The same to you my friend, a thousand tmes over! Your blog - every entry - is love from beginning to end. If ever anyone visited and said they didn't like your page, I would think them a bit odd.
    love, Angie, xx

  5. The basket looks lovely. I have a recipe for a curry dip that uses chutney. I went to the store I usually get that chutney. I guess I need to go to Nashville now to get chutney. Grrr.

  6. Great post, Marie. I feel the same way about being connected to other people.

    AND--YUMMY!!! That cheesy basket looks divine.

  7. What a wonderful gift to receive!
    ... and the basket melts look delightful!

  8. Oh, my dear Friend Marie,

    It is truly a shame that you gave me this award. ~smile~

    That means I cannot give it to you! You have been such a constant source of encouragement to me since I started blogging. When I started, I thought I'd have nothing to write about. My husband knew otherwise! ~smile~

    Imagine that, thousands of miles apart, yet you encourage me almost daily.

    Thank you! Thank you for being my blog friend. Thank you for supporting me.

    Thank you for this honor!

    I'll be posting about it later this day.


  9. Oh, another lovely post Marie! Love was meant to be shared! Otherwise, how can it be shown? Those cheese and chutney baskets look great, just the thing when you need a quick dinner!

  10. You are the gift of love in motion, Marie...your award is well deserved for your loving contributions to this great world! Like your recipes too ;o) These cheese-chutney melts looks ever sooo good...mmm...Oh, just thinkg in less than a week we'll be in England and coming to visit you--can't wait! Love you heaps, dear friend ((BIG HUGS))

  11. Marie. you really make this; Spreading love!!All I have to say is; MANY THANKS TO YOU, Blessings!!! Gloria

  12. Oh my goodness... I feel so honored! I read you blog and learn from your insights daily. Thank you for sharing your love with me! As my mom mentioned, my sister Lynell got my mom hooked, and my mom got me hooked... you now have "met" half my family. What a blessing you are to us!

    I have a HUGE favor to ask you.

    THIS Friday is our Ward campout (yeah, like in 2 days, eekk) and my husband and I are the Activities Committee. On Friday night we planned to have typical s'mores for dessert. But last night as I layed in bed not able to sleep I thought to myself "Hey, maybe Marie has an idea for some fantastic campfire dessert that would be practical enough to make for 150 people and knock their socks off". It's a big challenge- but do you have any tricks up your sleeve? We love dutch oven desserts, but I think that would be impossible to pull off.

    You are awesome! (smiles)

  13. Here is my e-mail if you have a fun recipe to send. :)

  14. That looks so cute! And that award is perfect for you. Love shoots from you like sunbeams from the clouds. You can't help but to touch anyone you come in contact with. Congrats!

  15. I just realized I left the comment under my work e-mail again! Sorry!

  16. Marie
    That was so sweet of you to send the love to me. I am going to call you Sweet Marie from now on. As I was reading and saw that you had received that award I thought how nice that was for you and then when I saw that you wanted to send it to me, I was so touched. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! It means a lot to me!
    You have really blessed me with your constant kind words and your friendship.
    Oh and the cheese in a crusty roll looks so good. I'm definitely going to forego the cholestoral diet for a meal and try that!
    Since I'm taking a break from posting I'll hold onto the award for a little while, before passing it on.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  17. Now, there is a fantastic idea. Cheese and chutney are one of my favourite sandwich fillers and having them hot and like that is just perfect!

  18. You are so lovely and loving Marie!! All the time, thank you, thank you and thank you!! You have touched my heart and soul and truly brightened my day with this sweet pleasant surprise.

    You food is so yummy, I want to fly over to you right make my mouth water every time I come here...;-))

    Love always,

  19. Marie:
    I MUST make these rolls. They look heavenly. Your cobbler is beautiful, too and I love your little decoration. Next time I will add the vanilla, too. I really MUST have those rolls.

  20. Today I posted a similar entry about being responsible for others on this earth, except I was focusing on our relationship with the other creatures which share our planet with us. I made a video, which is how the entry was sparked. You spread love everywhere you go, Marie... that's a fact. Do you often cook Asian style foods? Any favorite recipes? I need some recipes for the sauces that glaze the beef, pork, shrimp, and chicken dishes. In restaurants it tastes so good, but I haven't been able to replicate them. Chinese, Japanes, Thai, Korean... East Asian cooking in all its simplicity. I may be writing an entry about it soon. Send me any tips and suggestions you may have. Thanks! bea


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!