
Saturday 28 June 2008

Early Saturday morning thoughts . . .

"There is nothing as energizing, as confidence-building, as sustaining as the power of love. How substantial is it's influence on the human mind and heart! How great and magnificent is it's power in overcoming fear and doubt, worry and discouragement!"
~President Gordon B Hinckley

As I read these words of our late prophet this morning they rang with truth to me. All I ever wanted my whole life . . . was to feel loved. I think that's all most people want. We yearn for it and strive for it. We preen for it and spend oodles and oodles of money each year trying to make ourselves attractive enough to others so that we can earn it. There is nothing that warms the heart more than to see two people so very obviously in love with each other that they cannot take their eyes off of each other and can scarce notice the world going on around them . . .

There are so many types of love . . . the love of self, the love a man and woman have for each other, the love of a parent for a child, the love for others in our immediate and extended family, the love for a friend, the love for our communities and countries, the love for greater mankind in general . . . the love for our Saviour and His Father . . . indeed our Heavenly Father . . .

Paul said:

"Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity (love), I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and not have charity (love), I am nothing . . . Charity (love) never faileth." (1Cor.13:1-2)

Love has the power to change lives and worlds. Love is a gift which pays huge returns and great dividends . . . no matter who you are, or where you live, or what you have. Love is a powerful force that can erase boundaries and differences and build bridges across the "chasm of bitterness" (Quote GBH) Love is the one constant in an ever changing world . . .

Sincere and true love, never moves . . .

It is at the core and centre of the Gospel and should be the primary motivator in each one of our lives. It can and should be a lighthouse of hope in a world of humanity drowning in despair and distress. People act the way they do, and do the things they do, because they don't feel loved . . . they have no hope . . . they are afraid or in need . . . they don't know any better. It is up to us who do know to show them the way, and the first step is taken in reaching out to others, and in reaching out with love, one small step at a time.

"Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees. Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be stong, fear not: behold , your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompense; He will come and save you." ~Isaiah 35:3-4

Love everyone you can, with all that you can, whenever you can . . . and mean it. It will change lives . . . it will change your life. Pray for your enemies . . . it is awfully hard not to love someone you are praying for. Even if that is the only thing you can manage to do . . . it is life transforming. I guarantee . . .

I'm up extra early this morning as I have a big day ahead of me. Right now it is overcast and a bit gloomy looking but here's hoping it brightens up! For those of you who asked 225g of strawberries is a little over half a pound and 300ml of milk is slightly more than a cup. I have a lovely recipe to share with you this morning. It is an oven baked Spinach Risotto that is gorgeous! I adapted this recipe from a little book I have called "101 Veggie Dishes" put out by Good Food Magazine. Todd and I had this for dinner the other night and here I am several days later still thinking about it!

*Baked Spinach Risotto*
Serves 2

I love risotto and don't really mind standing over a hot stove to make it. So much the better though when you can let your oven do all the work for you! This is delicious!

1 ounce butter
1 fat clove of garlic, peeled and crushed
1 small red onion, peeled and finely chopped
4 ounces of arborio rice
1 TBS chopped fresh rosemary
1/2 pint hot vegetable stock
1 cup of white wine (if you don't want to use this, then just use an equal amount of vegetable stock)
1 (290g) jar of antipasto mixed peppers in tomato dressing (Sacla makes a great one)
2 ounces of spinach leaves, washed and dried well
1 ounce of Parmesan Cheese, grated
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

Pre-heat your oven to 180*C/350*F. Take a 1 litre casserole dish and put the butter and the garlic into it. Place it into the heated oven for a few minutes until the butter has melted and you can smell the garlic. Remove from the oven and toss in the onion. Give it a stir and then return it to the oven and let cook for another 5 minutes or so, until the onion has begun to soften.

Remove the casserole dish from the oven again and add the rice and rosemary. Stir to coat the rice with the butter. Stir in the stock and wine (if using). Return it to the oven and bake for a further 30 minutes, stirring it once or twice during that time.

