
Tuesday 10 June 2008

C'est si Bon!

I was thrilled and excited beyond belief when my turn came around to host Tuesdays With Dorie. Yes folks, it's that time of the week again . . . . Tuesday. Tuesday, the one day of the week that I get to play with a bazillion other bakers around the world and bake the same delicious recipe from that fabulous baking book by Dorie Greenspan, Baking, from my home to yours. Only this week it's even better because I GOT to pick the recipe!!!

Oh, what an awesome responsibility that is. I mean . . . so many bakers counting on me to pick something that is not only delicious but something that they, themselves would want to bake. I hmmmed and hawwwed over so many and waffled back and forth and back and forth. It took me days to decide. Should it be the Tender Shortcakes on page 423, or the Chocolate Armagnac Cake on page 279 (That's the cake that got her fired!) So many recipes, so much responsibility, what to do . . . what to do . . .

I decided at the end to go with something that was quite seasonal and something that people could adjust to whatever their own tastes where and whatever season it might be according to where they lived . . . La Palette's Strawberry Tart on page 374.

Mmmmm . . . . delectably crisp sweet pastry, topped with yummy preserves, ripe and luscious sweet berries, and the piece de resistance . . . a crown of tangy and creamy creme la fraiche! Once I'd made my mind up I could hardly wait to get stuck in.

Now, I've made Dorie's sweet pastry before and I have to say it's one of the easiest versions of a sweet pastry I have ever made. Based on a basic French recipe for pate Sablee, it's buttery, tender and sandy just like a lovely shortbread cookie and best of all, the food processor does all the fancy footwork! You don't even have to roll it out! You just lightly press it into your tart tin and voila!!! You have a lovely crust waiting to be baked, with the added bonus of it smelling extraordinarily moreish while it is baking!! It is all you can do to keep yourself from eating it right out of the oven . . . but you must wait. It's like that with a lot of things in life and thankfully I learned my lesson young . . . that the best things in life are worth waiting for, and this folks is no exception.

I baked the crust one day and we had it the next. Another good thing about this recipe is you don't need to fill and eat the whole thing at one time. Oh, you can of course if you are having company or have a large family to feed, but for just Todd and I, it's perfect as there are only two of us and this recipe allowed for me to make just two slices up fresh when we wanted to eat it and I still had the rest of the tart crust waiting for another day when we wanted to eat it again, without any filling making it soggy or anything. All's it took was a sharp serrated knife and I had two lovely slices of crust waiting on plates for me to dress them up.

This is strawberry season over here and the shops are now beginning to fill with lovely red and juicy British Strawberries. Now, I may be biased but I think British Strawberries are the best in the world. I am not sure if it's the soil, or the rain or what . . . but a British strawberry cannot be beat.

In honor of the French inspiration for this recipe I used Bon Maman strawberry preserves to spread on the crusts and I did so very generously. I sliced the smaller berries in half and quartered the larger ones and thought to myself that if I was a drinking woman a bit of vanilla schnapps would go good with these, but instead I made a vanilla syrup and tossed them with a bit of that, just enough to give them a hint of vanilla flavour without masking the sweet goodness of the actual berry. I sprinkled them over the jammy slices of crisp pastry and then ground a bit of black pepper over all. Then the creme fraiche got lovingly draped on top.

Mmmmmmm . . . .

Ahhhhhhhhhh . . . .

Bliss . . .

This easily has to be one of the easiest and tastiest tarts I have eaten in a long time, and trust me when I say I have eaten a lot of tarts! But, just don't take my word for it. Hop on over to the Dorie blogroll and see what everyone else had to say about it!!

I'd love to be able to give you the recipe for it, but then I'd have to kill you . . . besides we're not allowed to do that anymore, but truly, I highly recommend your buying the book for yourselves. It's worth every single penny and the bonus would be that you could join the baking group too! Go on . . . you know you want to! Baking, from my home to yours, by Dorie Greenspan. or if you are in the UK, you can go here. Trust me . . . worth every penny!

