
Monday 30 June 2008

Best Shot Monday

Melody from Slurping Life is hosting Best Shot Monday for a couple of weeks, so I thought I would particpate since I am one of Melody's bestest fans! I'm not so sure this is the greatest picture ever, but it sure speaks to me. To me is screams . . . "There but for the Grace of God go I." What does it say to you? (I saw this snail in our garden and I was trying to get a good picture of him and this one was a complete surprise! Oh the pains an artist goes through for their art . . . )


  1. Welcome to BSM! What a nice perspective on this shot!

  2. It's beautiful! We have snails in our garden too...never occured to me to take a picture! I love it!

  3. Lovely photo Marie - if snails is your thing! It has got a pretty shell though. What does it say to me? "Thanks for not photographing a butterfly"!!!
    love, Angie, xx

  4. Hi Marie, and welcome to BSM! I think snails are cool...nice capture!

  5. Beauty shot Marie!! is so cute!xxxGloria

  6. You are too cute, Marie. Like vered said, when I see snails in my garden, I do not think of running a getting my camara, even though I do think their shells are pretty. Come visit me and I will have lots of snails you are welcome to photograph all you want.

    Cute picture.... cute photographer!

  7. Fun shot! Welcome to Best Shot Monday.

  8. Great capture. And welcome to BSM - it's fabulous!

  9. I like that you said something about it not being your best shot ever, but it's interesting. It really is. There's so much going on with colors and textures, and I so dig that snail. We didn't have big snails like that growing up (very South Texas), and they just intrigue me.
    Great shot!

  10. It's a great picture! I love the colors and the texture, and even the itty bit of fuzz.

  11. I think the snail is saying...."Excuse me, may I have a tasty leaf or two? Maybe even three?" (wiggles his eyes at you)

  12. Oooo, we love snails around here, too:)

  13. Marie, I am tickled that you joined BSM. And LOL imagining you on the ground in all sorts of positions trying to get shots of the snail. :)

    I love it. Actually, its shell is beautiful.

  14. My kids LLLOOOOVVVVVEEE snails. We usually have them around the house... well cared for and alive... in jars - all around the house.


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