
Thursday 12 June 2008


Ok, just a brief post here. I was thinking of doing a post within the next week or so where I answer questions from you my readers, so if there's anything about me you've always wanted to know . . . NOW is the time to ask!! (Please note that I will not answer direct questions about my employment or my employers, or anything that might give my exact location away, so bear that in mind when you are posing your question.)


  1. Question #1: Did you take that pictures of the snails?

    Question #2: If the Queen was coming over to your house for Dinner, what would you make for her?

    Question #3: You are amazing. Oh wait, that's not a question...just a fact. So I guess that makes me 2 questions and a fact. But I had to throw that in there!

  2. Question 1: Do you have a favorite food, and absolute favorite...and if you were to be on a desert island and could have that choice of food, what would it be?

    Question 2: Given you love of art, as well as writing, when did you begin painting & drawing?

    Question 3: if you could invite anyone, living or dead, to a special dinner party, who would it be and what would you serve them?

    This is fun, Marie...Love you heaps ((HUGS))

  3. Question 1: What's your favorite type of pie?

    Question 2: What's the best gift you ever gave anybody?

    Question 3: If you could have any kind of an animal for a pet, what would you have?

    Question 4: What's your favorite holiday?

  4. Actually, post anything you know about collecting, and preparing snails. I just found a good spot with lots of them and I'm going to pick them and hopefully cook'em!

  5. I'm adding you to my bloglist. I just love coming here. What a great picture of the snails!
    I'd like to hear more about the favorite foods your mother prepared for you as a child. I'd love to hear about your family background-parents, siblings, grandparents...

  6. Marie You know I love this site and you. My question is about faith, all your sons believe in Good how you?? Sometimes Im worry because my childs (have 14 (tomorrow) ) and specially MarĂ­a Esperanza is too inside in rock world (music,black clothes, and all this things you know) Gerardo Jr. is more love sport but I think believe in God.
    Hubby and I believe but we share our faith with the childs but I believe too in any person have a road to arrive to God Home, what you think dear??? a big hug Gloria

  7. marie,i can't tell you how much i like coming here, it's really a nice place to be. well it's funny that your post is about questions cause i've just tagged you for a meme!

  8. In the short time I have been reading your blogs, I have begun to wonder about your passion for cooking and baking.(It has to be a passion since you come home and cook or bake after doing so all day for others!) Was it fostered by a grandmother or mother that loved to cook/bake or did it occur after you were a young woman? Obviously you are experienced at it because you don't hesitate to substitute ingredients when you don't have those listed on hand and you know what to substitute so that everything still turns out scrumptious. Amazing to me! To be employed to cook and bake for a family and prepare meals consisitently and whatever the whim would be overwhelming to me, but I am sure, from what you prepare and show on your blog, they are thrilled to have you! I'd love to have you doing that for me! Living in such beautiful surroundings is one perk that we all benefit from by the gorgeous pictures you share with us. Thank you for that and the lovely words you share each day.

  9. Hello again today.
    I agree in colie-o, you are amazing and that IS a fact.

    I'd like to know the story of what took you to England. I'm sure it is an inspirational one.

  10. 1. What would you say is the dish you are most asked to prepare?
    2. What ingredient could you not have in your store cupboard?
    3. What made you start blogging, I ask this because you have inspired many others to start their own blog (me included)?

  11. I'm going to think on a question....

    And the snails... my kids love snails... they save them in jars, feed them. Love them. Hannah just found snail eggs not too long ago.

  12. Oh, what a shame: I'm so far behind this week that it's a bit late to be sending you questions for now but in case you can squeeze me in or save me up for next time:

    Question: If you could be famous for one thing only, what would it be?

  13. Great idea, Marie! My question is: What advice would you give to a hoping-to-be-new-mom?

    Oh, and: How long have you been/will you be in England, or is it indefinitely? I look fwd to hearing the answer to Grammy Staffy's question about what took you to England.

    Love to you! xx

  14. This is very late i know and am sory but maybe, like angie, you could save this for next time if this session is over! But my question is...

    1. If you could do anything in your life to do with food what would it be? Cater for a huge event....serve your puds to the Queen...teach home ec....keep your current job....anything!!!!!!1

    Keep up the SUPERB blog

    Lucy xx


Your comments mean the world to me, and while I may not be able to address each one individually, each one is important to me and each one counts. Thanks so much!