And just so you know how very versatile this recipe is, yesterday I decided to use up the last few pieces of crust and make another delicious version . . . this one had Bon Maman raspberry preserved spread on the bottom and was topped with a delicious combination of sliced ripe nectarines and fresh raspberries. Sprinkled with a bit of icing sugar and dolloped with creme fraiche, I truly did die and go to heaven . . . this had to be the best combination of all!

Next week's recipe will be Peppermint Creme Puff Ring on pages 290-292, as chosen by Caroline of A Consuming Passion. Now, THAT will be a real challenge for me! Last time I tried to make cream puffs, I was 14 and ended up with eggy blobs! Ohh, I can't wait!


  1. This was a fabulous choice! I LOVED it! Thank you!!

  2. wow--your tart is perfection and the berries are beautiful! all that agonizing was worth it--this was a great pick!!

  3. Fantastic! Looks delish Marie!

  4. Vanilla schnaaps sounds like a good idea to me. I must be a drinking woman. :)
    Great tart.

  5. Beautiful job! Your tart crust looks so perfect and the nectarine and raspberry version looks heavenly too! Awesome pick - thanks!

    Holly @ PheMOMenon

  6. I think it was a twist of fate you sent me that marvelous coobook. Last night Ben and I were watching a show on popovers and Yorkshire pudding. There might be more English dishes down here in the Texas kitchen soon!

    By the way, those tarts look amazing. It looks like something out of a fancy restaurant.

  7. Great choice! It's the best berry tart I have ever eaten. I agree with you on the British strawberries being the best, however, my Georgia one's are a close second. I can't wait to have a cream tea when I visit my friends in Wimborne this September.

  8. Great choice! Raspberries and nectarines sound fabulous.

  9. Hi Marie,

    What a great idea sharing your baking with other bakers around the world. Your strawberry tart looks absolutely delicious and you are quite right about British strawberries ~ how I miss them! I remember going strawberry picking and eating loads of them...

    I just dropped by from Pink Purl to say hello. I see that you are from Nova Scotia ~ I have been writing about our wonderful visits to that beautiful province on my blog.

    Marie x

  10. Such a perfect choice - what a way to greet summer. Your tart turned out beautifully.

  11. I wasnt daring enough to add pepper. I ahve to get used to that idea.

    Yours looks so perfect.

  12. I'm envious--your strawberries look so much better than mine. Nice choice this week!

  13. that tart crust looks fabulous...i love it. great choice this week, it's a perfect summer dessert.

  14. OOH-I loved the nectarines with peaches! Great pick for this week. Your crust looks just perfect!

  15. C'est perfect! Absolutely lovely, Marie! Love the touch of black pepper and the fact that you can make the crust and eat it a slice at a time!

  16. Thanks for the lovely selection. It's pure summer! Wonderful post.

  17. Marie, those tarts look absolutely amazing. If it weren't 80 degrees with an expected high of 96, I'd run to the local strawberry fields and heat up the oven. One of the things that excites me the most about our move to Leeds is the thought of being able to bake almost all year long!

    So, should I purchase TWD while still in the States or wait to get it in the UK? Or should I just continue to drool over the photos that you & Cafe Johnsonia post -- I've got a dairy allergy & substitute everything (except butter - I'm ok with that, strangely) with soy.

    Is English flour similar to American unbleached white flour? That's what I use most of the time, but I have noticed that cookies bake differently than with the hyperprocessed stuff.

  18. Terrific choice, Marie...and what a pretty, tasty result...Excuse me while I drool...;o) Happy Day, sweet friend ((BIG HUGS))

  19. Your pictures are beautiful and your selection was perfect for the season, I enjoyed it very much.

  20. Great pick! Yours looks awesome!

  21. Great that will be used over and over here. Thanks!

    Your photos are beautiful and the tarts look gorgeous...thanks for the added bonus of the extra tart with photos...great idea.

  22. This a so delicious recipe Marie, really look wonderful, I love strawberries, only I was think in my lovely friend of Chile Isabel that participate in this if she find strawberries (we are in winter). Look so yummy I like the pictures too. xGloria
    Have a lovely day!

  23. Marie--this was my favorite choice out of all the TWD recipes I've made so far! Your agonizing resulted in perfection. Who would have thought this would be a favorite for me--it was so simple! Just wish I had some of those British berries... And your photos, as always, are lovely!