Remove the casserole dish yet again and stir in the jar of peppers and the spinach. Return to the oven one final time and bake for another 10 to fifteen minutes, until almost all the liquid has been absorbed. Remove from the oven and stir in the Parmesan cheese. Season to taste with some salt and pepper. I find I usually don't need any salt. Serve with a fresh green salad and enjoy!


  1. Marie - I could eat that right now for my breakfast! It looks so good.

  2. I agree with all you have said about love. Both my favorite scripture and song is "As I have loved you, love one another" I hope that I practice that in my life and others feel the love I have for them. I certainly feel it radiating from you.

    Thanks for answering my qt. about the measurements.

    Have a nice Sat. I am a little sad because it is my sweet Lynell's birthday and I can't be with her. As you well know, it is hard to be away from those we love.

  3. Once again, looks wonderful! I'll add it to my list. Good luck with your busy day!

  4. In love with love! Love is indeed a many-faceted thing. Beautiful post, Marie. That rissotto looks great!! Praying for you today!

  5. In love with love! Love is indeed a many-faceted thing. Beautiful post, Marie. That rissotto looks great!! Praying for you today!

  6. I have always loved that quote from GBH, too. Very inspiring post for a Saturday.

  7. Hi Marie, My heart is sad today, I have a friend that I really couldn´t help!!! Is so difficult help some friend don't believe in God, because is how you were of differents world, you know here most of us speak the same lenguaje (Th God lenguaje) and we understand that what we are speak but with a agnostic person is so hard really so hard, I try to help him because is so sad with many problems and he worry me but I feel exausted because all I can say is nothing to him.
    Is difficult love Marie because when sometimes you love some persons they dont want our love. What`s happens with this love Marie??? I dont know?? Only I can pray and wait.
    I like so your thoughts about love and like soo this Pablo' words.Many thanks xxGloria

    Kisses to Grammy, Im sure your Lynell feel you love dear. Hugs

  8. Thanks for another great post. It's amazing how greedy all human beings are for love. It's seems to be the driving force of life.
    Thanks for the risotto recipe. I'm glad to have one I can make in the oven.

  9. It is amazing what love can do to soften another person.

    Often that love can be shown to a stranger through a smile. We (such a generalization I know) are always in such a hurry we don't even take the time to smile at others. When I'm having a hard day and someone I don't even know flashes me a friendly smile it changes my mood instantly. It's amazing!

    Guess what?? Our campout was cancelled... BOOO! We could only reserve the camp sites the day of and we were so disappointed to find that when we got there at 6am they were already taken. Needless to say, I made phone calls ALL day to pass on the news. Thanks for the recipes, I will tuck them away for future use!

  10. Love all the love in this post, Marie...lovely photos too! This risotto is making me hungry! Sorry so short here today--LOL!--tons to do before we're on holiday next week! But had to stop by today. Hope all is going well this weekend, I know it's a super busy one for you. Hope we can catch up before we make our way over to you! Happy weekend, sweet friend! Love you heaps! ((BIG HUGS))

  11. Your so right Marie, if we don't have love (for ourselves and each other) then we are empty shells at best.
    God is love and it's that unique quality he has passed on to us his children.
    Great post Marie, and that risotto recipe is another I will have to save for future use.
    God bless and keep you my friend.

  12. Grammy - That is my favourite scripture / hymn too...Love one another as I have love you. Its amazing how many times I am asked to include that in a service booklet...its everyones fav.

    Marie - you didn't mention the love between me and one of your cakes....that's pretty special too! ;-)
    I have risotto on the menu at work this week, I will do this one with child friendly vegetables (don't think they'll like spinach) and let you know what they thought. Tough critics I know...but you can handle it!! lol

  13. This looks incredible! I am going to be printing this out as I want to try to move into a more vegetarian diet for my family.

    I hope that you are resting after the big day! Oh, how I love special days like that...I hope that you were able to enjoy the day since you weren't in charge of cooking for the day! :)


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