  24. Loved the choice! Your peach tart looks amazing!

  25. Thank you for such an inspired choice. We loved it. I used Bon Maman preserves also.Yum Yum Yum

  26. Thanks for picking this recipe, a great recipe to buy one of the first local strawberries

    Ulrike from Küchenlatein

  27. Great pick this week! I can't wait to try your combos - so sweet!!!

  28. loved this! perfect choice, strawberries are in season and delicious right now!

  29. I'm so sad I didn't get to make this! But I'll be back to TWD in August! Great choice!

  30. Awesome choice Marie! Thanks for hosting.
    Clara @ I♥food4thought

  31. Your tart looks wonderful! You made a great choice this week. We loved the tart and the chance to eat some really good strawberries!

  32. Great choice and the tart is really yummy!

    Your tart shell looks perfect! great job!

  33. Thanks for choosing such an adaptable, simple, delicious recipe. Yours looks amazing!

  34. brilliant choice, thanks :) yours looks so delicious!

  35. I loved this recipe!! Your tart shells are PERFECT!!!! I'm jealous!! :-)

  36. You're tarts look great! Great choice!

  37. wow-i could never make something that pretty!!

  38. Thank you for choosing such a fun and versatile recipe. I know this will be a regular repeat for me during the summer months, stuffed with whatever fresh fruit is in abundance at the moment.

  39. I loved your choice for this weeks recipe. It is perfect for this hot weather we are having. I love it!

  40. Marie this was SUCH a good choice! Your tarts look amazing. Thanks for a great recipe!

  41. Wonderful pick for this week. I am really enjoying it!

  42. I loved this weeks choice! Strawberries are one of my favorites so it was a treat to make it! Thanks for the great pick! Your tarts look amazing!

  43. Awesome choice Marie - thanks for choosing this one! And your timing (for me at least) was perfect - right at the beginning of strawberry season. And your tart photos are fabulous!! Great job!

  44. thanks marie for the great choice! enjoyed doing the last challenge before i leave for aussie for the next month!-- your tart looks swell by the way!

  45. Oh my goodness, your tart shell looks perfect! Lovely tarts too.

    Thanks for choosing this!

  46. Lovely, lovely selection this week, and you executed the tart perfectly! After viewing your pictures and reading your experience with the tart, I'm sorry that I skipped out this week. Great job!

  47. Your post made me smile right from the start. Your enthusiasm makes me want to hop on into the kitchen.

    My family thanks you.

  48. absolutely beautiful! you're crust is perfect. great choice this week, i was really happy you picked this one. :)

  49. Thanks for making such a perfect selection this week. That nectarine and raspberry version looks to die for!

  50. Hi, it's my first visit through Piggy's Cooking Journal. Your blog is another fine discovery! A little disappointed that the recipe cannot be shared, I'll find my way to the book somehow.

    Keep up the good work!

  51. You definitely made good with this weeks choice. You made a lot of in-season-produce lovers happy. And yours looks great. Your scalloped crust is just freaking perfect.

  52. Nice looking strawberry tarts!

  53. What can I say Marie.....Yum, Yum, Yum.

  54. Thanks, for the great pick Marie. I have to agree about British strawberries - I have fond memories of eating delicious strawberries with thick cream when I was in England.

  55. Tossing them in a vanilla syrup sounds delicious. This was a great pick - easy and delicious. Thanks!
    Shari@Whisk: a food blog

  56. Your tart came out so amazingly photogenic. I'm jealous! Thanks for choosing a great recipe!

  57. your tart dough came out so perfectly! beautiful pictures...i esp like the raspberry/nectarine combo! :)

    thanks for choosing a great recipe! i esp liked the black pepper :)

  58. Your tart is absolutely beautiful! I especially love the berry/nectarine combo. Well done!

    Thanks for choosing such a delightful and versatile recipe for us this week!

  59. Bravo!!! Loved this recipe! You did yourself proud!

  60. looks great!. i loved it. thanks for picking this recipe.

  61. I've never had a British strawberry but a freshly picked Indiana strawberry is sinfully delicious. :)


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